Patron Saints A-Z
Filter 1,776 Patron Saints A-Z by typing in the 'Search' box below.
Patronage | Saints Patronage / Saints |
AIDS care-givers | AIDS care-givers Aloysius Gonzaga |
AIDS patients | AIDS patients Aloysius Gonzaga, Peregrine Laziosi, Therese of Lisieux |
Abandoned children | Abandoned children Ivo of Kermartin, Jerome Emiliani |
Abbeville, France | Abbeville, France Wulfram of Sens |
Abdominal pains | Abdominal pains Erasmus (Elmo) |
Abingdon, England | Abingdon, England Edmund Rich of Abingdon |
Abortion, protection against | Abortion, protection against Catherine of Sweden |
Abruzzi region of Italy | Abruzzi region of Italy Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Academies, Roman Catholic | Academies, Roman Catholic Thomas Aquinas |
Acadians, Cajuns | Acadians, Cajuns Our Lady of the Assumption |
Accountants | Accountants Matthew |
Accused (falsely) | Accused (falsely) Raymond Nonnatus |
Achaia | Achaia Andrew, Apostle |
Actors | Actors Genesius, Vitus |
Advertisers, advertising | Advertisers, advertising Bernardine of Siena |
Advocates | Advocates Ivo of Kermartin |
Africa, Central | Africa, Central The Most Pure Heart of Mary |
Africa, North | Africa, North Cyprian of Carthage |
Africa, Southern | Africa, Southern Mary, on feast of her Assumption |
African Catholic Youth Action | African Catholic Youth Action Charles Lwanga |
Against Mice, protection against | Against Mice, protection against Gertrude, Servatus, Ulric |
Agirone, Sicily | Agirone, Sicily Philip of Agirone |
Air crew | Air crew Our Lady of Loreto |
Air crew, Belgian | Air crew, Belgian Our Lady of Loreto |
Air crew, French | Air crew, French Mary, on feast of her Assumption |
Air crew, Spanish | Air crew, Spanish Our Lady of Loreto |
Air force, Argentinian | Air force, Argentinian Our Lady of Loreto |
Air travelers | Air travelers Joseph of Cupertino |
Airborne (Paratroopers) | Airborne (Paratroopers) Michael the Archangel |
Alabama USA | Alabama USA Our Lady of the Gulf |
Alaska USA | Alaska USA Our Lady of the Kodiak and the Islands |
Albania | Albania Mary, Mother of Good Counsel |
Albi, France | Albi, France Cecilia |
Alcala, Spain | Alcala, Spain Justus and Pastor |
Alcira, Valencia, Spain | Alcira, Valencia, Spain Bernard, Gracia, Mary |
Alessandro, Italy | Alessandro, Italy Trifone |
Alexandria, Egypt | Alexandria, Egypt Cyril of Alexandria |
Alexians | Alexians Alexius |
Alezio, Italy | Alezio, Italy Our Lady of the Assumption |
Algeria | Algeria Cyprian of Carthage |
Alpine troops | Alpine troops Maurice |
Alpinists | Alpinists Bernard of Montjoux (or Menthon) |
Altar servers | Altar servers John Berchmans |
Amalfi, Italy | Amalfi, Italy Andrew, Apostle |
Ambassadors, Argentinian | Ambassadors, Argentinian Gabriel the Archangel |
American Indians, Native Americans | American Indians, Native Americans Anthony of Padua |
Americas | Americas Our Lady of Guadalupe, Rose of Lima |
Ammunition/Ordnance /explosive workers | Ammunition/Ordnance /explosive workers Erasmus (Elmo) |
Ancona, Italy | Ancona, Italy Judas Cyriacus |
Andalusia | Andalusia John of Avila |
Anderlecht, Belgium | Anderlecht, Belgium Guy of Anderlecht |
Andorran security forces | Andorran security forces Our Lady Help of Christians |
Anesthetists | Anesthetists Rene Goupil |
Angola | Angola The Most Pure Heart of Mary |
Animals | Animals Francis of Assisi, Nicholas of Tolentino |
Animals, danger from | Animals, danger from Vitus |
Animals, domestic | Animals, domestic Antony the Abbot |
Antioch | Antioch Barnabas |
Antwerp, Belgium | Antwerp, Belgium Walburga |
Aosta, Italy | Aosta, Italy Gratus of Aosta |
Apologists | Apologists Catherine of Alexandria, Justin Martyr, Thomas Aquinas |
Apoplexy (Strokes) | Apoplexy (Strokes) Andrew Avellino |
Apostleship of Prayer | Apostleship of Prayer Francis Xavier |
Apothecaries | Apothecaries Cosmas and Damian |
Apprentices | Apprentices John Bosco |
Aquila, Italy | Aquila, Italy Maximus of Aquila |
Arabia | Arabia Our Lady of Arabia |
Aragon, Spain | Aragon, Spain Agathoclia, Braulio, George |
Archaeologists | Archaeologists Damasus |
Archdiocese of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA | Archdiocese of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA Louis IX |
Archdiocese of San Francisco, California, USA | Archdiocese of San Francisco, California, USA Francis of Assisi |
Archdiocese of Tuam, Ireland | Archdiocese of Tuam, Ireland Jarlath |
Archers | Archers Sebastian |
Architects | Architects Barbara, Thomas, Apostle |
Architects, Italian | Architects, Italian Benedict, Abbot |
Architects, Spanish | Architects, Spanish Our Lady of Bethlehem |
Argentina | Argentina Our Lady of Lujan |
Argentinian military chaplains | Argentinian military chaplains Our Lady of Lujan |
Arizona | Arizona Our Lady of the Highways |
Arkansas | Arkansas Our Lady of the Holy Souls |
Armenia | Armenia Bartholomew, Gregory the Illuminator |
Armies | Armies Maurice |
Arms dealers | Arms dealers Adrian of Nicomedia |
Army of the Andes | Army of the Andes Our Lady of Mt. Carmel |
Army, Argentinian | Army, Argentinian Our Lady of Mercy |
Army, Ecuadorian | Army, Ecuadorian Our Lady of Mercy |
Art | Art Catherine of Bologna |
Artillery | Artillery Barbara |
Artists | Artists Luke, Catherine of Bologna, Bl (Fra) Angelico |
Artois region | Artois region Isberga |
Ascoli Piceno, Italy | Ascoli Piceno, Italy Emidius |
Asia Minor | Asia Minor John the Apostle |
Assisi, Italy | Assisi, Italy Francis of Assisi |
Astronauts | Astronauts Joseph of Cupertino |
Astronomers | Astronomers Dominic |
Asylums (for the mentally ill) | Asylums (for the mentally ill) Dymphna |
Athletes | Athletes Sebastian |
Augsburg | Augsburg Afra, Ulric |
Australia | Australia Our Lady Help of Christians |
Australian military chaplains | Australian military chaplains Our Lady Help of Christians |
Austria | Austria Joseph, Maurice, Coloman, Leopold, Florian |
Authority, persons in | Authority, persons in Ferdinand III of Castile |
Authors | Authors Francis de Sales |
Avenay, Champagne, France | Avenay, Champagne, France Tressan of Mareuil |
Aviators, aviation | Aviators, aviation Our Lady of Loreto, Therese of Lisieux, Joseph of Cupertino |
Avignon | Avignon Agricola of Avignon, Benezet |
Aynac, France | Aynac, France Genistus |
Babies | Babies The Holy Innocents, Maximus, Nicholas of Tolentino, Philip of Zell |
Bad Weather, protection against | Bad Weather, protection against Eurosia, Medard |
Bakers | Bakers Elizabeth of Hungary, Nicholas of Myra, Honoratus |
Bankers | Bankers Matthew, Bernardino of Feltre |
Banking | Banking Michael the Archangel |
Barbers | Barbers Cosmas and Damian, Louis, Martin de Porres |
Barcelona, Spain | Barcelona, Spain Our Lady of Mercy |
Bari, Italy | Bari, Italy Nicholas, Sabinus |
Barra, Scotland | Barra, Scotland Finbar |
Barrel makers | Barrel makers Abdon and Sennen |
Barren women | Barren women Anthony of Padua, Felicity |
Basket makers | Basket makers Antony the Abbot |
Battle | Battle Michael the Archangel |
Battle, protection against | Battle, protection against Florian |
Baume-les-Messieurs | Baume-les-Messieurs Drogo |
Bavaria | Bavaria Hedwig, Killian |
Bee Keepers | Bee Keepers Ambrose |
Begerin, Ireland | Begerin, Ireland Ibar |
Beggars | Beggars Alexius, Martin of Tours, Giles |
Belgium | Belgium Joseph |
Bellmakers | Bellmakers Agatha |
Benedictine oblates | Benedictine oblates Henry the Emperor |
Benevento, Italy | Benevento, Italy Arthelais, Barbatus of Benevento |
Bergamo, Italy | Bergamo, Italy Alexander of Bergamo |
Bergen, Norway | Bergen, Norway Sunniva |
Bible scholars | Bible scholars Jerome |
Birds | Birds Gall |
Birth Complications, protection against | Birth Complications, protection against Ulric |
Bishops of Latin America | Bishops of Latin America Turibius |
Blight, protection against | Blight, protection against Urban of Langres |
Blind people | Blind people Raphael the Archangel, Thomas, Apostle, Cosmas and Damian, Lucy |
Blood banks | Blood banks Januarius |
Blood donors | Blood donors Our Lady of the Thorns |
Bodily ills | Bodily ills Our Lady of Lourdes |
Bohemia | Bohemia Joseph, Adalbert, John Nepomucene, Cyril and Methodius, Wenceslaus |
Bolivia | Bolivia Francis Solano, Our Lady of Capucdana (Virgin de la Candelaria), Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Virgin de la Candelaria, Virgin of Copacabana, La Virgen de Copacabana (Virgin of Copacabana) |
Bolivian navy | Bolivian navy Our Lady of Charity |
Bologna, Italy | Bologna, Italy Petronius |
Bombay, India | Bombay, India Gundisalvus Garcia |
Book trade | Book trade John of God |
Bookbinders | Bookbinders Celestine V (pope), John of God |
Bookkeepers | Bookkeepers Matthew |
Booksellers | Booksellers John of God, Thomas Aquinas |
Bordeaux, France | Bordeaux, France Simon Stock |
Borneo | Borneo Francis Xavier |
Boston, Massachusetts, USA | Boston, Massachusetts, USA Botulph |
Boy Scouts | Boy Scouts George |
Boys, young | Boys, young Dominic Savio |
Brazil | Brazil Nossa senhora de Aparecida, Peter of Alcantara |
Breast-feeding | Breast-feeding Basilissa, Giles |
Brescia, Italy | Brescia, Italy Faustinus |
Brewers | Brewers Augustine of Hippo, Luke, Nicholas of Myra, Amand, Wenceslaus |
Bricklayers | Bricklayers Stephen |
Brides | Brides Nicholas of Myra |
Bridges | Bridges John Nepomucene |
Brigands (danger from) | Brigands (danger from) Leonard of Noblac |
Brittany | Brittany Ivo of Kermartin |
Broadcasters | Broadcasters Gabriel the Archangel |
Bruises and Bruising, protection against | Bruises and Bruising, protection against Amalburga |
Brussels | Brussels Michael the Archangel |
Builders | Builders Vincent Ferrer, Barbara, Thomas, Apostle |
Building trade | Building trade Stephen |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria Cyril and Methodius |
Burgos, Spain | Burgos, Spain Adelelmus |
Bursars | Bursars Joseph |
Business people | Business people Homobonus |
Businesswomen | Businesswomen Margaret of Clitherow |
Button makers | Button makers Louis |
Byzantine Eparchy of Van Nuys, Arizona, USA | Byzantine Eparchy of Van Nuys, Arizona, USA Holy Protection of the Mother of God |
Cab drivers | Cab drivers Joseph, Fiacre |
Cagliari, Italy | Cagliari, Italy Saturninus of Cagliari |
Cake makers | Cake makers Honoratus |
California | California Our Lady of the Wayside |
Caltanissett, Sicily | Caltanissett, Sicily Michael the Archangel |
Cambridge University | Cambridge University Etheldreda |
Canada | Canada Anne (Mother of Mary), Joseph, The martyrs of North America |
Cancer Patients | Cancer Patients Michael Argemir |
Cancer victims | Cancer victims Peregrine Laziosi |
Candelada | Candelada Bernard of Valdeiglesias |
Candle-makers | Candle-makers Ambrose |
Canonists, canon lawyers | Canonists, canon lawyers Raymond of Pennafort, Robert Bellarmine, Ivo of Kermartin |
Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross; Crosier Fathers; Crosier Order | Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross; Crosier Fathers; Crosier Order Odilia |
Capuchin-Franciscan Province of Mid-America | Capuchin-Franciscan Province of Mid-America Conrad of Parzham |
Carmelite schools | Carmelite schools Albert of Sicily |
Carpenters | Carpenters Joseph, Thomas, Apostle |
Cartagena, Spain | Cartagena, Spain Modestus |
Cashel, Ireland | Cashel, Ireland Albert of Cashel |
Castelabbate Italy | Castelabbate Italy Constabilis of Cava |
Catalonia | Catalonia George |
Catania | Catania Agatha |
Catechists | Catechists Viator, Charles Borromeo, Robert Bellarmine |
Catechumens | Catechumens Charles Borromeo, Robert Bellarmine |
Caterpillars, protection against | Caterpillars, protection against Magnus of Fussen |
Catholic Action | Catholic Action Francis of Assisi, Paul, Apostle |
Catholic Action (in Italy) | Catholic Action (in Italy) Paul, Apostle, Gabriel Possenti |
