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Extended Saint Biographies A-Z

Saints with newly extended biographies.

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Saint Saint
St. Aaron
St. Abadios
St. Abadir
St. Abadiu
St. Abaidas
St. Abakuh
St. Abanoub
St. Abban
6th century
St. Abban
7th century
St. Abbo
11th century
St. Abdas of Susa
11th century
St. Abdas
5th century
St. Abdon
3rd century
St. Abibus
4th century
St. Abigail
6th century
St. Abilius
1st century
St. Abra
4th century
St. Abraham of Rostov
11th century
St. Abran
6th century
St. Absadah
6th century
St. Absadi
6th century
St. Abudimus
4th Century
St. Abundius
5th century
St. Abundius
6th century
St. Acacius
6th century
St. Acacius
5th century
St. Acca
8th century
St. Acepsimas
4th century
St. Achillas
4th century
St. Acisclus
4th Century
St. Acyndinus
4th century
St. Ada
7th Century
St. Adalgott
12th century
St. Adalsindis
7th century
St. Adam
13th century
St. Adamnan
8th century
St. Addal
2nd century
St. Adela
8th century
St. Adelaide
10th century
St. Adelelmus
12th century
St. Adelina
12th century
St. Adeodatus
7th century
St. Adeodatus II
7th century
St. Adheritus
2nd Century
St. Adjutor
12th century
Bl. Adolph Kolping
19th century
St. Ado of Vienne
9th century
St. Adrian
4th century
Adrian II
9th century
St. Adrian III
9th century
Adrian IV
12th century
Adrian V
13th century
Bl. Adrian Fortescue
16th century
St. Adrian III
9th century
St. Adulf
7th century
St. Adventor
3rd century
St. Aedesius
4th century
St. Aedesius
4th century
St. Aedh MacBricc
6th century
St. Aengus
9th century
St. Afan
6th Century
St. Afra
4th century
St. Africus
7th Century
St. Agabus
1st Century
St. Agape
4th century
St. Agapius
4th century
St. Agatha
3rd century
St. Agatha Kim
3rd century
St. Agatha Lin
19th century
St. Agathangelus
4th century
St. Agatho
7th century
St. Agathoclia
7th century
St. Agilbert
7th century
Bl. Agnello of Pisa
7th century
St. Agnellus of Pisa
13th century
St. Agnes
4th century
St. Agnes of Assisi
13th century
St. Agnes of Bohemia
13th century
St. Agnes of Assisi
13th century
St. Agnes of Bohemia
13th century
St. Agnes of Rome
4th century
St. Agobard
9th century
St. Agofredus
8th century
St. Agrippina
3rd century
St. AIban of Mainz
5th century
St. Aibert
12th century
St. Aidan
7th century
St. Aidan of Ferns
7th century
St. Ailbhe
6th century
St. Aileran
7th century
St. Aimo
12th century
Bl. Alan de la Roche
15th century
St. Alban
17th century
St. Alban of Britain
17th century
St. Albert the Great
13th century
Bl. Alberto Marvelli
20th century
St. Albert of Genoa
13th century
St. Albert of Louvain
12th century
St. Albert of Trapani
14th century
St. Albinus
6th century
St. Alburga
9th century
St. Aldate
6th century
St. Aldebrandus
13th century
St. Aldegunais
7th century
St. Aldhelm
8th century
St. Aleaunie
12th century
St. Alena
7th century
St. Alexander I
2nd century
St. Alexander
2nd century
St. Alexander
2nd century
Alexander II
11th century
Alexander III
12th century
Alexander IV
13th century
St. Alexander Briant
16th century
St. Alexander
3rd Century
St. Alexander Nevski
13th century
St. Alexander Sauli
16th century
St. Alexander
St. Alexis
20th century
St. Alexis Falconieri
14th century
St. Alex U Seyong
19th century
St. Alfanus
11th century
St. Alfwold
11th century
St. Alice
13th century
St. Alkeld
10th Century
St. Allucio
12th century
St. Almachius
5th century
St. Almedha
6th Century
St. Almus
13th century
St. Alnoth
8th century
St. Alodia
9th century
St. Alonso Rodriguez
17th century
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
16th century
St. Alphaeus
1st Century
St. Alphege
10th century
St. Alphege
11th century
St. Alphius
3rd century
St. Alphonsa
20th century
St. Altfrid
9th century
St. Altinus
1st or 4th century
Bl. Alvarez of Corova
15th century
St. Amabilis
5th century
St. Amadour
5th century
St. Amalberga
7th century
St. Amand
7th century
St. Amator
5th century
St. Amatus
7th century
St. Ambrose
4th century
St. Amelberga
10th century
St. Ampelus
4th century
St. Amphianus
4th century
St. Ampliatus
1st century
St. Anacletus
1st century
St. Anacletus II
1st century
St. Anastasia
Third Century
St. Anastasia III
4th century
St. Anastasius I
5th century
Anastasius II
5th century
Anastasius III
10th century
Anastasius IV
12th century
St. Anatolia
3rd century
St. Andeolus
3rd century
St. Andre Bessette
20th century
St. Andrew the Apostle
Mid-to late 1st Century
Bl. Andrew of Strumi
11th century
St. Andrew
3rd century
St. Andrew Avellino
17th century
St. Andrew Bobola
17th century
St. Andrew Corsini
14th century
St. Andrew Dung Lac
14th century
St. Andrew Dung Lac
19th century
St. Andrew of Crete
19th century
Bl. Andrew of Phu Yen
17th century
St. Andrew of Trier
3rd century
St. Andrew the Scot
9th century
St. Andrew Tien-K'Ing
20th century
St. Angela Merici
16th century
St. Angela of Foligno
14th century
Bl. Angela Salawa
20th century
St. Angelelmus
