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St. Agapitus


Feastday: September 20
Death: 536

Author and Publisher - Catholic Online
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Pope from 535-536 and apologist, the son of a priest named Gordianus slain during the reign of Pope Symmachus. He was elected pope on May 13, 535, and was already of an advanced age as he started healing the rifts in the Church by regulating affairs. Belisarius, who had conquered Sicily, appeared ready to invade Italy, and Agapitus set out for Constantinople to appeal to Emperor Justinian and halt his military advance. He arrived there in February of 536, knowing he would fail in his mission. While in Constantinople the pope was able to put down a religious revolt spearheaded by a bishop named Anthemius and Empress Theodora. Emperor Justinian, at first defending Anthemius, crushed the revolt and gave Agapitus a written profession of faith. Agapitus fell ill soon afterward and died in Constantinople on April 22, 536. His remains were taken to Rome and deposited in St. Peter's. Both Latin and Oriental Churches venerate him.

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