Catholic Charities | Catholic Charities Vincent de Paul, Elizabeth of Hungary |
Catholic Writers | Catholic Writers Francis de Sales |
Catholic Youth | Catholic Youth Aloysius Gonzaga |
Catholic press | Catholic press Anthony Mary Claret, Francis de Sales |
Catholic schools, Catholic academies | Catholic schools, Catholic academies Thomas Aquinas, Ursula |
Cattaro, Dalmatia | Cattaro, Dalmatia Trifone |
Cattle breeders | Cattle breeders Mark |
Cavalry | Cavalry Martin of Tours |
Cavalry, Italian | Cavalry, Italian George |
Cebu, Philippines | Cebu, Philippines El Niño |
Cemetery keepers, or caretakers | Cemetery keepers, or caretakers Joseph of Arimathea |
Central Africa | Central Africa Therese of Lisieux |
Central America | Central America Our Lady of Loreto, Rose of Lima |
Central and South America | Central and South America Our Lady of Guadalupe, Rose of Lima |
Chaplains, military | Chaplains, military John of Capistrano |
Chaplains, military, Argentinian | Chaplains, military, Argentinian Our Lady of Lujan |
Chaplains, military, Australian | Chaplains, military, Australian Our Lady Help of Christians |
Chaplains, military, Belgian | Chaplains, military, Belgian Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces |
Chaplains, military, Philippine | Chaplains, military, Philippine Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Chaplains, military, Spanish | Chaplains, military, Spanish Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Charcoal-burners | Charcoal-burners Alexander the charcoal-burner |
Charitable societies | Charitable societies Vincent de Paul |
Chemists (pharmacists) | Chemists (pharmacists) Cosmas and Damian |
Chilblain | Chilblain Basilissa |
Chilblains, protection against | Chilblains, protection against Basilissa, Genesius of Arles |
Childbirth | Childbirth Gerard Majella, Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch, Raymond Nonnatus, Leonard of Noblac, Erasmus (Elmo) |
Childless women | Childless women Anne (Mother of Mary) |
Children | Children Nicholas of Myra, Raymond Nonnatus, Nicholas of Tolentino |
Children of Mary | Children of Mary Agnes, Maria Goretti |
Children, desire for | Children, desire for Rita of Cascia |
Children, illegitimate | Children, illegitimate John Francis Regis |
Chile | Chile Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, James the Greater |
Chilean army | Chilean army Our Lady of Mt. Carmel |
Chilean navy | Chilean navy Our Lady of Mt. Carmel |
China | China Mary, Queen of China |
Choirboys, choirs | Choirboys, choirs Dominic Savio |
Cholera | Cholera Roch |
Christian Mothers | Christian Mothers Anne (Mother of Mary) |
Church | Church Joseph |
Church in North Africa | Church in North Africa Ignatius of Antioch |
Church in the eastern Mediterranean | Church in the eastern Mediterranean Ignatius of Antioch |
Cingoli, Italy | Cingoli, Italy Sperandea |
Cistercian Order | Cistercian Order Our Lady of the Assumption |
Civil Servants | Civil Servants Thomas More |
Clergy | Clergy Gabriel Possenti |
Clergy, Diocesan | Clergy, Diocesan John of Avila |
Clergy, Parochial | Clergy, Parochial John Vianney |
Clerics | Clerics Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Clermont (formerly Averna), France | Clermont (formerly Averna), France Illidius |
Clothworkers | Clothworkers Homobonus |
Cloyne, Ireland | Cloyne, Ireland Colman of Cloyne |
Cobblers | Cobblers Crispin and Crispinian |
Coffin-bearers | Coffin-bearers Joseph of Arimathea |
Coin collectors | Coin collectors Eligius (Eloi) |
Cold or Cold Weather, protection against | Cold or Cold Weather, protection against Maurus, Sebaldus |
Colegio Capranica Seminary of Rome | Colegio Capranica Seminary of Rome Agnes of Rome |
Colic | Colic Erasmus (Elmo) |
Colleges | Colleges Thomas Aquinas |
Colombia | Colombia Peter Claver, Louis Betrand, Our Lady of Chiquinquira |
Colorado | Colorado Immaculate Mary, Francis of Assisi |
Comedians | Comedians Vitus |
Commissariat, French Army | Commissariat, French Army Ambrose |
Commissariat, Spanish military | Commissariat, Spanish military Teresa of Avila |
Communication Workers | Communication Workers Gabriel the Archangel |
Communism, opposition to | Communism, opposition to Joseph |
Condemned criminals | Condemned criminals Dismas |
Confessors | Confessors Alphonsus de Liguori, John Nepomucene |
Congo; Zaire; Belgian Congo | Congo; Zaire; Belgian Congo Immaculate Conception of Mary, Our Lady, Queen of Nations |
Connecticut | Connecticut Notre Dame of Easton |
Construction workers | Construction workers Thomas, Apostle |
Contagious diseases | Contagious diseases Robert Bellarmine, Sebastian |
Conze (Conza), Italy | Conze (Conza), Italy Herbert Hoscam |
Cooks | Cooks Martha |
Coopers | Coopers Abdon and Sennen |
Cordoba, Spain | Cordoba, Spain Acisclus, Victoria |
Corfu (Kerkira) Island, Greece | Corfu (Kerkira) Island, Greece Arsenius of Corfu, Spyridon |
Cork, Ireland | Cork, Ireland Finbar |
Corleone, Sicily | Corleone, Sicily Leolucas |
Cornwall, England | Cornwall, England Michael the Archangel, Petroc, Piran |
Corsica | Corsica Alexander Sauli, Devota, Julia of Corsica, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica Our Lady of the Angels, Our Lady of the Assumption |
Council of Vatican II | Council of Vatican II Joseph |
Court Clerks | Court Clerks Thomas More |
Craftsmen and women | Craftsmen and women Dymphna |
Craftworkers | Craftworkers Luke |
Cramps, protection against | Cramps, protection against Cadoc of Llancarvan, Maurice, Pancras |
Cremona, Italy | Cremona, Italy Himerius |
Crete | Crete Titus |
Croatia | Croatia Joseph |
Crops, protection of | Crops, protection of Magnus of Fussen |
Crusaders | Crusaders Charles the Good, Louis IX |
Cuba | Cuba La Virgen de la Caridad (Our Lady of Charity), Virgin de Regla |
Cuby, Cornwall | Cuby, Cornwall Cybi |
Cursillo movement | Cursillo movement Paul, Apostle |
Customs officers | Customs officers Matthew |
Cutlers | Cutlers Lucy |
Cyprus | Cyprus Barnabas, Apostle |
Czechoslovakia | Czechoslovakia Wenceslaus, Adalbert, John Nepomucene, Ludmila, Cyril and Methodius |
Dairy workers | Dairy workers Bridgid of Ireland |
Dalmatia | Dalmatia Blaise |
Dancers | Dancers Vitus |
Deacons | Deacons Stephen |
Deaf | Deaf Francis de Sales |
Death | Death Michael the Archangel, Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch |
Death by Artillery, protection against | Death by Artillery, protection against Barbara |
Death, happy | Death, happy Joseph of Cupertino |
Death, sudden | Death, sudden Andrew Avellino |
Degree candidates | Degree candidates Joseph of Cupertino |
Delaware, USA | Delaware, USA Our Lady of Mercy |
Denmark | Denmark Anskar |
Dentists | Dentists Apollonia |
Desperate situations | Desperate situations Jude, Gregory the Wonderworker, Rita of Cascia, Eustace |
Detraction | Detraction John Nepomucene |
Devil, protection against | Devil, protection against Dionysius the Aeropagite |
Diabolical possession | Diabolical possession Cyriacus, Dymphna |
Difficult situations | Difficult situations Eustace |
Digne, France | Digne, France Vincent of Digne |
Dijon | Dijon Benignus of Dijon, Urban of Langres |
Diocesan priests | Diocesan priests John of Avila |
Diplomatic services | Diplomatic services Gabriel the Archangel |
Disabled | Disabled Giles |
Disasters | Disasters Genevieve (Genofeva) |
Diseased Cattle, protection against | Diseased Cattle, protection against Beuno, Erhard of Regensburg, Roch, Sebastian |
Diseases of the eye | Diseases of the eye Raphael the Archangel, Lucy |
Diseases, contagious | Diseases, contagious Roch, Sebastian |
Diseases, nervous | Diseases, nervous Dymphna |
Dizziness or Vertigo, protection against | Dizziness or Vertigo, protection against Ulric |
Doctors | Doctors Luke, Cosmas and Damian, Pantaleon |
Domestic animals | Domestic animals Antony the Abbot, Gerlac of Valkenburg |
Domestic workers | Domestic workers Zita |
Dominican Republic | Dominican Republic Our Lady of Mercy |
Doubters | Doubters Joseph |
Draguignan, France | Draguignan, France Rosalina of Villeneuve |
Drought | Drought Genevieve (Genofeva) |
Drought relief | Drought relief Herbert, Godeberta, Solange |
Drowning, death or danger from | Drowning, death or danger from Adjutor |
Druggists (pharmacists) | Druggists (pharmacists) Cosmas and Damian |
Dubrovnik | Dubrovnik Blaise |
Durham, England | Durham, England Cuthbert |
Dyers | Dyers Maurice |
Dying | Dying Joseph, Benedict, Abbot, James the Lesser, Apostle, Lebuin (Liafwine), Maximus, Nicholas of Tolentino |
Earaches, protection against | Earaches, protection against Cornelius, Polycarp of Smyrna |
Earthquakes | Earthquakes Emygdius, Francis Borgia, Gregory the Wonderworker |
East Indies | East Indies Francis Xavier, Thomas, Apostle |
East Renfrewshire, Scotland | East Renfrewshire, Scotland Conval |
Ecologists, ecology | Ecologists, ecology Francis of Assisi |
Ecuador | Ecuador Sacred Heart, Mary, The Most Pure Heart of Mary |
Ecuadorian army | Ecuadorian army Our Lady of Mercy |
Eczema | Eczema Antony the Abbot |
Edinburgh, Scotland | Edinburgh, Scotland Giles |
Editors | Editors John Bosco, Francis de Sales |
Education, public | Education, public Martin de Porres |
Egypt | Egypt Mark |
Einsiedeln, Switzerland | Einsiedeln, Switzerland Meinrad |
El Salvador | El Salvador Our Lady of Peace |
Eloquence, sacred | Eloquence, sacred John Chrysostom |
Embroiderers | Embroiderers Clare, Parasceva |
Emigrants | Emigrants Frances Xavier Cabrini |
Enemy Plots, protection against | Enemy Plots, protection against Drausinus |
Engineers, Italian | Engineers, Italian Benedict, Abbot |
Engineers, Spanish army | Engineers, Spanish army Ferdinand III of Castile |
Engineers, military, Italian | Engineers, military, Italian Barbara |
England | England George, Michael the Archangel |
English Benedictines | English Benedictines Benedict Biscop |
Epidemics | Epidemics Godeberta |
Epilepsy | Epilepsy Dymphna, Vitus, Willibrord |
Equatorial Guinea | Equatorial Guinea Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Ergotism, aka Saint Antony's fire, protection against | Ergotism, aka Saint Antony's fire, protection against Antony the Abbot |
Eruptions of Mount Etna, protection against | Eruptions of Mount Etna, protection against Agatha |
Estremadura, Spain | Estremadura, Spain Peter of Alcantara, Virgin of Guadalupe |
Ethiopia | Ethiopia Frumentius |
Eucharist, The | Eucharist, The Paschal Baylon |
Eucharistic Guilds | Eucharistic Guilds Paschal Baylon |
Eucharistic congresses and organizations | Eucharistic congresses and organizations Paschal Baylon |
Europe | Europe Benedict, Abbot, Cyril and Methodius |
Evil Spirits, protection against | Evil Spirits, protection against Agrippina, Quirinus |
Examination candidates | Examination candidates Joseph of Cupertino |
Exegetes, scriptural | Exegetes, scriptural Jerome |
Exeter College, Oxford | Exeter College, Oxford Blessed Virgin Mary, Peter the Apostle, Thomas of Canterbury |
Expectant Mothers | Expectant Mothers Gerard Majella, Raymond Nonnatus |
Eye disorders | Eye disorders Herve, Clare, Lucy, Raphael the Archangel |
Faculties of law | Faculties of law Raymond of Pennafort |
Fahan, Ireland | Fahan, Ireland Mura McFeredach |
Falling | Falling Venantius |
Falsely accused | Falsely accused Raymond Nonnatus |
Famine, protection against | Famine, protection against Walburga |
Farm labourers (Spain, Canada, Mexico) | Farm labourers (Spain, Canada, Mexico) Isidore the Farmer |
Farm workers | Farm workers Benedict, Abbot |
Farmers | Farmers Isidore the Farmer |
Farmers, Italian | Farmers, Italian Benedict, Abbot |
Fathers | Fathers Joseph |
Ferrara, Italy | Ferrara, Italy George |
Fervent First Communion | Fervent First Communion Bl Imelda |
Fever | Fever Genevieve (Genofeva) |
Finland | Finland Henry of Finland |
Fire (danger from) | Fire (danger from) Agatha, Nicholas of Tolentino |
Fire fighters | Fire fighters Florian, John of God |