9th century
Fra Angelico
15th century
St. Angelo
13th century
St. Angilbert
9th century
St. Angilbert
9th century
St. Angus MacNisse
9th century
St. Anianus
1st century
St. Anianus
5th century
Bl. Anicet Hryciuk
19th century
St. Anicetus
19th century
St. Anna Kim
20th century
St. Anna Pak A-gi
19th century
St. Anna Wang
20th century
Sts. Joachim and Anne
20th century
Bl. Anne Jahouvey
19th century
St. Anne Line
17th century
St. Annemund
7th century
St. Anno
11th century
St. Ansanus
4th century
St. Ansbert
7th century
St. Ansegisus
9th century
St. Anselm
12th century
St. Anselm of Lucca
11th century
St. Anselm of Lucca
11th century
St. Ansfrid
11th century
St. Ansgar
9th century
St. Anskar
9th century
St. Ansovinus
9th century
St. Anstrudis
7th century
St. Ansurius
10th century
St. Anterus
3rd century
St. Anthelm
12th century
St. Anthimus
4th century
St. Anthony the Abbot
18th century
St. Anthony Daniel
17th century
St. Anthony Daveluy
17th century
St. Anthony Kauleas
10th century
St. Anthony Kim Son-u
10th century
Bl. Anthony Middleton
16th century
St. Anthony Nam-Quynh
19th century
Bl. Anthony Neyrot
15th century
St. Anthony of Padua
13th century
St. Anthony Pechersky
11th century
St. Antipas
1st century
Bl. Antonia Mesina
20th century
St. Antoninus
2nd century
St. Antoninus
4th century
Fr. Antonio Vieira
17th century
St. Anysia
4th century
St. Aphraates
4th century
St. Aphrodisius
1st century
St. Apollinaris
1st century
St. Apollonia
3rd century
The Apostles
2nd century
Apostles of Rome
2nd century
St. Apronia
5th or 6th century
St. Aprus
6th century
St. Aquilina
3rd century
St. Aquilinus
3rd century
St. Arbogast
7th century
St. Arcadius
4th century
St. Arcadius
6th century
St. Arcangelo Tadini
20th century
St. Ariadne
2nd century
St. Arigius
7th century
St. Aristides
2nd century
St. Armentarius
5th century
St. Arnold Jansen
20th century
St. Arsenius
10th century
St. Artaldus
13th century
St. Artemas
1st century
St. Artemius
1st century
St. Arthelais
6th century
St. Arwald
7th century
St. Asaph
7th century
St. Ascelina
12th century
St. Asicus
5th century
St. Aspasius
6th century
St. Aspren
1st century
St. Astius
2nd century
St. Athanasius
4th century
St. Athelm
10th century
St. Athenogenes
4th century
St. Attalas
7th century
St. Attilanus
11th century
St. Attracta
6th century
St. Augustine Moi
19th century
St. Augustine of Huy
19th century
St. Augustine Tchao
19th century
St. Augustine Webster
16th century
St. Aurea
11th century
St. Aurea
3rd century
St. Aurelian of Limoges
1st or 3rd century
St. Aurelius
5th century
St. Auspicius
2nd century
St. Austreberta
8th century
St. Austregisilus
7th century
St. Austremonius
4th century
St. Ava
5th century
St. Avitus
6th century
St. Babylas
3rd century
St. Baglan
6th century
St. Balbina
2nd century
St. Balderic
7th century
St. Baldred
8th century
St. Baradates
5th century
St. Barbara
Late-third Century
St. Barbara Cho Chung-i
Late-third Century
St. Barbara Ch'oe Yong-i
Late-third Century
St. Barbara Han Agi
Late-third Century
St. Barbara Kim
Late-third Century
St. Barbara Ko Suni
Late-third Century
St. Barbara Kwon Hui
Late-third Century
St. Barhadbesciabas
4th century
St. Barnabas
1st century
St. Barsanuphius
6th century
St. Bartholomew
19th century
St. Basil the Great
4th century
St. Basilides
3rd century
St. Basilissa
4th century
St. Basil of Ancyra
4th century
St. Basolus
7th century
St. Bassian
5th century
St. Bathildis
7th century
St. Baudolino
8th century
St. Bavo
7th century
St. Beatrix da Silva
15th century
Venerable Bede
8th century
St. Bega
7th century
St. Begga
7th century
St. Belina
12th century
St. Bellinus
12th century
St. Benedict
6th century
Benedict I
6th century
Benedict X
6th century
Bl. Benedict X
14th century
Benedict XII
14th century
St. Benedict II
7th century
Benedict III
9th century
Benedict IV
10th century
Benedict V
10th century
Benedict VI
10th century
Benedict VII
10th century
Benedict VIII
11th century
Benedict IX
11th century
St. Benedict Biscop
7th century
St. Benedict the Moor
16th century
St. Benezet
12th century
St. Benignus
5th century
St. Benilde
19th century
St. Benilde Romancon
19th century
St. Benjamin
5th century
St. Benno
12th century
St. Berach
6th century
St. Bercharius
7th century
Bl. Berka Zdislava
13th century
St. Berlinda
8th century
St. Bernadette
19th century
St. Bernard Due
19th century
St. Bernard of Calvo
13th century
St. Berno of Cluny
10th century
St. Bertha of Kent
7th century
St. Bertharius
9th century
St. Berthoald
7th century
St. Berthold
12th century
St. Bertin
20th century
St. Bertinus
8th century
St. Beuno
7th century
St. Bibiana
7th century
St. Birillus
1st century
St. Birinus
7th century
Bl. Vincent Bossilkov
20th century
St. Blaesilla
4th century
St. Blaise
4th century
St. Blandina
2nd century
St. Blane
6th century
St. Bobo
10th century
St. Bodo
7th century
St. Bogumilus
12th century
Bl. Bogumilus
12th century
St. Bonaventure
