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Extended Saint Biographies: C

Saints with newly extended biographies.

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Saint Saint
St. Cadfan
6th century
St. Cadoc
6th century
St. Cadroe of Metz
10th century
St. Cadwallader
7th century
St. Cagnoald
7th century
St. Caian
5th century
St. Caillin
7th century
St. Cajetan
16th century
St. Cajetan
16th century
St. Calepodius
3rd century
St. Calimerius
3rd century
St. Calixtus
3rd century
St. Callinicus
3rd century
St. Calliope
3rd century
St. Callistus I
3rd century
Callistus II
12th century
St. Calminius
7th century
St. Calocerus
2nd century
St. Canice
1st century
St. Canice
7th century
St. Cannera
6th century
St. Canute IV
11th century
St. Canute Lavard
12th century
St. Caradoc
12th century
St. Carantac
6th Century
Bl. Carlo Acutis
21th century
St. Carmen
18th century
St. Carpophorus
3rd century
St. Carpus
1st century
St. Casilda of Toledo
11th century
St. Casimir
15th century
St. Casimir of Poland
15th century
St. Caspar del Bufalo
19th century
St. Castor of Apt
5th century
St. Castorius
5th century
St. Castritian
3rd century
St. Castulus
3rd century
St. Catald
5th century
St. Cataldus
5th century
St. Cathan
6th or 7th century
Bl. Catherine Jarrige
19th century
St. Catherine Laboure
19th century
St. Cecilia
3rd century
St. Cedd
7th century
St. Ceitho
6th century
St. Celestine
6th century
St. Celestine I
6th century
Pope Celestine II
12th century
Celestine III
12th century
Celestine IV
13th century
St. Cellach
12th century
St. Ceolfrid
8th century
St. Cera
7th century
St. Ceraunus
7th century
St. Cerbonius
6th century
St. Cerneuf
6th century
Bl. Ceslaus
13th century
St. Cewydd
6th century
St. Chad of Mercia
7th century
St. Charbel
19th century
St. Charbel
19th century
St. Charitina
4th century
St. Charity
4th century
St. Charles Borromeo
16th century
St. Charles Garnier
17th century
Bl. Charles the Good
12th century
St. Charles of Sezze
17th century
St. Chelidonia
12th century
St. Christina
3rd Century
St. Christopher
3rd century
St. Chromatius
5th century
St. Chrysanthus
3rd century
St. Chrysogonus
3rd century
St. Chrysolius
4th century
St. Cian
6th century
St. Cianan
6th century
St. Clare of Assisi
13th century
St. Clateus
1st century
St. Claudine Thevenet
19th century
St. Clelia Barbieri
19th century
Clement II
11th century
Clement III
12th century
Clement IV
13th century
Clement V
14th century
Clement VI
14th century
St. Cleopatra
4th century
St. Cleopatra
4th century
St. Cletus
4th century
St. Clodoald
6th century
St. Clodulf of Metz
7th century
St. Clotilde
6th century
St. Cloud
6th century
St. Cogitosus
8th century
St. Cointha
3rd century
St. Colette
15th century
St. Colman of Elo
7th century
St. Columba
6th century
Bl. Columba Marmion
20th century
St. Columban
7th century
St. Columbanus
7th century
St. Columba of Sens
3rd century
St. Comgall
7th century
St. Comgall
7th century
St. Comgan
8th century
St. Concordius
2nd century
St. Condedus
2nd century
St. Conleth
6th century
St. Conleth
6th century
St. Conon of Naso
13th century
St. Conon of Naso
13th century
Bl. Conor O’Devany
17th century
St. Conrad
10th century
St. Conrad of Parzham
19th century
St. Constabilis
12th century
St. Constantine
12th century
St. Contentius
6th century
St. Conus
13th century
St. Convoyon
9th century
St. Corbinian
8th century
St. Corebus
2nd century
St. Corentin
5th century
St. Cornelius
5th century
St. Credan
8th century
St. Crescens
2nd century
St. Crescentia
2nd century
St. Crescentian
2nd century
St. Crispina
4th century
St. Crispus & Gaius
1st century
St. Cristiolus
7th century
St. Cucuphas
4th century
St. Cummian Fada
7th century
St. Cunegundes
11th century
St. Cunera
St. Curcodomus
7th century
St. Curig
6th century
St. Cuthbert
7th century
St. Cuthbert Mayne
16th century
St. Cuthburga
16th century
St. Cybi
6th century
St. Cybi
6th century
St. Cynfran
5th century
St. Cynllo
5th century
St. Cyprian
3rd century
St. Cyriaca
3rd century
St. Cyrus
4th century
St. Cyrus and John
4th century

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