Fire prevention | Fire prevention Catherine of Siena, Agatha |
Firemen (Italian) | Firemen (Italian) Barbara |
First Communicants | First Communicants Tarcisius |
Fishermen | Fishermen Andrew, Apostle, Peter |
Fleury-sur-Loire | Fleury-sur-Loire Drogo |
Fliers | Fliers Our Lady of Loreto |
Flight attendants | Flight attendants Bona |
Flight crew | Flight crew Our Lady of Loreto |
Flood | Flood Gregory the Wonderworker, Florian |
Florence, Italy | Florence, Italy John the Baptist, Zenobius |
Florentine cheese merchants | Florentine cheese merchants Bartholomew the Apostle |
Florentine salt merchants | Florentine salt merchants Bartholomew the Apostle |
Florida | Florida Our Lady of La Leche |
Florists, flower growers | Florists, flower growers Therese of Lisieux, Rose of Lima, Bl. Rose of Viterbo |
Flying | Flying Joseph of Cupertino, Elijah |
Flying, all involved in | Flying, all involved in Our Lady of Loreto |
Foresters | Foresters John Gualbert |
Forli, Italy | Forli, Italy James Salomone |
Fosses, Belgium | Fosses, Belgium Foillan |
Foundlings | Foundlings Holy Innocents |
Fragalata, Sicily | Fragalata, Sicily Calogerus, Demetrius, Gregory |
France | France Joan of Arc, Laurent (Lawrence), Mary, on feast of her Assumption, Bishop of Paris, Therese of Lisieux |
Franciscan Lay | Franciscan Lay Didacus |
Franciscan laity | Franciscan laity Didacus |
Franciscan tertiaries | Franciscan tertiaries Louis |
French Commissariat | French Commissariat Ambrose of Milan |
French monarchs | French monarchs Louis IX |
Frenzy, protection against | Frenzy, protection against Denis, Peter the Apostle, Ulric |
Frost, protection against | Frost, protection against Urban of Langres |
Funeral directors | Funeral directors Joseph of Arimathea |
Gap | Gap Arnulph |
Garage, or gas station, workers | Garage, or gas station, workers Eligius (Eloi) |
Gardeners | Gardeners Adelard, Fiacre, Rose of Lima, Adam |
Garment workers | Garment workers Homobonus |
Gas station workers | Gas station workers Eligius (Eloi) |
Geese | Geese Martin of Tours |
Genoa, Italy | Genoa, Italy George, John the Baptist, Syrus of Genoa, Barbara |
Georgia, USA | Georgia, USA Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Georgia, former USSR | Georgia, former USSR George, Nino |
Germany | Germany Anskar, Michael the Archangel |
Ghent, Belgium | Ghent, Belgium Amalburga, Bavo, Macarius of Antioch, Pharaildis |
Gibraltar | Gibraltar Bernard of Clairvaux |
Girl Scouts | Girl Scouts Agnes of Rome |
Girls | Girls Agnes, Maria Goretti |
Glasgow, Scotland | Glasgow, Scotland Kentigern |
Glassworkers | Glassworkers Luke |
Glaziers | Glaziers Lucy |
Glendalough, Ireland | Glendalough, Ireland Kevin |
Goa, India | Goa, India Francis Xavier |
Golden-Tounges orator | Golden-Tounges orator Peter Chrysologus |
Goldsmiths | Goldsmiths Dunstan, Anastasius, Eligius (Eloi) |
Gout; Gout Sufferers, protection against | Gout; Gout Sufferers, protection against Andrew, Apostle, Coloman, Gerebernus, Gregory the Great, Killian, Maurice, Maurus, Totnan |
Governors | Governors Ferdinand III of Castile |
Gozo | Gozo George |
Gravediggers | Gravediggers Antony the Abbot, Joseph of Arimathea |
Greece | Greece Paul, Apostle |
Greece | Greece Andrew, Apostle, George, Nicholas of Myra |
Greek Catholic Church in America | Greek Catholic Church in America Nicholas of Tolentino |
Greek Catholic Union | Greek Catholic Union Nicholas of Myra |
Greetings | Greetings Valentine |
Grocers | Grocers Michael the Archangel |
Gronigen, Nederlands | Gronigen, Nederlands Walburga |
Guatemala | Guatemala James the Greater |
Gunners | Gunners Barbara |
Haarlem, Nederlands | Haarlem, Nederlands Bavo |
Haemorrhage | Haemorrhage Lucy |
Haemorrhoid sufferers | Haemorrhoid sufferers Fiacre |
Hail | Hail Magnus of Fussen |
Hainault, Belgium | Hainault, Belgium Waltude |
Hairdressers | Hairdressers Martin de Porres, Cosmas and Damian |
Haiti | Haiti Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
Hanging; Hanged People, protection against | Hanging; Hanged People, protection against Colman of Stockerau |
Hawaii, USA | Hawaii, USA Mary, Queen of Peace |
Headaches | Headaches Teresa of Avila, Denis, Bishop of Paris |
Health inspectors | Health inspectors Raphael the Archangel |
Health service, public | Health service, public Martin de Porres |
Heart patients | Heart patients John of God |
Hernia sufferers | Hernia sufferers Cathal |
Hesitation, protection against | Hesitation, protection against Joseph |
High command, Spanish | High command, Spanish Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Highways, motorways | Highways, motorways John the Baptist |
Hirnant, Powys, Wales | Hirnant, Powys, Wales Ellidius |
Hoarseness | Hoarseness Bernardine of Siena |
Hoarseness, protection against | Hoarseness, protection against Bernardine of Siena, Maurus |
Holland | Holland Willibrord |
Holland, the Nederlands, the Netherlands | Holland, the Nederlands, the Netherlands Bavo, Plechelm, Willibrord |
Holy Name Society; Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of God and Jesus | Holy Name Society; Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of God and Jesus John of Vercelli |
Honduras | Honduras Our Lady of Suyapa, Our Lady of Suyapa |
Hopeless (or desperate) cases | Hopeless (or desperate) cases Jude, Rita of Cascia, Gregory the Wonderworker |
Horse-riders | Horse-riders Martin of Tours |
Horses | Horses Eligius (Eloi), Martin of Tours, Hippolytus |
Horticulturalists | Horticulturalists Adam, Fiacre |
Hospitals | Hospitals Camillus de Lellis, John of God, Vincent de Paul |
Hoteliers | Hoteliers Gentian |
Hoteliers (Italian) | Hoteliers (Italian) Martha |
Hotelkeepers | Hotelkeepers Amand |
House hunting | House hunting Joseph |
Housewives | Housewives Anne (Mother of Mary), Martha |
Hungary | Hungary Stephen, Mary, Great Queen of Hungary |
Hunters | Hunters Hubert, Eustachius |
Hydrophobia, or rabies | Hydrophobia, or rabies Hubert, Ubald |
Iceland | Iceland Anskar, Thorlac |
Iceland | Iceland St. Thorlac Thorhallsson |
Idaho | Idaho Our Lady of Limerick |
Illinois | Illinois Our Lady of the Universe |
Illness (mental) | Illness (mental) Dymphna |
Immigrants | Immigrants Frances Xavier Cabrini |
Impenitence, protection against | Impenitence, protection against Barbara, Mark the Evangelist |
Imperia Italy | Imperia Italy Leonard of Port Maurice |
Impossible Cases | Impossible Cases Rita of Cascia |
India | India Mary, Patron of India, Frances Xavier Cabrini, Rose of Lima, Thomas, Apostle |
Indian missions in Ecuador | Indian missions in Ecuador Our Lady of Agua Santa de Baños |
Indiana | Indiana Our Lady of Providence |
Indiscretions, protection against | Indiscretions, protection against John Nepomucene |
Infantry | Infantry Martin of Tours |
Infantry, Spanish | Infantry, Spanish Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Infertility | Infertility Rita of Cascia |
Inflammatory Diseases, protection against | Inflammatory Diseases, protection against Benedict |
Information Workers | Information Workers Archangel Gabriel |
Innkeepers | Innkeepers Gentian |
Innocent people (falsely accused) | Innocent people (falsely accused) Raymond Nonnatus |
Insanity | Insanity Dymphna |
Insects, protection against | Insects, protection against Dominic of Silos |
Invalids | Invalids Roch |
Iowa | Iowa Mary of Nazareth |
Ireland | Ireland Patrick, Columba, Bridgid of Ireland |
Isle of Man | Isle of Man Maughold |
Istanbul (Constantinople) | Istanbul (Constantinople) John Chrysostom, George, Roch |
Istanbul, Turkey; Constantinople | Istanbul, Turkey; Constantinople George, John de Britto, Roch |
Italy | Italy Bernardine of Siena, Catherine of Siena, Francis of Assisi, Our Lady of Loreto, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Our Lady of the Snows |
Jamaica | Jamaica Mary, on feast of her Assumption |
Japan | Japan Francis Xavier, Our Lady of Japan, Peter Baptist |
Jealousy, protection against | Jealousy, protection against Elizabeth of Portugal |
Jesuit Order; Jesuits | Jesuit Order; Jesuits Ignatius of Loyola |
Jesuit students | Jesuit students Aloysius Gonzaga |
Jewelers | Jewelers Eligius (Eloi) |
Joiners | Joiners Joseph, Thomas, Apostle |
Jordan | Jordan John the Baptist |
Journalists | Journalists Francis de Sales |
Journeys, safe | Journeys, safe Christopher |
Judges/Jurists | Judges/Jurists John of Capistrano, Ivo of Kermartin |
Jumping | Jumping Venantius |
Justice, social | Justice, social Martin de Porres |
Juvenile delinquents | Juvenile delinquents Dominic Savio |
Kae (Tzia) Island, Greece | Kae (Tzia) Island, Greece Panagia Kastriani |
Kansas | Kansas Mary, Queen of Angels |
Kavala, Greece | Kavala, Greece Paul, Apostle |
Kentucky | Kentucky Mary, Mother of God |
Kidney Disease, protection against | Kidney Disease, protection against Benedict, Drogo, Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch, Valentine |
Kilbarry, Ireland | Kilbarry, Ireland Berach |
Kilmallock, Limerick, Ireland | Kilmallock, Limerick, Ireland Mochelloc |
Kinglassie, Fife, Scotland | Kinglassie, Fife, Scotland Glastian |
Knights Hospitaller | Knights Hospitaller John the Baptist |
Knights of Malta, Maltese Knights | Knights of Malta, Maltese Knights John the Baptist |
Korea | Korea Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Joseph |
Korean clergy | Korean clergy Andrew Kim Taegon |
Laborers | Laborers Isidore the Farmer, James the Greater |
Labour, Italian Knights of | Labour, Italian Knights of Benedict, Abbot |
Lacemakers | Lacemakers Luke |
Lame, the | Lame, the Giles |
Landulph, Cornwall | Landulph, Cornwall Cybi |
Langres cathedral | Langres cathedral Marcellus |
Lanhydroc, Cornwall | Lanhydroc, Cornwall Hydroc |
Latin America | Latin America Our Lady of Guadalupe, Rose of Lima |
Latin American bishops | Latin American bishops Turibius |
Law, schools or faculties of | Law, schools or faculties of Raymond of Pennafort |
Lawyers | Lawyers Thomas More, Yves, Raymond of Pennafort, Ivo of Kermartin |
Lay Apostolate | Lay Apostolate Paul, Apostle |
Leaping | Leaping Venantius |
Learning | Learning Ambrose, Catherine of Alexandria |
Leatherworkers | Leatherworkers Crispin and Crispinian |
Lecce, Italy | Lecce, Italy Bernadine Realino |
Lecturers | Lecturers Justin Martyr |
Lennox, Scotland | Lennox, Scotland Kessog |
Lens, France | Lens, France Wulganus |
Lepers | Lepers Giles |
Lesotho | Lesotho Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Librarians, libraries | Librarians, libraries Jerome, Catherine of Alexandria |
Liege, Belgium | Liege, Belgium Hubert of Liege |
Lighthouse keepers | Lighthouse keepers Venerius |
Lightning, protection against | Lightning, protection against Magnus of Fussen, Vitus |
Limerick, Ireland | Limerick, Ireland Munchin |
Linz, Austria | Linz, Austria Florian |
Lithuania | Lithuania Casimir, Cunegund, Hyacinth |
Living Rosary | Living Rosary Philomena |
Llanbrothen, Wales | Llanbrothen, Wales Brothen |
Llandunwyd, Glamorgan | Llandunwyd, Glamorgan Donat |
Llangibby, Monmouthshire, Wales | Llangibby, Monmouthshire, Wales Cybi |
Llangybi, Cardigan, Wales | Llangybi, Cardigan, Wales Cybi |
Llanover, Gwent, Wales | Llanover, Gwent, Wales Gorfor |
Llanrhyddlad, Anglesey, Wales | Llanrhyddlad, Anglesey, Wales Rhuddlad |
Loc-Har, Brittany, France | Loc-Har, Brittany, France Hernan |
Lorraine | Lorraine Nicholas of Myra |
Lost articles | Lost articles Anthony of Padua |
Lost or desperate causes | Lost or desperate causes Jude |
Louisiana, USA | Louisiana, USA Our Lady of Prompt Succor |
Lourdes | Lourdes Bernadette of Lourdes |
Lovers | Lovers Valentine |
Lugo, Spain | Lugo, Spain Foillan |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted |
LĂ©on, Spain | LĂ©on, Spain Foillan |
Macedonia | Macedonia Clement of Ohrid |
Madagascar | Madagascar Vincent de Paul |
Madrid & Alcala | Madrid & Alcala Justus and Pastor, Isidore the Farmer |