13th century
St. Bonfilius
12th century
St. Boniface I
5th century
Boniface II
6th century
Boniface III
7th century
St. Boniface IV
7th century
Boniface V
7th century
Boniface VI
9th century
Boniface VII
10th century
Boniface VIII
14th century
Boniface IX
15th century
St. Bonitus
8th century
St. Bononius
11th century
St. Bosa of York
8th century
St. Botulph
7th century
St. Brannock
St. Branwallader
6th century
St. Braulio
7th century
St. Bregwin
8th century
St. Brendan
6th century
St. Brendan of Birr
6th century
St. Bretannion
4th century
St. Brice
5th century
St. Brocard
13th century
St. Bronach
St. Bruno
St. Bruno of Segni
12th century
St. Brychan
St. Brynach
6th century
St. Budoc
6th century
St. Burchard
8th century
St. Buriana
6th century
St. Cadfan
6th century
St. Cadoc
6th century
St. Cadroe of Metz
10th century
St. Cadwallader
7th century
St. Cagnoald
7th century
St. Caian
5th century
St. Caillin
7th century
St. Cajetan
16th century
St. Cajetan
16th century
St. Calepodius
3rd century
St. Calimerius
3rd century
St. Calixtus
3rd century
St. Callinicus
3rd century
St. Calliope
3rd century
St. Callistus I
3rd century
Callistus II
12th century
St. Calminius
7th century
St. Calocerus
2nd century
St. Canice
1st century
St. Canice
7th century
St. Cannera
6th century
St. Canute IV
11th century
St. Canute Lavard
12th century
St. Caradoc
12th century
St. Carantac
6th Century
Bl. Carlo Acutis
21th century
St. Carmen
18th century
St. Carpophorus
3rd century
St. Carpus
1st century
St. Casilda of Toledo
11th century
St. Casimir
15th century
St. Casimir of Poland
15th century
St. Caspar del Bufalo
19th century
St. Castor of Apt
5th century
St. Castorius
5th century
St. Castritian
3rd century
St. Castulus
3rd century
St. Catald
5th century
St. Cataldus
5th century
St. Cathan
6th or 7th century
Bl. Catherine Jarrige
19th century
St. Catherine Laboure
19th century
St. Cecilia
3rd century
St. Cedd
7th century
St. Ceitho
6th century
St. Celestine
6th century
St. Celestine I
6th century
Pope Celestine II
12th century
Celestine III
12th century
Celestine IV
13th century
St. Cellach
12th century
St. Ceolfrid
8th century
St. Cera
7th century
St. Ceraunus
7th century
St. Cerbonius
6th century
St. Cerneuf
6th century
Bl. Ceslaus
13th century
St. Cewydd
6th century
St. Chad of Mercia
7th century
St. Charbel
19th century
St. Charbel
19th century
St. Charitina
4th century
St. Charity
4th century
St. Charles Borromeo
16th century
St. Charles Garnier
17th century
Bl. Charles the Good
12th century
St. Charles of Sezze
17th century
St. Chelidonia
12th century
St. Christina
3rd Century
St. Christopher
3rd century
St. Chromatius
5th century
St. Chrysanthus
3rd century
St. Chrysogonus
3rd century
St. Chrysolius
4th century
St. Cian
6th century
St. Cianan
6th century
St. Clare of Assisi
13th century
St. Clateus
1st century
St. Claudine Thevenet
19th century
St. Clelia Barbieri
19th century
Clement II
11th century
Clement III
12th century
Clement IV
13th century
Clement V
14th century
Clement VI
14th century
St. Cleopatra
4th century
St. Cleopatra
4th century
St. Cletus
4th century
St. Clodoald
6th century
St. Clodulf of Metz
7th century
St. Clotilde
6th century
St. Cloud
6th century
St. Cogitosus
8th century
St. Cointha
3rd century
St. Colette
15th century
St. Colman of Elo
7th century
St. Columba
6th century
Bl. Columba Marmion
20th century
St. Columban
7th century
St. Columbanus
7th century
St. Columba of Sens
3rd century
St. Comgall
7th century
St. Comgall
7th century
St. Comgan
8th century
St. Concordius
2nd century
St. Condedus
2nd century
St. Conleth
6th century
St. Conleth
6th century
St. Conon of Naso
13th century
St. Conon of Naso
13th century
St. Conrad
10th century
St. Conrad of Parzham
19th century
St. Constabilis
12th century
St. Constantine
12th century
St. Contentius
6th century
St. Conus
13th century
St. Convoyon
9th century
St. Corbinian
8th century
St. Corebus
2nd century
St. Corentin
5th century
St. Cornelius
5th century
St. Credan
8th century
St. Crescens
2nd century
St. Crescentia
2nd century
St. Crescentian
2nd century
St. Crispina
4th century
St. Crispus & Gaius
1st century
St. Cristiolus
7th century
St. Cucuphas
4th century
St. Cummian Fada
7th century
St. Cunegundes
11th century
St. Cunera
St. Curcodomus
7th century
St. Curig
6th century
St. Cuthbert
7th century
St. Cuthbert Mayne
16th century
St. Cuthburga
16th century
St. Cybi
6th century
St. Cybi
6th century
St. Cynfran
5th century
St. Cynllo
5th century
St. Cyprian
3rd century
St. Cyriaca
3rd century
St. Cyrus
4th century
St. Cyrus and John
4th century
St. Dafrosa
St. Dagobert II
7th century
St. Dallan
6th century
St. Damasus
4th century
Damasus II
11th century
St. Damien of Molokai
19th century
Bl. Damien Yamiki
17th century
St. Daniel of Padua
2nd century
Bl. Daniel Brottier
20th century
St. Daniel Comboni
19th century
St. Daria
5th century
St. Darius
St. Dathus
2nd century
St. Dacius
6th century
St. David
6th century
St. David of Sweden
11th century
St. Declan
11th century
St. Decuman
8th century
St. Deicola
7th century
St. Deiniol
6th century
St. Demetria
4th century
St. Dentlin
7th century
St. Derferl-Gadarn
5th or 6th century
St. Desideratus
6th century
St. Pope Deusdedit
7th century
St. Devota
4th century
St. Dichu
5th century
St. Didacus
15th century
St. Digain
5th century
St. Digna & Emerita
3rd century
St. Dingad
5th century
St. Diomedes
4th century
St. Dionysius
3rd century
St. Pope Dionysius
3rd century
St. Disibod
8th century
St. Dismas
8th century
St. Diuma
7th century
St. Dogmael
6th century
St. Dominator
5th century
St. Dominic
13th century
St. Dominic del Val
13th century
St. Dominic Henares
19th century
St. Dominic Loricatus
11th century
St. Dominic of Silos
11th century
St. Dominic Savio
19th century
St. Dominic Trach
19th century
St. Dominic Tuoc
19th century
St. Dominic Uy
19th century
St. Domitian of Huy
6th century
St. Domitius
8th century
St. Domnina
4th century
St. Donan
7th century
St. Donat
St. Donatian
4th century
St. Donatus
4th century
7th century
St. Dorothy
7th century
St. Dorothy of Montau
14th century
Douai Martyrs
7th century
St. Drausinus
6th century
St. Drogo
12th century
St. Drostan
7th century
St. Dubricus
6th century
6th century
St. Dunstan
6th century
St. Dwynwen
6th century
St. Dymphna
7th century
St. Eadsin
11th century
St. Eata
7th century
St. Ebontius
12th century
St. Ebrulf
6th century
St. Ecclesius
6th century
St. Edistius
1st century
St. Edith Stein
20th century
St. Edith of Wilton
10th century
St. Edmund Campion
16th century
St. Edmund Campion
16th century
St. Edmund Arrowsmith
17th century
St. Edmund Campion
17th century
St. Edmund Genings
16th century
St. Edmund Rich
13th century
Bl. Edward Campion
16th century
Bl. Edward Fulthrop
16th century
Bl. Edward Jones
16th century
St. Edward the Martyr
20th century
Bl. Edward Oldcorne
17th century
Bl. Edward Powell
16th century
Bl. Edward Stransham
16th century
Bl. Edward Waterson
16th century
St. Edwold
9th century
St. Egbert
8th century
St. Egino
12th century
St. Eigil of Fulda
9th century
St. Elaeth
6th century
St. Elesbaan
6th century
St. Eleuchadius
2nd century
St. Eletherius
2nd century
St. Elia Facchini
20th century
St. Eligius
6th century
St. Elined
St. Elisabeth Tsinn
20th century
St. Elizabeth
20th century
St. Elizabeth Rose
12th century
St. Elwin
6th century
St. Elzear of Sabran
14th century
St. Emebert
8th century
St. Emerentiana
4th century
St. Emeric
11th century
St. Emiliana
9th century
St. Emily de Rodat
19th century
St. Emily de Vialar
19th century
St. Emma
11th century
St. Emmanuel Phung
19th century
St. Emmanuel Trieu
18th century
St. Emmeramus
7th century
St. Emygdius
4th century
St. Enda
4th century
St. Endellion
6th century
St. Engelbert
13th century
St. Engelmund
8th century
St. Ennodius
6th century
St. Enoder
6th century
St. Eoban
8th century
St. Epaphroditus
1st century
St. Ephrem
St. Ephysius
4th century
St. Epicharis
4th century
St. Epicharis
3rd century
St. Equitius
6th century
St. Erasmus
4th century
St. Erastus
1st century
St. Erentrude
8th century
St. Eric IX of Sweden
12th century
St. Eric IX of Sweden
12th century
St. Erminold
12th century
St. Erminold
12th century
St. Ernest
12th century
St. Erth
6th century
St. Ethelbert
7th century
St. Ethelwin
8th century
St. Ethernan
10th century
St. Eucharius
3rd century
St. Eugendus
6th century
St. Eugene
7th century
Eugene II
9th century
Eugene III
12th century
Eugene IV
15th century
St. Eugene de Mazenod
19th century
St. Eugenia
19th century
St. Euphemia
4th century
St. Euplius
4th century
St. Eurgain
6th century
St. Eurosia
8th century
St. Eusebia
3rd century
St. Eusebia
7th century
St. Eusebia
7th century
St. Eusebia
8th century
St. Eusignius
4th century
St. Eusignius
4th century
St. Eustace
2nd century
St. Eustace White
16th century
St. Eustachius
2nd century
St. Eustadiola
7th century
St. Eustorgius II
6th century
St. Euthalia
St. Euthymius
5th century
St. Eutychian
3rd century
St. Eutychius
St. Eval
6th century
Bl. Eva of Liege
6th century
St. Evaristus
2nd century
St. Evasius
4th century
St. Evellius
1st century
Bl. Everard Hanse
16th century
St. Everild
7th century
St. Evermod
12th century
St. Evodius
1st century
St. Ewald & Ewald
7th century
St. Expeditus
4th century
St. Exuperius
2nd century
St. Exuperius
5th century
St. Fabian
3rd century
St. Fachanan
3rd century
St. Facundus
4th century
St. Faith
4th century
St. Faith
3rd century
St. Fanchea
6th century
St. Fara
6th century
St. Faro
7th century
St. Fausta
3rd century
St. Faustina Kowalska
20th century
St. Faustinus
4th century
St. Faustus of Riez
5th century
St. Fazzio
13th century
St. Febronia
4th century
St. Fechin
7th century
St. Felicula
1st century
St. Felix I
3rd century
St. Felix III
5th century
St. Felix IV
5th century
St. Felix
3rd century
St. Felix & Regula
3rd century
St. Felix of Como