Magistrates | Magistrates Ferdinand III of Castile |
Maids | Maids Zita |
Maine, USA | Maine, USA Our Lady fo Peace |
Majorca city | Majorca city Alonso Rodriguez |
Majorca island | Majorca island Alonso Rodriguez |
Malta | Malta Paul, Apostle |
Mantua, Italy | Mantua, Italy Anselm of Lucca, the Younger |
Marble workers | Marble workers Clement I, Four crowned martyrs, Louis |
Marching Auxiliaries | Marching Auxiliaries Vitus |
Mariners | Mariners Nicholas of Tolentino |
Marines (Italian) | Marines (Italian) Barbara |
Maritime pilots | Maritime pilots Nicholas of Myra |
Maronites, Maronite Christians | Maronites, Maronite Christians Maro |
Marriage | Marriage John Francis Regis |
Marriages (unhappy) | Marriages (unhappy) Gengulf |
Married women | Married women Monica |
Maryland, USA | Maryland, USA Our Lady of the Assumption |
Masons | Masons Thomas, Apostle, Four crowned martyrs, Louis |
Massachusetts, USA | Massachusetts, USA Our Lady of the Incarnation |
Medal collectors | Medal collectors Eligius (Eloi) |
Medical profession | Medical profession Cosmas and Damian, Luke, Pantaleon |
Medical technicians | Medical technicians Albert the Great |
Mentally ill | Mentally ill Dymphna |
Merchants | Merchants Francis of Assisi, Nicholas of Myra, Homobonus |
Merchants, Italian | Merchants, Italian Francis of Assisi |
Merthyr Tydfil, Wales | Merthyr Tydfil, Wales Tydfil |
Messengers | Messengers Gabriel the Archangel |
Metalworkers | Metalworkers Eligius (Eloi) |
Metz, France | Metz, France Patiens of Metz |
Mexican young people | Mexican young people John Bosco |
Mexico | Mexico Our Lady of Guadalupe, Joseph |
Mexico City, Mexico | Mexico City, Mexico Philip of Jesus |
Michigan, USA | Michigan, USA Our Lady, Gate of Heaven |
Midwives | Midwives Raymond Nonnatus |
Migrants | Migrants Frances Xavier Cabrini |
Milan | Milan Ambrose of Milan |
Millers | Millers Honoratus |
Milliners (Hatmakers) | Milliners (Hatmakers) James the Greater |
Mine Collapse, protection against | Mine Collapse, protection against Barbara |
Miners | Miners Anne (Mother of Mary), Barbara |
Minnesota, USA | Minnesota, USA Our Lady, Mother of the Church |
Miscarriage prevention | Miscarriage prevention Catherine of Sweden |
Miscarriages, protection against | Miscarriages, protection against Catherine of Siena, Catherine of Sweden, Eulalia |
Missionary priests | Missionary priests Vincent Pallotti |
Missioners in Catholic Lands | Missioners in Catholic Lands Leonard of Port Maurice |
Missioners of the Precious Blood | Missioners of the Precious Blood Francis Xavier |
Missions | Missions Francis Xavier, Peter Claver, Therese of Lisieux, Leonard of Port Maurice |
Missions, Polish | Missions, Polish Maria Teresa Ledochowska (Bd) |
Missions, Portuguese | Missions, Portuguese John de Britto |
Mississippi, USA | Mississippi, USA Our Lady of Sorrows |
Missouri, USA | Missouri, USA Our Lady of Calvary |
Mixed race, people of | Mixed race, people of Martin de Porres |
Moles, protection against | Moles, protection against Ulric |
Monaco | Monaco Devota |
Monarchy, French | Monarchy, French Louis |
Mongolia, Inner | Mongolia, Inner Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Mongolia, Outer | Mongolia, Outer Francis Xavier |
Mons, Belgium | Mons, Belgium Waltrude |
Montana, USA | Montana, USA Our Lady of the Pines |
Monte Marano | Monte Marano John of Monte Marano |
Montefalco, Italy | Montefalco, Italy Clare of Montefalco |
Montesanto, Italy | Montesanto, Italy Gerard of Lunel |
Moral theologians | Moral theologians Alphonsus de Liguori |
Moravia | Moravia Wenceslaus, Cyril and Methodius |
Moscow | Moscow Boris |
Mothers | Mothers Monica, Gerard Majella, Nicholas of Tolentino |
Motorcyclists | Motorcyclists Mary, The Madonna of Castaliazzo or Our Lady of Grace and of Crete |
Motorists | Motorists Frances of Rome, Christopher |
Motorways | Motorways John the Baptist |
Mountaineers, mountain climbers | Mountaineers, mountain climbers Bernard of Montjoux (or Menthon) |
Mullion, Cornwall | Mullion, Cornwall Melaine of Rennes |
Munich, Germany | Munich, Germany Benno |
Music, musicians | Music, musicians Cecilia, Gregory the Great, Dunstan |
Naples, Italy | Naples, Italy Andrew Avellino, Januarius |
National Guard, Venezuelan | National Guard, Venezuelan Our Lady of Chiquinquira |
Naval officers | Naval officers Francis of Paola |
Navy, Argentinian | Navy, Argentinian Mary, The Madonna of Castaliazzo or Our Lady of Grace and of Crete |
Navy, Bolivian | Navy, Bolivian Our Lady of Copacabana |
Navy, Philippine | Navy, Philippine Our Lady of the Rosary, 'La Naval' |
Navy, Spanish | Navy, Spanish Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Navy, Venezuelan | Navy, Venezuelan Our Lady of Valle |
Nearsightedness, short-sightedness | Nearsightedness, short-sightedness Clarus, Abbot |
Nebraska, USA | Nebraska, USA Our Lady of the Presentation |
Neighborhood watch | Neighborhood watch Sebastian |
Nervous diseases | Nervous diseases Vitus, Dymphna |
Netherlands | Netherlands Willibrord |
Nettle Rash, protection against | Nettle Rash, protection against Benedict |
Neurological disorders | Neurological disorders Dymphna |
Nevada, USA | Nevada, USA Our Lady of Las Vegas |
New Caledonia | New Caledonia Mary, on feast of her Assumption |
New Hampshire, USA | New Hampshire, USA Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
New Jersey, USA | New Jersey, USA Our Lady of Fatima |
New Mexico, USA | New Mexico, USA Our Lady of Guadalupe |
New York, USA | New York, USA Our Lady Help of Christians |
New Zealand | New Zealand Our Lady Help of Christians |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua James the Greater |
Nigeria | Nigeria Mary, Queen of Nigeria, Patrick |
Nightmares, protection against | Nightmares, protection against Raphael the Archangel |
Nocera, Italy | Nocera, Italy Raynald of Nocera |
Nonantola, Italy | Nonantola, Italy Anselm of Nonantola |
North Africa | North Africa Cyprian of Carthage |
North Carolina, USA | North Carolina, USA Our Lady of the Holy Rosary |
North Dakota, USA | North Dakota, USA Mary, Queen of Peace |
Norway | Norway Olaf of Norway, Magnus of Orkney |
Norwegian west coast | Norwegian west coast Sunniva |
Notaries | Notaries Luke, Mark, Ivo of Kermartin |
Numismatists | Numismatists Eligius (Eloi) |
Nuremburg, Germany | Nuremburg, Germany Sebaldus |
Nurses | Nurses Agatha, Camillus de Lellis, John of God |
Nurses of mentally ill | Nurses of mentally ill Dymphna |
Nurses' associations | Nurses' associations Camillus de Lellis |
Nurses, Italian | Nurses, Italian Catherine of Genoa, Catherine of Siena |
Nurses, Peruvian | Nurses, Peruvian Rose of Lima |
Nursing mothers | Nursing mothers Basilissa, Giles |
Oaxaca, Mexico | Oaxaca, Mexico Our Lady of Solitude |
Oblate Vocations | Oblate Vocations Our Lady of Sorrows |
Oblate aspirants | Oblate aspirants Stanislaus Kostka |
Oblates of Saint Joseph | Oblates of Saint Joseph Joseph |
Oceania | Oceania Peter Chanel |
Ohio, USA | Ohio, USA Our Lady of Consolation |
Oklahoma, USA | Oklahoma, USA Our Lady, Queen of All Saints |
Orators | Orators John Chrysostom |
Order of Saint Lazarus | Order of Saint Lazarus Lazarus |
Order of the Garter | Order of the Garter George |
Ordnancemen and Cannoners | Ordnancemen and Cannoners Barbara |
Oregon, USA | Oregon, USA Our Lady of the Woods |
Orphans | Orphans Jerome Emiliani, Ivo of Kermartin |
Oslo, Norway | Oslo, Norway Hallvard |
Oudenarde, Belgium | Oudenarde, Belgium Walburga |
Oversleeping, protection against | Oversleeping, protection against Vitus |
Oxford, England | Oxford, England Frideswide |
Pain; Cures from Pain; Pain Relief, protection against | Pain; Cures from Pain; Pain Relief, protection against Madron |
Painters | Painters Luke, Bl (Fra) Angelico |
Pakistan | Pakistan Thomas, Apostle |
Palermo, Italy | Palermo, Italy Agatha, Benedict the Black |
Palestine | Palestine Mary, 'Queen of Palestine' |
Palestinian Christians | Palestinian Christians George |
Pallbearers | Pallbearers Joseph of Arimathea |
Panama | Panama Immaculate Conception, Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Papua New Guinea | Papua New Guinea Michael the Archangel |
Paraguay | Paraguay Our Lady of the Assumption, Our Lady of Lujan |
Paratroopers | Paratroopers Michael the Archangel |
Parenthood | Parenthood Rita of Cascia |
Paris, France | Paris, France Genevieve (Genofeva), Denis, Bishop of Paris |
Parish Missions | Parish Missions Leonard of Port Maurice |
Park-keepers | Park-keepers John Gualbert |
Patras, Greece | Patras, Greece Andrew, Apostle |
Patricia, Italy | Patricia, Italy Roch |
Pavia, Italy | Pavia, Italy Siro, Syrus of Pavia, Theodore of Pavia |
Pawnbrokers | Pawnbrokers Nicholas of Myra, Bernardino of Feltre (Bd) |
Pelota players, Argentinian | Pelota players, Argentinian Francis Xavier |
Pennsylvania, USA | Pennsylvania, USA Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal |
Pensioners, old age | Pensioners, old age Our Lady of Consolation, Teresa of Jesus Jornet e Ibars |
Penzance, Cornwall, England | Penzance, Cornwall, England John the Baptist |
Perfumers, perfumiers | Perfumers, perfumiers Nicholas of Myra |
Pergamino, Argentina | Pergamino, Argentina Virgin of La Merced |
Perjury, protection against | Perjury, protection against Felix of Nola, Pancras |
Peronne, France | Peronne, France Fursey of Peronne |
Persecuted Christians | Persecuted Christians John De Martha |
Persia; Iran | Persia; Iran Maruthas |
Peru | Peru Joseph, Rose of Lima |
Pestilence (relief) | Pestilence (relief) Roch |
Petit Goave, Haiti | Petit Goave, Haiti Our Lady of Lourdes |
Pets | Pets Antony the Abbot |
Pharmacists/Druggists | Pharmacists/Druggists Cosmas and Damian, Raphael the Archangel |
Philatelists | Philatelists Gabriel the Archangel |
Philippines | Philippines Our Lady of Safe Travel, Our Lady of the Turumba, Rose of Lima, Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Philosophers | Philosophers Immaculate Conception of Mary, Pudentiana, Rose of Lima |
Physical Spouse Abuse; Victims of Spouse Abuse (physical), protection against | Physical Spouse Abuse; Victims of Spouse Abuse (physical), protection against Rita of Cascia |
Physically Disabled | Physically Disabled Giles |
Physicians | Physicians Cosmas and Damian, Luke, Pantaleon |
Physicians (diseases, contagious) | Physicians (diseases, contagious) Roch, Sebastian |
Piedmont | Piedmont Maurice |
Piedmont region | Piedmont region Maurice |
Pilgrims | Pilgrims Nicholas of Myra, Christopher |
Pilgrims (sick) | Pilgrims (sick) Pius X |
Pilots | Pilots Our Lady of Loreto |
Pilots, maritime | Pilots, maritime Francis of Paola, Nicholas of Myra |
Pisa, Italy | Pisa, Italy Ranieri |
Plague | Plague Gregory the Great, Roch, Sebastian |
Plasterers | Plasterers Bartholomew |
Poets | Poets David, Columba |
Poison Sufferers | Poison Sufferers Benedict, Abbot, John the Apostle, Pirminus |
Poison, protection against | Poison, protection against Benedict, John the Apostle, Pirmin |
Poland | Poland Casimir, Florian, Mary, 'Queen of Poland', Stanislaus, Adalbert, Stanislaus Kostka |
Police officers | Police officers Michael the Archangel |
Police, Italian | Police, Italian Mary, Faithful Virgin |
Police, Spanish | Police, Spanish Our Lady of the Pillar |
Police, Spanish, armed | Police, Spanish, armed The Guardian Angels |
Police, local, municipal | Police, local, municipal Sebastian |
Ponza, Italy | Ponza, Italy Silverio |
Poor | Poor Anthony of Padua, Lawrence, Ferdinand III of Castile |
Popes | Popes Gertrude the Great, Peter the Apostle |
Portsmouth, England | Portsmouth, England Nicholas of Myra |
Portugal | Portugal Anthony of Padua, Francis Borgia, Gabriel the Archangel, George, Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Possession (by the Devil) | Possession (by the Devil) Cyriacus, Dymphna, Michael the Archangel, Andrew Avellino |
Postal services | Postal services Gabriel the Archangel |