4th century
St. Felix of Nola
8th century
St. Felix of Pavia
6th century
St. Felix of Rhuys
11th century
St. Felix of Valois
13th century
St. Fergus
8th century
St. Fiacre
3rd century
St. Fidelis of Como
4th century
St. Filippo Smaldone
20th century
St. Fillan
20th century
St. Fina
20th century
St. Finbar
7th century
St. Fingar
5th century
St. Firmina
4th century
St. Flannan
1st century
St. Flavia
1st century
St. Flavian & Elias
6th century
St. Flavius Clemens
1st century
St. Florentina
7th century
St. Florentius
6th century
St. Florian
St. Florus & Laurus
2nd century
St. Forannan
10th century
9th century
St. Fortchern
6th century
St. Fortunatus
3rd century
St. Franca Visalta
13th century
St. Francesco Fogolla
20th century
St. Frances of Rome
15th century
St. Francis of Assisi
13th century
St. Francis Borgia
16th century
St. Francisco Marto
20th century
Bl. Francis de Laval
18th century
St. Francis de Sales
17th century
St. Francis Fasani
18th century
St. Francis Jaccard
19th century
St. Francis Jerome
18th century
St. Francis of Paola
18th century
Bl. Francis Serrano
18th century
St. Francis Solano
17th century
St. Francis Trung
19th century
St. Francis Xavier
16th century
St. Francois Gagelin
19th century
St. Frederick
9th century
Bl. Frederic Ozanam
19th century
St. Frediano
6th century
St. Frithestan
10th century
St. Fructus
8th century
St. Frumentius
4th century
St. Fulcran
11th century
St. Fulk of Pavia
13th century
St. Fulrad
8th century
St. Fursey
7th century
St. Gabinus
3rd century
St. Gabriel Lalement
17th century
St. Gaetano Catanoso
20th century
St. Gaetano Errico
19th century
St. Gaius
3rd century
St. Gaius Francis
16th century
Bl. Gaius of Korea
17th century
St. Gelasius I
5th century
St. Galation
3rd century
St. Galdinus
12th century
St. Gall
7th century
St. Galla
6th century
St. Gallgo
6th century
St. Gallicanus
6th century
St. Gamaliel
1st century
St. Gangulphus
8th century
St. Garbhan
7th century
St. Gaspar
19th century
St. Gaspar Bertoni
19th century
St. Gaucherius
12th century
St. Gelasius
10th century
St. Gelasius I
5th century
Gelasius II
12th century
St. Gemellus
4th century
St. Geminian
4th century
St. Genesius
4th century
St. Genevieve
6th century
St. George
4th century
Bl. George Gervase
17th century
Bl. George Haydock
16th century
Bl. George Matulaitis
20th century
St. George Napper
17th century
St. George Preca
20th century
St. Gerald
12th century
St. Gerard de Lunel
13th century
St. Gerard Majella
18th century
St. Gerard of Brogne
10th century
St. Gerard Sagredo
11th century
St. Gerbold
7th century
St. Gerebald
9th century
St. Gereon
4th century
St. Gerland
12th century
St. Germaine Cousin
17th century
St. Germana Cousin
17th century
St. Germerius
6th century
St. Gertrude
14th century
St. Gervase
7th century
St. Getulius
2nd century
Bl. Giacomo Alberione
20th century
St. Gibrian
6th century
St. Gildard
6th century
St. Giles, Abbot
8th century
St. Giles of Assisi
13th century
St. Giovanni Piamarta
20th century
St. Giulia Salzano
20th century
St. Giuseppe Marello
19th century
St. Gladys
6th century
St. Glastian
9th century
St. Glodesind
7th century
St. Gluvias
6th century
St. Glyceria
2nd century
St. Goban
6th or 7th century
St. Gobnata
6th century
St. Gobrain
8th century
St. Godebertha
8th century
St. Goeric of Metz
7th century
St. Gonsalo Garcia
16th century
St. Gonzaga Gonza
19th century
St. Goran
6th century
St. Gorgonia
4th century
St. Goswin
12th century
St. Gotteschalk
11th century
St. Govan
6th century
St. Gratus
5th century
St. Gredifael
7th century
St. Gregorio Grassi
20th century
Gregory XI
14th century
Gregory XII
15th century
St. Gregory II
8th century
Gregory IV
9th century
Gregory V
10th century
Gregory VI
11th century
St. Gregory VII
11th century
Gregory VIII
12th century
Gregory IX
13th century
St. Gregory Barbarigo
17th century
St. Gregory of Narek
11th century
St. Gregory Palamas
14th century
St. Grimbald
10th century
St. Grimoaldus
12th century
St. Grwst
7th century
St. Guasacht
4th century
St. Gudula
8th century
St. Gudwal
6th century
St. Guenhael
6th century
Bl. Guillermo Courtet
17th century
St. Gumesindus
9th century
St. Gummarus
8th century
St. Gundebert
7th century
Bl. Gundechar II
11th century
St. Gundenis
3rd century
St. Guthlac
8th century
St. Guy of Anderlecht
11th century
St. Guy of Pomposa
11th century
St. Gwen
5th century
St. Gwynllyw
6th century
St. Hadelin
7th century
St. Hallvard
11th century
St. Hardulph
St. Harold
12th century
St. Harvey
6th century
St. Hatebrand
12th century
St. Hedwig
13th century
St. Hedwig of Poland
14th century
St. Hegesippus
2nd century
St. Helena
4th century
St. Helen of Skovde
12th century
St. Helen of Skovde
12th century
St. Helier
6th century
St. Henry
11th century
St. Henry
12th century
St. Henry II
11th century
St. Henry of Cocket
12th century
St. Henry of Uppsala
12th century
Bl. Henry Suso
14th century
St. Henry of Uppsala
12th century
St. Henry Walpole