Postal workers | Postal workers Gabriel the Archangel |
Potenza, Italy | Potenza, Italy Gerard of Potenza |
Potholers (spelunkers) | Potholers (spelunkers) Benedict, Abbot |
Poverty or Impoverishment, protection against | Poverty or Impoverishment, protection against Agostina Pietrantoni, Anne, Armogastes, Bernadette of Lourdes, Cuthman, Germaine Cousin, Julia of Billiart, Macrina the Elder, Marguerite Bourgeous, Margaret of Castello |
Poznan Poland | Poznan Poland Paul, Apostle, Peter the Apostle |
Preachers | Preachers Catherine of Alexandria, John Chrysostom |
Pregnant women | Pregnant women Gerard Majella, Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch, Raymond Nonnatus |
Priests | Priests John Vianney |
Priests (Spanish, secular) | Priests (Spanish, secular) John of Avila |
Printers | Printers Augustine, Genesius, John of God |
Prison guards, officers | Prison guards, officers Hippolytus, Processus and Martinian, Adrian of Nicomedia |
Prison officers (Italian) | Prison officers (Italian) Basilides |
Prisoners | Prisoners Dismas, Leonard of Noblac, Roch, Vincent de Paul, Ferdinand III of Castile |
Prisoners (Italian) | Prisoners (Italian) Joseph Cafasso |
Probus, Cornwall, England | Probus, Cornwall, England Grace, Probus |
Propagation of the Faith | Propagation of the Faith Francis Xavier |
Protector of Crops | Protector of Crops Ansovinus |
Prussia | Prussia Dorothy of Montau |
Public Health Service | Public Health Service Martin de Porres |
Public Relations | Public Relations Bernardine of Siena |
Public education | Public education Martin de Porres |
Puebla, Mexico | Puebla, Mexico Michael the Archangel |
Pueri Cantores | Pueri Cantores Dominic Savio |
Pueri Cantors | Pueri Cantors Dominic Savio |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico Our Lady of Divine Providence |
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico | Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Our Lady of Guadalupe |
Quantity surveyors | Quantity surveyors Thomas, Apostle |
Quebec | Quebec John Baptiste |
Queens College Cambridge | Queens College Cambridge Bernard of Clairvaux, Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch |
Rab, Croatia | Rab, Croatia Christopher |
Rabies | Rabies Hubert, Ubald |
Radio and radio workers | Radio and radio workers Gabriel the Archangel |
Radiologists, radiotherapists | Radiologists, radiotherapists Michael the Archangel |
Rain, excessive | Rain, excessive Genevieve (Genofeva) |
Raphoe, Ireland | Raphoe, Ireland Adamnan |
Retreats | Retreats Ignatius of Loyola |
Rheumatoid sufferers | Rheumatoid sufferers James the Greater |
Rhode Island, USA | Rhode Island, USA Our Lady of Mt. Carmel |
Right to Life groups | Right to Life groups Margaret of Castello |
Rimini, Italy | Rimini, Italy Gaudentius of Rimini |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sebastian |
Ripacandida | Ripacandida Donatus |
Robbers, danger from | Robbers, danger from Leonard of Noblac |
Roman housewives | Roman housewives Frances of Rome |
Romania | Romania Nicetas |
Rome | Rome Philip Neri |
Rulers | Rulers Ferdinand III of Castile |
Ruptures, protection against | Ruptures, protection against Drogo, Florentius of Strasburg, Osmund |
Russia | Russia Joseph, Andrew, Apostle, Basil the Great, Nicholas of Myra, Casimir |
Ruthenia | Ruthenia Bruno |
Saguntum, Spain | Saguntum, Spain Sacerdos of Saguntum |
Sailors | Sailors Brendan, Erasmus (Elmo), Francis of Paola, Nicholas of Myra |
Saint Ives, Cornwall | Saint Ives, Cornwall Ia |
Saint Ives, England | Saint Ives, England Ivo |
Saint Mellyan, Cornwall | Saint Mellyan, Cornwall Melaine of Rennes |
Saint Teath, Cornwall | Saint Teath, Cornwall Teath |
Saint Vitus's dance nervous disorder; rheumatic chorea | Saint Vitus's dance nervous disorder; rheumatic chorea Vitus |
Salamanca, Spain | Salamanca, Spain John of Sahagun |
San Gemini, Italy | San Gemini, Italy Geminus |
San Marino | San Marino Marinus |
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico | San Miguel de Allende, Mexico Michael the Archangel |
Santa Ana Indian Pueblo | Santa Ana Indian Pueblo Anne |
Santa Clara Indian Pueblo | Santa Clara Indian Pueblo Clare of Assisi |
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA | Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Francis of Assisi |
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Our Lady of Ransom |
Sardinia | Sardinia Maurice |
Sassano, Italy | Sassano, Italy John the Baptist |
Savings banks | Savings banks Anthony Claret |
Savona, Italy | Savona, Italy Our Lady of Mercy |
Savoy | Savoy Maurice |
Saxony | Saxony Willihad |
Scandinavia | Scandinavia Ansgar |
Scholars | Scholars Bridgid of Ireland, Thomas Aquinas |
Scholars, scripture | Scholars, scripture Jerome |
School teachers | School teachers John Baptist de la Salle |
Schools | Schools Thomas Aquinas |
Schools of law | Schools of law Raymond of Pennafort |
Schools, Catholic | Schools, Catholic Thomas Aquinas |
Schools, all Christian | Schools, all Christian Joseph Calasanctius |
Scientists | Scientists Albert the Great |
Scotland | Scotland Margaret, Andrew, Apostle |
Scripture scholars | Scripture scholars Jerome Emiliani |
Sculptors | Sculptors Claude, Luke, Four crowned martyrs, Louis |
Scurf, protection against | Scurf, protection against Genesius of Arles |
Sea, those associated with the | Sea, those associated with the Francis of Paola |
Security forces | Security forces Michael the Archangel |
Security forces, Andorran | Security forces, Andorran Our Lady Help of Christians |
Security forces, French | Security forces, French Genevieve (Genofeva) |
Security forces, Peruvian | Security forces, Peruvian Rose of Lima |
Security guards | Security guards Matthew |
Segovia, Spain | Segovia, Spain Venantius |
Seminarians | Seminarians Charles Borromeo |
Senior citizens | Senior citizens Our Lady of Consolation, Teresa of Jesus Jornet e Ibars |
Serbia | Serbia Sava |
Serbian peoples | Serbian peoples Sebastian |
Sergio Osmena, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines | Sergio Osmena, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines Philip Benizi |
Servants | Servants Martha, Notbunga |
Servants (women) | Servants (women) Zita |
Seville, Spain | Seville, Spain Ferdinand III of Castile |
Shepherds | Shepherds Our Lady of Lapurdo, Paschal Baylon |
Shipwrecks, protection against | Shipwrecks, protection against Anthony of Padua, Jodocus |
Shoemakers | Shoemakers Cyprian of Carthage, Homobonus |
Shorthand writers | Shorthand writers Cassian of Imola |
Sibenik, Croatia | Sibenik, Croatia Michael the Archangel |
Sicily | Sicily Andrew, Apostle, Vitus |
Sick | Sick John of God, Camillus de Lellis, Michael the Archangel |
Sick, of Poland | Sick, of Poland Mary, The Health of the Sick |
Siena Italy | Siena Italy Ambrose Sansedoni of Siena, Catherine of Siena |
Signals, military | Signals, military Gabriel the Archangel |
Silesia | Silesia Hedwig |
Silversmiths | Silversmiths Andronicus, Eligius (Eloi) |
Sisak, Croatia | Sisak, Croatia Quirinus |
Sisters of Mercy | Sisters of Mercy Elizabeth of Hungary |
Sithney, Cornwall, England | Sithney, Cornwall, England Sithney |
Skaters | Skaters Lidwina |
Skiathos Island, Greece | Skiathos Island, Greece Panagia Kastriani |
Skiers | Skiers Bernard of Montjoux, Andronicus (with Athanasia), Our Lady of Graces |
Skin diseases | Skin diseases Antony the Abbot |
Skopelos Island, Greece | Skopelos Island, Greece Riginos |
Slander | Slander John Nepomucene |
Sleepwalkers | Sleepwalkers Dymphna |
Slovakia | Slovakia Our Lady of the Assumption |
Slovenes | Slovenes Virgilius |
Snake bite victims | Snake bite victims Hilary, Pirminus, Vitus |
Snakes, protection against | Snakes, protection against Dominic of Sora, Hilary of Poitiers, Magnus of Fussen, Patrick, Paul, Apostle, Pirmin |
Social justice | Social justice Joseph, Martin de Porres |
Social workers | Social workers Louise de Marillac, John Francis Regis |
Soldiers | Soldiers George, Martin of Tours, Maurice, Sebastian |
Soldiers, American | Soldiers, American Joan of Arc |
Soldiers, French | Soldiers, French Joan of Arc, Louis |
Soldiers, Paraguayan | Soldiers, Paraguayan Mary, on feast of her Assumption |
Solomon Islands | Solomon Islands Michael the Archangel |
Sonsbeck (Santbeck), Germany | Sonsbeck (Santbeck), Germany Gerebernus |
Sorrento, Italy | Sorrento, Italy Antoninus of Sorrento |
South Africa, Southern Africa | South Africa, Southern Africa Our Lady of the Assumption |
South America | South America Rose of Lima, Our Lady of Guadalupe |
South Carolina, USA | South Carolina, USA Mary the Virgin Mother |
South Dakota, USA | South Dakota, USA Our Lady of the Prairie |
Spain | Spain James the Greater, John of Avila, Our Lady of Ransom, Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Spanish conquistadors | Spanish conquistadors James the Greater |
Spanish poets | Spanish poets John of the Cross |
Spanish secular clergy | Spanish secular clergy John of Avila |
Spas | Spas John the Baptist |
Speakers (Orators) | Speakers (Orators) John Chrysostom |
Speleologists, Italian | Speleologists, Italian Benedict, Abbot |
Spelunkers, potholers | Spelunkers, potholers Benedict, Abbot |
Spinners | Spinners Parasceva |
Spiritual directors of clergy | Spiritual directors of clergy Joseph Cafasso |
Spiritual exercises | Spiritual exercises Ignatius of Loyola |
Sportsmen and women, Belgian | Sportsmen and women, Belgian Our Lady of Chevremont |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Mary, Immaculate, Our Lady of Lanka |
Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) | Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) Lawrence, Our Lady of Madhu, Thomas, Apostle |
St Vincent de Paul Societies | St Vincent de Paul Societies Vincent de Paul |
St. Antony's Fire | St. Antony's Fire Antony the Abbot |
Stafford, England | Stafford, England Bettelin |
Stamp collectors | Stamp collectors Gabriel the Archangel |
Starving or Starvation; Starving People, protection against | Starving or Starvation; Starving People, protection against Anthony of Padua |
Stavenger, England | Stavenger, England Swithun |
Stenographers | Stenographers Cassian of Imola |
Stiff Neck, protection against | Stiff Neck, protection against Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne |
Stomach disorders | Stomach disorders Timothy, Erasmus (Elmo) |
Stone masons | Stone masons Four crowned martyrs, Louis, Stephen |
Storms, protection against | Storms, protection against Vitus |
Strasbourg, France | Strasbourg, France Arbogast |
Strokes | Strokes Andrew Avellino |
Students | Students Catherine of Alexandria, Thomas Aquinas, Gabriel Possenti |
Students (examinees) | Students (examinees) Joseph of Cupertino |
Students in Jesuit colleges | Students in Jesuit colleges Aloysius Gonzaga |
Students, of Peru | Students, of Peru Our Lady of Guadalupe |
Students, women | Students, women Catherine of Alexandria |
Sudan | Sudan Josephine Bakhita |
Sudden Death, protection against | Sudden Death, protection against Aldegundis, Andrew Avellino, Barbara, Christopher |
Surgeons | Surgeons Cosmas and Damian, Luke, Roch |
Surveyors | Surveyors Thomas, Apostle |
Swabia, Germany | Swabia, Germany Meinrad |
Sweden | Sweden Bridget, Eric of Sweden |
Swimmers | Swimmers Adjutor |
Switzerland | Switzerland Notbunga |
Swordsmiths | Swordsmiths Maurice |
Syracuse, Sicily | Syracuse, Sicily Lucy of Syracuse |
Syria | Syria Barbara |
Tailors | Tailors Homobonus |
Tanzania | Tanzania Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Taos, New Mexico | Taos, New Mexico Anne, John the Apostle |
Taranto | Taranto Catald |
Tax collectors | Tax collectors Matthew |
Taxi Drivers | Taxi Drivers Fiacre |
Teachers | Teachers Gregory the Great, John Baptist de la Salle |
Teenagers (esp. girls) | Teenagers (esp. girls) Mark, Maria Goretti |
Telecommunications | Telecommunications Gabriel the Archangel |
Television | Television Clare, Gabriel the Archangel |
Television (Peru) | Television (Peru) Martin de Porres |
Temptations, protection against | Temptations, protection against Angela of Foligno, Benedict, Catherine of Bologna, Catherine of Genoa, Catherine of Siena, Elizabeth of Schonau, Eustochium of Padua, Gemma Galgani, Helen del Cavalcanti, Margaret of Cortona |
Tennessee, USA | Tennessee, USA Our Lady of Lourdes |
Termonde, Belgium | Termonde, Belgium Christiana |
Teutonic Order; Order of Teutonic Knights | Teutonic Order; Order of Teutonic Knights George, Mary |
Texas, USA | Texas, USA Our Lady of the Annunciation |
Theatrical profession | Theatrical profession Genesius |
Theft, thieves | Theft, thieves Dismas |
Theologians | Theologians Alphonsus de Liguori, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, John the Apostle |
Theologians, Moral | Theologians, Moral Alphonsus de Liguori |
Thieves, danger from | Thieves, danger from Leonard of Noblac |
Throat ailments | Throat ailments Blaise, Ludmila |
Tigua Indians | Tigua Indians Anthony of Padua |
Toledo, Spain | Toledo, Spain Leocadia |
Toothache | Toothache Apollonia |
Torino, Italy | Torino, Italy John the Baptist |
Tourism, Spanish | Tourism, Spanish Francis Xavier |
Trade unionists, Spanish | Trade unionists, Spanish Martin de Porres |
Tradespeople | Tradespeople Homobonus |
Travelers | Travelers Raphael the Archangel, Nicholas of Myra, Anthony of Padua, Christopher, Joseph |
Tregony, Cornwall | Tregony, Cornwall Cybi |
Trier, Germay | Trier, Germay Maximus |
Trieste, Italy | Trieste, Italy Justus of Trieste |
Tultepac, Mexico | Tultepac, Mexico John of God |
Tunisia | Tunisia Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Turin, Italy | Turin, Italy John the Baptist |
Turkey (Asiatic) | Turkey (Asiatic) John the Apostle |
Turkey, Capuchin missions to | Turkey, Capuchin missions to Joseph of Leonessa |
Twitching, protection against | Twitching, protection against Bartholomew the Apostle, Cornelius |
Typhus, Against Typhoid, protection against | Typhus, Against Typhoid, protection against Adelard |
U.S. Army Field Artillery | U.S. Army Field Artillery St. Barbara |
U.S. National Catholic Rural Conference | U.S. National Catholic Rural Conference Isidore the Farmer |
Uganda | Uganda Mary, Queen of Africa |
Ukraine | Ukraine Josaphat |
Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Stamford, Connecticut, USA | Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Stamford, Connecticut, USA Volodymyr the Great |
Ulcers; Ulcer Sufferers, protection against | Ulcers; Ulcer Sufferers, protection against Charles Borromeo, Job |
Undertakers | Undertakers Dismas |
United States Army Special Forces | United States Army Special Forces Philip of Agirone |
United States National Rural Life Conference | United States National Rural Life Conference Isidore the Farmer |
United States of America | United States of America Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Unity of the Eastern and Western Churches | Unity of the Eastern and Western Churches Cyril and Methodius |
Universal Church | Universal Church Joseph, Peter the Apostle |
Universities | Universities Bl. Contardo Ferrini |
Universities, Catholic | Universities, Catholic Thomas Aquinas |
University of Oxford, England | University of Oxford, England Frideswide |
University of Patras, Greece | University of Patras, Greece Andrew, Apostle |
University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Engineering | University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Engineering Jordan of Saxony |
Unmarried women | Unmarried women Nicholas of Myra |
Upper Auvergne | Upper Auvergne Gerald of Aurillac |
Urban University, Rome | Urban University, Rome Oliver Plunket |
Uruguay | Uruguay Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Lujan, Philip and James, Apostles |
Utah, USA | Utah, USA Our Lady of the Snows |
Valencia | Valencia Our Lady of the Forsaken |
Valldemossa, Mallorca, Spain | Valldemossa, Mallorca, Spain Catherine Thomas |
Vanity, protection against | Vanity, protection against Rose of Lima |
Vastergotland, Sweden | Vastergotland, Sweden Helen of Skofde |
Velletri, Italy | Velletri, Italy Gerald |
Veneral disease | Veneral disease Fiacre |
Venezuela | Venezuela Our Lady of Coromoto |
Venezuelan National Guard | Venezuelan National Guard Our Lady of Chiquinquira |
Venice | Venice Mark |
Verbal Spouse Abuse; Victims of Spouse Abuse (verbal), protection against | Verbal Spouse Abuse; Victims of Spouse Abuse (verbal), protection against Anne Marie Taigi, Godelieve, Monica |
Vermin, protection from | Vermin, protection from Magnus of Fussen |
Vermont, USA | Vermont, USA Our Lady of Grace |
Veroli, Italy | Veroli, Italy Mary Salome |
Veterinarians | Veterinarians Our Lady of Coromoto |
Vienna, Austria | Vienna, Austria Clement Mary Hofbauer |
Vietnam | Vietnam Joseph |
Villareal Samar, Phillipines | Villareal Samar, Phillipines Rose of Lima |
Vilnius, Lithuania | Vilnius, Lithuania Antony of Vilnius, Eustace of Vilnius, John of Vilnius |
Vincentian Service Corps | Vincentian Service Corps Vincent de Paul |
Vinegar makers | Vinegar makers Vincent of Saragossa |
Vintners | Vintners Amand, Morand, Vincent of Saragossa |
Virginia, USA | Virginia, USA Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles |
Vocations | Vocations Alphonsus de Liguori |
Volcanic eruptions | Volcanic eruptions Agatha |
Volperino, Italy | Volperino, Italy Maro |
Waiters, waitresses | Waiters, waitresses Martha |
Wales | Wales David |
War victims, civilian | War victims, civilian Mary, Queen of Peace |
Washington, DC | Washington, DC Our Immaculate Queen |
Washington, USA | Washington, USA Our Lady of Good Help |
Water, danger from | Water, danger from Florian |
Waterford, Ireland | Waterford, Ireland Odrian |
Weavers | Weavers Parasceva, Antony Claret, Maurice, Onuphrius |
West Indies | West Indies Gertrude |
West Virginia, USA | West Virginia, USA Our Lady of Victory |
Wheelwrights | Wheelwrights Catherine of Alexandria |
Whooping Cough, protection against | Whooping Cough, protection against Blaise, Winoc |
Widows | Widows Frances of Rome, Paula |
Winchester, England | Winchester, England Swithun |
Wine merchants, and wine trade | Wine merchants, and wine trade Amand |
Winegrowers | Winegrowers Vincent of Saragossa, Martin of Tours |
Wisconsin, USA | Wisconsin, USA Our Lady of the Americas |
Witchcraft, protection against | Witchcraft, protection against Benedict |
Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Services (WAVES) | Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Services (WAVES) Joan of Arc |
Women giving birth | Women giving birth Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch |
Women in labor | Women in labor Anne (Mother of Mary), Erasmus (Elmo) |
Women, Italian | Women, Italian Paschal Baylon |
Women, childless | Women, childless Anne (Mother of Mary) |
Women, young and students | Women, young and students Catherine of Alexandria |
Workers | Workers Joseph |
Workers, young | Workers, young John Bosco |
World Youth Day | World Youth Day Kateri Tekakwitha |
Writers | Writers Francis de Sales |
Writers, Spanish Catholic | Writers, Spanish Catholic Teresa of Avila |
Wyoming, USA | Wyoming, USA Our Lady of the Valley |
Young girls | Young girls Agnes |
Young people, African | Young people, African Charles Lwanga |
Young people, Christian | Young people, Christian Aloysius Gonzaga |
Young people, Lithuanian | Young people, Lithuanian Casimir |
Young people, Mexican | Young people, Mexican John Bosco |
Young people, students | Young people, students John Berchmans, Maria Goretti |
Youth | Youth Aloysius Gonzaga, Maria Goretti, John Berchmans, Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Raphael the Archangel, John Bosco, Stanislaus Kostka |
Yugoslavia | Yugoslavia Cyril and Methodius |
Zacatecas, Mexico | Zacatecas, Mexico The Virgin of Patrocinio |
Zaire | Zaire Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Zakynthos Island, Greece | Zakynthos Island, Greece Dionysius the Aeropagite |
Zamarramala, Spain | Zamarramala, Spain Agatha |
Zeeland, Denmark | Zeeland, Denmark Canute Lavard |
Zutphen, Nederlands | Zutphen, Nederlands Walburga |
abuse victims | abuse victims Adelaide, Agostina Pietrantoni, Fabiola, Germaine Cousin, Godelieve, Jeanne de Lestonnac, Jeanne Marie de Maille, John Baptist de la Salle, Laura Vicuna, Margaret the Barefooted |
accomodations | accomodations Gertrude of Nivelles |
actresses | actresses Pelagia |
adopted children | adopted children Clotilde, Thomas More, William of Rochester |
affianced couples, betrothed couples, engaged couples | affianced couples, betrothed couples, engaged couples Ambrose Sansedoni of Siena, Valentine |
agricultural workers; farm workers; farmers; field hands; field workers; husbandmen; ranchers | agricultural workers; farm workers; farmers; field hands; field workers; husbandmen; ranchers Benedict, Bernard of Vienne, Eligius (Eloi), Isidore the Farmer, Notburga, Phocas the Gardener, Walstan |
alcoholism | alcoholism John of God, Martin of Tours, Monica, Urban of Langres |
ambulance drivers, emergency medical technicians, EMTs, paramedics | ambulance drivers, emergency medical technicians, EMTs, paramedics Michael the Archangel |
amputees | amputees Anthony of Padua, Antony the Abbot |
angina sufferers | angina sufferers Swithbert |
animal welfare societies, humane societies | animal welfare societies, humane societies Francis of Assisi |
appendicitis | appendicitis Erasmus (Elmo) |
apple orchards | apple orchards Charles Borromeo |
archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland, USA | archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary |
archdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts, USA | archdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts, USA Patrick |
archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois, USA | archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary |
archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Albert the Great, Francis de Sales, Robert Bellarmine |
archdiocese of Cracow Poland | archdiocese of Cracow Poland Stanislaus of Cracow |
archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, USA | archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary, Francis of Assisi |
archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland | archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland Kevin, Lawrence O'Toole |
archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa, USA | archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa, USA John Vianney, Raymond Nonnatus |
archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA | archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Francis Xavier |
archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky, USA | archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky, USA Joseph |
archdiocese of Miami, Florida | archdiocese of Miami, Florida Our Lady of Charity, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary |
archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA | archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Our Lady of Prompt Succor |
archdiocese of New York, New York, USA | archdiocese of New York, New York, USA Patrick |
archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska, USA | archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska, USA Cecilia |
archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary, Paul, Apostle, Peter the Apostle |
archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, USA | archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary |
archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA | archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Francis of Assisi, Immaculate Heart of Mary |