16th century
St. Herbert
St. Herbert Hoscam
12th century
St. Herculanils
2nd century
St. Hereswitha
7th century
St. Herman Joseph
13th century
St. Hermengild
6th century
St. Hermes
2nd century
St. Hermias
2nd century
St. Hermione
2nd century
St. Hermogius
10th century
St. Hermolaus
4th century
St. Herodion
2nd century
St. Herulph
8th century
St. Herve
6th century
St. Hiduiphus
8th century
St. Hilarion
4th century
St. Hilarius
5th century
St. Hilary, Pope
5th century
St. Hilary of Arles
5th century
St. Hilda
7th century
St. Hilda of Whitby
7th century
St. Hildegarde
12th century
St. Hildegrin
9th century
St. Hildegund
12th century
St. Himelin
8th century
St. Himelin
8th century
St. Hippolytus
3rd century
St. Homobonus
12th century
St. Honestus
3rd century
St. Honorina
4th century
Honorius II
12th century
Honorius III
13th century
Honorius IV
13th century
St. Hormisdas
6th century
St. Hormisdas Pope
6th century
Hubert Schiffer
20th century
St. Hubert
8th century
St. Hugh of Lincoln
13th century
Bl. Hugh Faringdon
16th century
Bl. Hugh Green
17th century
St. Hugh of Lincoln
17th century
St. Hugh of Grenoble
12th century
St. Hugh of Lincoln
13th century
St. Hugh of Noara
12th century
St. Hugh of Rouen
8th century
St. Hugh the Great
12th century
St. Hugh the Little
13th century
Bl. Humbert of Romans
13th century
St. Humilitas
14th century
St. Hunger
9th century
St. Hunna
7th century
St. Hyacinth
13th century
St. Hyginius
2nd century
St. Hyginus, Pope
2nd century
5th century
St. Ia of Cornwall
5th century
Bl. Nazju Falzon
19th century
Bl. Ignatius Jorjes
17th century
St. Ignatius Loyola
16th century
St. Ildephonsus
7th century
St. Illidius
4th century
St. Illtyd
7th Century
St. Illuminata
4th century
Bl. Imelda
4th century
St. Indract
8th century
St. Ine of Wessex
8th century
St. Inigo
11th century
Innocent II
12th century
Innocent III
13th century
Innocent IV
13th century
Innocent V
13th century
Innocent VI
14th century
Innocent VII
15th century
Innocent VIII
15th century
St. Innocent I
15th century
St. Irais
4th century
St. Irenaeus
3rd century
St. Irene
4th century
St. Irene of Tomar
7th century
17 Irish Martyrs
7th century
St. Irmina
8th century
St. Isaac the Great
8th century
St. Isidora
4th century
Bl. Isidore Bakanja
20th century
St. Ita
6th century
St. Ithamar
7th century
Bl. Ivan Merz
20th century
Bl. Ivan Ziatyk
20th century
St. Ivo of Kermartin
14th century
St. Jacinta Marto
20th century
St. Jacob Chastan
20th century
St. Jacques Berthieu
19th century
St. Jacques Fremin
17th century
Bl. Jacques Laval
19th century
Bl. Jaime Hilario
20th century
St. Jambert
8th century
Bl. James Duckett
17th century
St. James Ien-Ku-Tun
20th century
St. James Intercisus
20th century
St. James Kisai
16th century
St. James the Lesser
16th century
St. James of Manug
16th century
St. James Nam
19th century
St. James the Less
1st century
Bl. James Thompson
16th century
St. Jan Sarkander
17th century
St. Januarius
17th century
St. Jarlath
6th century
St. Jarlath
5th century
St. Jarlath
6th century
St. Jason
6th century
St. Jean de Brebeuf
17th century
St. Jeanne Delanoue
18th century
St. Jeanne Jugan
19th century
St. Jeremy
20th century
St. Jerome
5th century
St. Jerome Emiliani
16th century
St. Jerome Hermosilla
19th century
St. Jerome of Pavia
8th century
St. Jessica
8th century
St. Joachim Ho
17th century
St. Joachim Royo
18th century
St. Joan of Arc
15th century
St. Joan de Lestonnac
17th century
St. Joanna
17th century
St. Joan of Valois
16th century
St. John
4th century
Bl. John Duckett
17th century
Bl. John Hambley
16th century
St. John of Matera
12th century
St. John the Hermit
12th century
John I
6th century
John II
6th century
St. John of Pavia
9th century
John III
6th century
John IV
7th century
John V
7th century
John VI
8th century
John VII
8th century
9th century
John IX
10th century
Bl. John Alcober
18th century
St. John Almond
17th century
Bl. John Amias
16th century
St. John Baptist Con
19th century
Bl. John Beche
16th century
St. John Berchmans
17th century
Bl. John Bodey
16th century
St. John Bosco
19th century
St. John Boste
16th century
St. John Cantius
15th century
St. John Cassian
5th century
St. John Chrysostom
5th century
St. John Climacus
7th century
Bl. John Cornelius
16th century
St. John of the Cross
16th century
St. John Dat
18th century
BL. John Davy
16th century
St. John de Britto
17th century
St. John Macias
17th century
St. John de Ortega
12th century
St. John de Ribera
17th century
Bl. John Duckett
17th century
St. John of Dukla
15th century
Bl. John Duns Scotus
14th century
St. John the Dwarf
5th century
St. John Eudes
17th century
Bl. John Felton
16th century
Bl. John Fernandez
16th century
Bl. John Finch
16th century
St. John Fisher
16th century
Bl. John Forest
16th century
St. John of God
16th century
St. John Henry Newman
19th century
St. John Houghton
16th century
Bl. John Ingram
16th century
St. John Jones
16th century