archdiocese of Seattle, Washington, USA | archdiocese of Seattle, Washington, USA Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception, Holy Angels |
archives | archives Laurent (Lawrence) |
archivists, librarians, libraries | archivists, librarians, libraries Catherine of Alexandria, Jerome, Laurent (Lawrence) |
arm pain; pain in the arms | arm pain; pain in the arms Amalburga |
armies of Jalisco, Mexico | armies of Jalisco, Mexico Our Lady of Zapopan |
armories | armories Laurent (Lawrence) |
armourers | armourers Barbara, Dunstan, George, Laurent (Lawrence), Sebastian |
arrowsmiths; fletchers | arrowsmiths; fletchers Sebastian |
art dealers | art dealers John the Apostle |
asses | asses Anthony of Padua |
attorneys, lawyers, barristers | attorneys, lawyers, barristers Catherine of Alexandria, Genesius, Ivo of Kermartin, Mark the Evangelist, Raymond of Pennafort, Thomas More |
automobile drivers, automobilists, motorists | automobile drivers, automobilists, motorists Christopher, Elijah the Prophet, Frances of Rome, Sebastian of Aparicio |
bachelors | bachelors Benedict, Benezet, Boniface of Tarsus, Caesarius of Nanzianzen, Casimir of Poland, Christopher, Cuthman, Epipodius, Gerald of Aurillac, Guy of Anderlecht |
backward children | backward children Hilary of Poitiers |
bacterial disease and infection | bacterial disease and infection Agrippina |
bailiffs | bailiffs Ivo of Kermartin |
bakers of holy wafers | bakers of holy wafers Honorius of Amiens |
baptism | baptism John the Baptist |
bartenders, bar keepers, bar staff | bartenders, bar keepers, bar staff Amand |
bees | bees Ambrose of Milan, Bernard of Clairvaux, Modomnoc |
bell-founders | bell-founders Agatha, Fortchern of Trim |
belt makers | belt makers Alexius |
betrayal victims | betrayal victims Epipodius, Flora of Cordoba, Oswin, Philip Howard, Pulcheria |
bicyclists, cyclists, bicycle riders | bicyclists, cyclists, bicycle riders La Madonna di Ghisalo |
bird dealers | bird dealers John the Baptist |
birth pains | birth pains Erasmus (Elmo) |
bishops | bishops Charles Borromeo |
black missions, African missions | black missions, African missions Benedict the Black, Francis Xavier, Peter Claver, Therese of Lisieux |
black people, Negroes, African-Americans | black people, Negroes, African-Americans Benedict the Black, Martin de Porres, Peter Claver |
blackbirds | blackbirds Kevin |
blacksmiths | blacksmiths Bridgid of Ireland, Dunstan, Eligius (Eloi), Giles, James the Greater, Leonard of Noblac |
bodily purity | bodily purity Agnes of Rome |
boilermakers | boilermakers Eligius (Eloi) |
bomb technicians | bomb technicians Barbara |
boot blacks, shoe shiners | boot blacks, shoe shiners Nicholas of Myra |
bowel disorders | bowel disorders Bonaventure |
box makers | box makers Fiacre |
brass workers | brass workers Barbara |
breast cancer | breast cancer Agatha, Aldegundis, Giles, Peregrine Laziosi |
breast disease, invoked against | breast disease, invoked against Agatha |
brick makers | brick makers Vincent Ferrer |
bridge builders | bridge builders John Nepomucene, Peter the Apostle |
broken bones | broken bones Drogo, Stanislaus Kostka |
broommakers | broommakers Anne |
brushmakers | brushmakers Antony the Abbot |
burns | burns John the Apostle |
bus drivers | bus drivers Christopher |
butchers | butchers Adrian of Nicomedia, Antony the Abbot, Bartholomew the Apostle, George, Lawrence, Luke the Apostle, Peter the Apostle, Thomas Bellacci, Antony the Abbot, Luke |
cabinetmakers | cabinetmakers Anne, Joseph, Vincent de Paul |
carnival workers, carnies | carnival workers, carnies Julian the Hospitaller |
carriage makers | carriage makers Eligius (Eloi) |
cartwrights; cart makers | cartwrights; cart makers Elijah |
carvers | carvers Blaise, Olaf II |
cathedral-chapter of Langres | cathedral-chapter of Langres Gebuinus |
cats | cats Gertrude of Nivelles |
cattle | cattle Bridgid of Ireland, Colman of Stockerau, Drogo, Perpetua, Roch |
cemetery workers | cemetery workers Antony the Abbot, Callistus I |
champions; invincible people; to be invincible | champions; invincible people; to be invincible Drausinus |
chastity, invoked for | chastity, invoked for Agnes of Rome, Thomas Aquinas |
chemical industry, chemical manufacturers | chemical industry, chemical manufacturers Cosmas and Damian |
child abuse victims | child abuse victims Alodia, Germaine Cousin, Lufthild, Nunilo |
childhood diseases | childhood diseases Aldegundis, Pharaildis |
childhood intestinal diseases | childhood intestinal diseases Erasmus (Elmo) |
childless people | childless people Anne Line, Catherine of Genoa, Gummarus, Henry II, Julian the Hospitaller |
children learning to speak or talk | children learning to speak or talk Zeno of Verona |
children learning to walk | children learning to walk Zeno of Verona |
children who are late in learning to walk | children who are late in learning to walk Vaast |
children's choir | children's choir Dominic Savio, Holy Innocents |
children's nurses | children's nurses Foillan |
children, sick | children, sick Beuno, Clement I, Hugh of Lincoln, Ubald Baldassini |
chimney sweeps | chimney sweeps Florian |
chivalry | chivalry George |
choir boys | choir boys Dominic Savio, Gregory the Great, Holy Innocents |
church cleaners | church cleaners Theobald Roggeri |
circus workers | circus workers Julian the Hospitaller |
city of Barbastro, Huesca. Aragón. España | city of Barbastro, Huesca. Aragón. España Raymond of Barbastro |
city of Chieti, Italy | city of Chieti, Italy Justin of Chieti |
city of Cuenca, Spain | city of Cuenca, Spain Julian of Cuenca |
city of Saint-Oyen, Tarentaise, France | city of Saint-Oyen, Tarentaise, France Eugendus |
city of Saint-Oyen, Valley of Aoste, Italy | city of Saint-Oyen, Valley of Aoste, Italy Eugendus |
city of Saint-Oyens, Vaud, Switzerland | city of Saint-Oyens, Vaud, Switzerland Eugendus |
city of Salzburg, Austria | city of Salzburg, Austria Rupert, Virgilius |
city of Sutri, Italy | city of Sutri, Italy Dulcissima |
civil disorder, riot (against) | civil disorder, riot (against) Andrew Corsini |
clock makers; watch makers | clock makers; watch makers Eligius (Eloi), Peter the Apostle |
clothing industry | clothing industry Paul the Hermit |
clowns | clowns Genesius, Justin Martyr |
coachmen | coachmen Richard of Chichester |
coal miners | coal miners Leonard of Noblac |
coffee house owners or keepers | coffee house owners or keepers Drogo, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
coffin makers; casket makers | coffin makers; casket makers Stephen the Martyr |
composers | composers Cecilia |
compositors; typesetters | compositors; typesetters John the Apostle |
computers, computer users, computer technicians, pc technicians | computers, computer users, computer technicians, pc technicians Isidore of Seville |
confectioners | confectioners Honorius of Amiens, Joseph, Lawrence, Macarius the Younger |
confessions, to make a good one | confessions, to make a good one Gerard Majella, John Nepomucene |
conscientious objectors | conscientious objectors Marcellus |
contemplatives, contemplative life | contemplatives, contemplative life John of the Cross, Mary Magdalene |
converts | converts Afra, Alban, Anne Line, Boniface of Tarsus, Caedwalla, Charles Lwanga, Edwin, Flora of Cordoba, Genesius, Helena |
convulsions | convulsions John the Baptist, Willibrord |
convulsive children | convulsive children Guy of Anderlecht, John the Baptist, Scholastica |
cooks, chefs | cooks, chefs Lawrence, Macarius the Younger, Martha, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Paschal Baylon |
coppersmiths | coppersmiths Benedict, Eulogius of Cordoba, Leonard of Noblac, Maurus |
corn chandlers | corn chandlers Honorius of Amiens |
coughs; against | coughs; against Blaise, Quentin, Walburga |
council | council Holy Spirit |
councilmen | councilmen Nicholas von Flue |
countesses | countesses Elizabeth of Hungary |
counts | counts Charles the Good, Gerald of Aurillac |
courtiers | courtiers Gummarus |
cowherds | cowherds Gummarus |
craftsmen who work with a wheel (potters, spinners, etc.) | craftsmen who work with a wheel (potters, spinners, etc.) Catherine of Alexandria |
criminals | criminals Dominic |
curriers | curriers Simon the Apostle |
cutters | cutters John the Baptist |
danger at sea | danger at sea Erasmus (Elmo), Michael |
death of children | death of children Angela of Foligno, Clotilde, Elizabeth of Hungary, Felicity, Frances of Rome, Hedwig, Isidore the Farmer, Joaquina Vedruna de Mas, Louis IX, Perpetua |
desperate, forgotten, impossible or lost causes or situations | desperate, forgotten, impossible or lost causes or situations Jude Thaddeus, Gregory Thaumaturgus, Philomena, Rita of Cascia |
devotees of the Sacred Heart | devotees of the Sacred Heart Margaret Mary Alacoque |
dieticians | dieticians Martha |
difficult marriages | difficult marriages Catherine of Genoa, Elizabeth of Portugal, Fabiola, Godelieve, Gummarus, Hedwig, Helena, Louis IX, Margaret the Barefooted, Monica |
diocese of Achonry, Ireland | diocese of Achonry, Ireland Attracta, Nathy, Attracta |
diocese of Albany, New York, USA | diocese of Albany, New York, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary |
diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana, USA | diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana, USA Francis Xavier |
diocese of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada | diocese of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada Ninian |
diocese of Arlington, Virginia, USA | diocese of Arlington, Virginia, USA Thomas More |
diocese of Austin, Texas, USA | diocese of Austin, Texas, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Barbastro, España | diocese of Barbastro, España Raymond of Barbastro |
diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA | diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA Joseph |
diocese of Birmingham, Alabama | diocese of Birmingham, Alabama Paul, Apostle |
diocese of Bismarck, North Dakota, USA | diocese of Bismarck, North Dakota, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA | diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA Augustine of Hippo |
diocese of Burlington, Vermont, USA | diocese of Burlington, Vermont, USA Immaculate Conception, Patrick |
diocese of Camden, New Jersey, USA | diocese of Camden, New Jersey, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Charleston, South Carolina, USA | diocese of Charleston, South Carolina, USA John the Baptist |
diocese of Cleveland, Ohio, USA | diocese of Cleveland, Ohio, USA John the Evangelist |
diocese of Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA | diocese of Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA Our Lady of Guadalupe |
diocese of Columbus, Ohio, USA | diocese of Columbus, Ohio, USA Francis de Sales |
diocese of Constantinople | diocese of Constantinople Andrew, Apostle |
diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas, USA | diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas, USA Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patrick |
diocese of Covington, Kentucky, USA | diocese of Covington, Kentucky, USA Paul, Apostle |
diocese of Crookston, Minnesota, USA | diocese of Crookston, Minnesota, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Cuenca, Spain | diocese of Cuenca, Spain Julian of Cuenca |
diocese of Des Moines, Iowa, USA | diocese of Des Moines, Iowa, USA Mary, Queen of Heaven, Pius X |
diocese of Dodge City, Kansas, USA | diocese of Dodge City, Kansas, USA Our Lady of Guadalupe, John the Baptist |
diocese of Duluth, Minnesota, USA | diocese of Duluth, Minnesota, USA Our Lady of the Holy Rosary |
diocese of Elphia | diocese of Elphia Asicus |
diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska, USA | diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska, USA Therese of Lisieux |