St. John of Kanty
18th century
St. John Kemble
17th century
Bl. John Larke
16th century
St. John Leonardi
17th century
Bl. John Lockwood
17th century
Bl. John Nelson
16th century
St. John Nepomucene
14th century
St. John Neumann
19th century
St. John of Avila
16th century
St. John of Bergamo
7th century
St. John of Beverly
8th century
St. John of Cologne
16th century
St. John of Egypt
4th century
St. John of Gorze
10th century
St. John of Lodi
12th century
St. John of Meda
12th century
Bl. John of Parma
4th century
St. John of Pulsano
12th century
St. John of Ravenna
5th century
Bl. John of Rochester
16th century
St. John of Sahagun
15th century
St. John Ogilvie
17th century
St. John Ou-Wenn-Yinn
20th century
St. John Payne
16th century
Bl. John Pibush
17th century
St. John Plessington
17th century
St. John Rigby
17th century
St. John of Rila
10th century
St. John Roberts
17th century
Bl. John Shert
16th century
Bl. John Slade
16th century
St. John Soan de Goto
16th century
St. John Southworth
17th century
St. John Stone
16th century
Bl. John Storey
16th century
St. John Tchang
20th century
St. John Tchen
20th century
St. John the Dwarf
5th century
St. John the Iberian
11th century
St. John Theristus
12th century
St. John the Silent
6th century
St. John Van
20th century
St. John Vianney
20th century
St. John Wall
17th century
John X
10th century
John XI
10th century
John XII
10th century
10th century
John XIV
10th century
John XIX
11th century
John XV
10th century
11th century
11th century
John XXI
13th century
14th century
St. John XXIII
20th century
St. John Yi Kwong-hai
20th century
St. John Yi Munu
20th century
St. John Yi Yunil
20th century
Bl. Josaphat Chichov
20th century
St. Jose Thi Dang Le
19th century
St. Jose de Anchieta
16th century
St. Jose Maria Rubio
20th century
St. Joseph
1st century
St. Joseph Abibos
6th century
St. Joseph Cafasso
19th century
St. Joseph Chang
19th century
St. Joseph Cho Yunho
19th century
St. Joseph Cottolengo
19th century
Bl. Joseph Fernandez
19th century
Bl. Joseph Gerard
20th century
St. Josephine Bakhita
20th century
St. Josephine Bakhita
20th century
Bl. Josephine Leroux
18th century
St. Joseph Marchand
19th century
St. Joseph Marello
19th century
St. Joseph Moscati
20th century
St. Joseph Mukasa
19th century
St. Joseph Oriol
18th century
St. Joseph Pignatelli
19th century
St. Joseph Vaz
18th century
St. Joseph Yuen
19th century
St. Joshua
19th century
St. Jovita
2nd century
St. Pope John Paul II
21th century
St. Juan Diego
16th century
St. Judas Cyriacus
16th century
St. Jude Thaddaeus
16th century
St. Julia
16th century
St. Julian
20th century
St. Julian of Le Mans
20th century
St. Julian of Cuenca
13th century
St. Julia Billiart
19th century
St. Julia of Merida
4th century
St. Julie Billiart
18th century
St. Julius
18th century
St. Jung Hye
4th century
St. Junian
5th century
St. Junipero Serra
18th century
St. Jurmin
7th century
St. Justin
3rd century
St. Justin de Jacobis
19th century
St. Justin Martyr
2nd century
St. Justus of Lyons
4th century
St. Justus of Urgel
6th century
St. Jutta
13th century
Bl. Kamen Vitchev
20th century
Bl. Karl Leisner
20th century
Bl. Karolina Kozka
20th century
St. Kateri Tekakwitha
17th century
St. Katharine Drexel
20th century
St. Kea
6th century
St. Kenelm
9th century
St. Kenneth
9th century
St. Kentigerna
8th century
St. Kentigern Mungo
7th century
St. Kessag
6th century
St. Keverne
6th century
St. Kevin
6th century
St. Keyne
6th century
St. Kiara
7th century
St. Kieran
6th century
St. Kilian
7th century
St. Kinga of Poland
13th century
St. K'I-Tchou-Tzeu
20th century
St. Kizito
19th century
St. Korean Martyrs
19th century
St. Kundegunda
13th century
St. Landericus
7th century
St. Landrada
7th century
St. Lang-Yang-Cheu
20th century
St. Laszlo
20th century
St. Latinus
2nd century
St. Laura
9th century
St. Laura
9th century
Bl. Laura Vicuna
20th century
St. Lawrence O'Toole
12th century
Bl. Lawrence Humphrey
16th century
St. Lawrence Huong
19th century
St. Lawrence Imbert
19th century
St. Lawrence O'Toole
12th century
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
17th century
Bl. Lazaro of Kyoto
17th century
St. Lea
9th century
St. Lebuin
8th century
St. Leger
7th century
St. Leobinus
6th century
St. Leobinus
6th century
St. Leocadia
4th century
St. Leodegarius
7th century
St. Leo the Great
5th century
Leo II
7th century
9th century
Leo IV
9th century
Leo IX
11th century
St. Leonard
6th century
Bl. Leonid Feodorov
20th century
St. Leontius
St. Leo of Catania
8th century
St. Leo of Sens
6th century
St. Leopold
12th century
St. Leopold Mandic
20th century
Leo V
10th century
Leo VI
10th century
10th century
10th century
St. Leutfridus
8th century
St. Levan
6th century
St. Lezin
7th century
St. Liberata
6th century
4th century
St. Lidanus
12th century
St. Linus
1st century
St. Liudhard
7th century
St. Liutwin
8th century
St. Livinus
7th century
St. Llibio
6th century
St. Longinus
6th century
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
6th century
Bl. Lorenzo Salvi
19th century
St. Louis Bertrand
16th century
St. Louis de Montfort
18th century
St. Louis IX
13th century
St. Louis of Omura
17th century
St. Louis of Toulouse
13th century
Bl. Louis Sotelo
17th century
St. Lucerius
8th century
St. Luchesio
13th century
St. Lucius I
Lucius II
12th century
Lucius III
12th century
St. Lucy
1st century
St. Lucy & Geminian
4th century
St. Lucy Filippini
18th century
St. Lucy Wang-Tcheng
20th century
St. Ludan
13th century
St. Ludger
9th century
Bl. Luigi Quattrocchi
20th century
St. Luis Batiz Sainz
20th century
St. Luke
20th century
St. Luke Hwang Soktu
20th century
St. Luke Kirby
16th century
St. Luke the Younger
10th century
St. Lull
8th century
St. Lupercus
4th century
St. Lupicinus
5th century
St. Lupus
5th century
St. Lupus of Bayeux
5th century
St. Lupus of Lyons
6th century
St. Lupus of Sens
7th century
St. Lutgardis
13th century
St. Luthgard
13th century
St. Lydwine
15th century
St. Mabyn
6th century
St. Macaille
5th century
St. Machar
4th century
St. Machudd
4th century
St. Madelgisilus
7th century
St. Maelrhys
19th century
St. Magdalene Cho
17th century
St. Magdalene Kim Obi
17th century
St. Magnericus
6th century
St. Majoricus
5th century
Bl. Maksym Hawryluk
19th century
St. Malachy
12th century
St. Malo
12th century
St. Manaen
5th century
St. Manettus
5th century
St. Mansuetus
4th century
St. Maolruain
8th century
St. Marcella
5th century
St. Marcella
5th century
St. Marcellina
4th century
St. Marcellus
4th century
St. Marculf
4th century
St. Marko Krizin
17th century
St. Margaret Fontana
16th century
Bl. Margaret Pole
16th century
St. Maria Chaira
20th century
Bl. Maria Corsini
20th century
St. Maria Goretti
20th century
St. Mariana
17th century
St. Marianne Cope
20th century
Bl. Maria Restituta
20th century
St. Maria Soledad
19th century
St. Maria Won Kwi-im
19th century
St. Maria Yi Indog
19th century
St. Maria Yi Yonhui
19th century
Bl. Marie Rivier
19th century
St. Marie Amandine
20th century
St. Marie Croissy
18th century
St. Marie Dufour
18th century
St. Marie Hanisset
18th century
St. Marie Meunier
18th century
St. Marie Trezelle
18th century
St. Mark
St. Mark 2
4th century
Bl. Mark Barkworth
17th century
Bl. Mark of Aviano
17th century
St. Pope Mark
4th century
St. Maro
5th century
St. Martha
5th century
St. Martha Wang
5th century
St. Martial
5th century
St. Martina of Rome
3rd century
St. Martin de Porres
17th century
St. Martin I
7th century
Martin IV
13th century
St. Martin Luke Huin
13th century
St. Martin of Braga
6th century
St. Martin of Leon
13th century
St. Martin of Tours
4th century
Martyrs of China
4th century
Martyrs of Douai
4th century
Martyrs of Gorkum
4th century
Martyrs of Japan
4th century
Martyrs of Korea
4th century
St. Martyrs of Kosice
17th century
Martyrs of Raithu
19th century
Martyrs of Uganda
20th century
Martyrs of Vietnam
20th century
St. Maruthas
5th century
St. Mary Salome
1st century
St. Mary Clopas
1st century
St. Mary Di Rosa
19th century
St. Mary of Egypt
5th century
St. Mary Fan-K'Ounn
20th century
St. Mary Fou
20th century
St. Mary MacKillop
20th century
St. Mary Magdalene
17th century
Bl. Frances Siedliska
20th century
St. Mary Salome
1st century
St. Mary Tchao
20th century
St. Mary Tcheng-Su
20th century
St. Mary Ts'I-U
20th century
St. Mary Wang-Li-Cheu
20th century
St. Mary Yi Yon-hui
20th century
St. Massa Candida
3rd century
St. Mateo Correa
20th century
St. Materiana
6th century
St. Mathias Mulumba
19th century
St. Mathilda
10th century
St. Mathurin
4th century
St. Matilda
10th century
St. Matronian
10th century
St. Matthew
10th century
Bl. Matthew Flathers
17th century
St. Matthew Fun-Te
20th century
St. Matthew Phuong
19th century
St. Matthias
19th century
St. Matthias Murumba
19th century
St. Maughold
5th century
St. Maura
5th century
St. Maura & Britta
4th century
St. Maurice
4th century
St. Maurus
6th century
St. Mavilus
3rd century
St. Maxentius
6th century
St. Maxima of Rome
4th century
St. Maximilian
3rd century
St. Maximilian Kolbe
20th century
St. Maximus of Rome
3rd century
St. Maximus of Nola
3rd century
St. Maximus of Reiz
5th century
St. Mbaga Tuzinde
19th century
St. Mechtildis
12th century
St. Medard
6th century
St. Medericus
8th century
St. Megingaud
8th century
St. Meingold of Huy
10th century
St. Meinrad
10th century
St. Mel
10th century
St. Melangell
6th century
St. Melania
5th century
St. Melanius
6th century
St. Mellon
4th century
St. Memmius
4th century
St. Menodora
4th century
St. Menas
4th century
St. Mercurius
3rd century
St. Merewenna
St. Meriadoc
14th century
St. Merinus
7th century
St. Merinus
7th century
St. Mesrop
5th century
St. Messalina
3rd century
St. Methodius I
9th century
Bl. Dominik Trcka
20th century
St. Michael Garicoits
19th century
St. Michael My
19th century
Bl. Miguel Pro
19th century