diocese of Fargo, North Dakota, USA | diocese of Fargo, North Dakota, USA Assumption of the Virgin Mary |
diocese of Ferns, Ireland | diocese of Ferns, Ireland Aeden of Ferns |
diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, USA | diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Fort Worth, Texas, USA | diocese of Fort Worth, Texas, USA Patrick |
diocese of Fresno, California, USA | diocese of Fresno, California, USA Therese of Lisieux |
diocese of Gallup, New Mexico, USA | diocese of Gallup, New Mexico, USA Our Lady of Guadalupe |
diocese of Gaylord, Michigan, USA | diocese of Gaylord, Michigan, USA Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
diocese of Grand Island, Nebraska, USA | diocese of Grand Island, Nebraska, USA Blessed Virgin Mary |
diocese of Great Falls-Billings, Montana, USA | diocese of Great Falls-Billings, Montana, USA Matthias the Apostle, Pius X |
diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA | diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA Francis Xavier |
diocese of Guadalajara, Mexico | diocese of Guadalajara, Mexico Our Lady of Zapopan |
diocese of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | diocese of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Mary, Mother of God |
diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA | diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA Patrick |
diocese of Helena, Montana, USA | diocese of Helena, Montana, USA Helena |
diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, England | diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, England Cuthbert |
diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii, USA | diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Our Lady fo Peace |
diocese of Jaca | diocese of Jaca Eurosius |
diocese of Jackson, Mississippi, USA | diocese of Jackson, Mississippi, USA Peter the Apostle |
diocese of Jerez de la Frontera | diocese of Jerez de la Frontera John Grande |
diocese of Joliet, Illinois, USA | diocese of Joliet, Illinois, USA Francis Xavier |
diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA | diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA Augustine of Hippo |
diocese of Killaloe | diocese of Killaloe Flannan of Killaloe |
diocese of Lafayette, Indiana, USA | diocese of Lafayette, Indiana, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA | diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA Mary Immaculate, Mother of Jesus, Peter Claver |
diocese of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA | diocese of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Peter the Apostle, Paul, Apostle |
diocese of Limerick, Ireland | diocese of Limerick, Ireland Munchin |
diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA | diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA Blessed Virgin Mary |
diocese of Los Angeles, California, USA | diocese of Los Angeles, California, USA Bibiana |
diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, USA | diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, USA Joseph |
diocese of Marquette, Michigan, USA | diocese of Marquette, Michigan, USA Peter the Apostle |
diocese of Monterey, California, USA | diocese of Monterey, California, USA Our Lady of Bethlehem, Charles Borromeo |
diocese of Nashville, Tennessee, USA | diocese of Nashville, Tennessee, USA Joseph, Our Lady of Guadalupe |
diocese of New Ulm, Minnesota, USA | diocese of New Ulm, Minnesota, USA Mary, Mother of God |
diocese of Norwich, Connecticut, USA | diocese of Norwich, Connecticut, USA Anne, Patrick |
diocese of Oakland, California, USA | diocese of Oakland, California, USA Our Lady, Queen of the World |
diocese of Ogdensburg, New York, USA | diocese of Ogdensburg, New York, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky, USA | diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky, USA Stephen the Martyr |
diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, USA | diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, USA John the Baptist |
diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida, USA | diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida, USA Michael the Archangel, Thomas More |
diocese of Peoria, Illinois, USA | diocese of Peoria, Illinois, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Phoenix, Arizona, USA | diocese of Phoenix, Arizona, USA Our Lady of Guadalupe |
diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Portland, Maine, USA | diocese of Portland, Maine, USA Immaculate Conception, John the Baptist, Patrick |
diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, USA | diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, USA Our Lady of Providence, Paul, Apostle, Peter the Apostle |
diocese of Pueblo, Colorado, USA | diocese of Pueblo, Colorado, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary, Therese of Lisieux |
diocese of Regensburg, Germany | diocese of Regensburg, Germany Erhard of Regensburg |
diocese of Reno, Nevada, USA | diocese of Reno, Nevada, USA Our Lady of the Snows |
diocese of Reno, Nevada, USA | diocese of Reno, Nevada, USA Vincent de Paul |
diocese of Rockford, Illinois, USA | diocese of Rockford, Illinois, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, USA | diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, USA Agnes of Rome |
diocese of Ross, Ireland | diocese of Ross, Ireland Fachanan |
diocese of Sacramento, California, USA | diocese of Sacramento, California, USA Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patrick |
diocese of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA | diocese of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA Cloud |
diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA | diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA Jude Thaddeus |
diocese of Salina, Kansas, USA | diocese of Salina, Kansas, USA Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Francis of Assisi |
diocese of San Bernardino, California, USA | diocese of San Bernardino, California, USA Bernardine of Siena |
diocese of San Diego, California, USA | diocese of San Diego, California, USA Diego |
diocese of San Jose, California, USA | diocese of San Jose, California, USA Joseph |
diocese of Santa Rosa, California, USA | diocese of Santa Rosa, California, USA Rose of Lima |
diocese of Savannah, Georgia, USA | diocese of Savannah, Georgia, USA John the Baptist, Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA | diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA Peter the Apostle |
diocese of Sens, France | diocese of Sens, France Potentian, Sabinus |
diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana, USA | diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana, USA Immaculate Conception, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Peter Claver |
diocese of Sioux City, Iowa, USA | diocese of Sioux City, Iowa, USA Our Lady of Guadalupe |
diocese of Spokane, Washington, USA | diocese of Spokane, Washington, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts, USA | diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts, USA Michael the Archangel |
diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA | diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA Philippine Duchesne, Pius X |
diocese of Steubenville, Ohio, USA | diocese of Steubenville, Ohio, USA Immaculate Heart of Mary |
diocese of Superior, Wisconsin, USA | diocese of Superior, Wisconsin, USA Augustine of Hippo |
diocese of Sutri, Italy | diocese of Sutri, Italy Dulcissima |
diocese of Syracuse, New York, USA | diocese of Syracuse, New York, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Tucson, Arizona, USA | diocese of Tucson, Arizona, USA Augustine of Hippo |
diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA | diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Holy Family |
diocese of Tyler, Texas, USA | diocese of Tyler, Texas, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Venice, Florida, USA | diocese of Venice, Florida, USA Our Lady of Mercy, Mark the Evangelist |
diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia, USA | diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia, USA Joseph |
diocese of Wichita, Kansas, USA | diocese of Wichita, Kansas, USA Immaculate Conception |
diocese of Wilmington, Delaware | diocese of Wilmington, Delaware Francis de Sales |
diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts, USA | diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Paul, Apostle |
diocese of Wurzburg | diocese of Wurzburg Killian |
diplomats | diplomats Gabriel the Archangel |
disappointing children | disappointing children Clotilde, Louise de Marillac, Matilda, Monica |
discretion | discretion John Nepomucene |
distillers | distillers Louis IX, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
divorced people | divorced people Fabiola, Gummarus, Helena |
dock workers, longshoremen | dock workers, longshoremen Nicholas of Myra |
doctors, physicians | doctors, physicians Cosmas and Damian, Luke the Apostle, Pantaleon, Raphael the Archangel |
dog bites | dog bites Hubert of Liege, Vitus, Walburga, Ubald |
dogs; dog lovers; dog fanciers | dogs; dog lovers; dog fanciers Hubert of Liege, Roch, Vitus |
domestic workers, maids, butlers, manservants, servants | domestic workers, maids, butlers, manservants, servants Adelelmus, Martha, Zita |
doves | doves Denis |
drapers | drapers Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
drug addiction | drug addiction Maximillian Kolbe |
duchesses | duchesses Hedwig, Ludmila |
dukes | dukes Henry II |
dyers, cloth dyers, purplers | dyers, cloth dyers, purplers Lydia Purpuraria, Maurice |
dying people, invoked by | dying people, invoked by Abel, Barbara, Benedict, Catherine of Alexandria, James the Lesser, Apostle, John of God, Joseph, Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch, Michael the Archangel, Nicholas of Tolentino |
dysentery | dysentery Lucy of Syracuse, Polycarp |
dysfunctional families | dysfunctional families Eugene de Mazenod |
e of Evansville, Indiana, USA | e of Evansville, Indiana, USA Mary, Mother of God |
ecumenists, unity of the Eastern and Western Churches | ecumenists, unity of the Eastern and Western Churches Cyril and Methodius |
elderly people | elderly people Anthony of Padua |
empresses | empresses Adelaide, Helena, Pulcheria |
enemies of religion | enemies of religion Sebastian |
engineers | engineers Ferdinand III of Castile, Joseph, Patrick, Patrick, Ferdinand III |
engravers | engravers John the Apostle, Thiemo |
enlightenment | enlightenment Holy Spirit, Our Lady of Good Counsel |
eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles for Maronites | eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles for Maronites Our Lady of Lebanon |
eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn for the Maronites | eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn for the Maronites Maron |
erysipelas | erysipelas Anthony the Abbott, Benedict, Ida of Nivelles |
escape from devils | escape from devils Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch |
evangelists | evangelists Paul, Apostle |
excluded people | excluded people Patrick |
exiles, people in exile | exiles, people in exile Adelaide, Angela Truszkowska, Arthelais, Clotilde, Epipodius, Jeanne Marie de Maille, Joaquina Vedruna de Mas, Kateri Tekakwitha, Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch, Rose of Viterbo |
expeditious or prompt solutions; against procrastination | expeditious or prompt solutions; against procrastination Expeditus |
fainting, faintness | fainting, faintness Urban of Langres, Ursus of Ravenna, Valentine |
faith in the Blessed Sacrament | faith in the Blessed Sacrament Anthony of Padua |
families | families Francis of Assisi, Joseph, Maximillian Kolbe |
family happiness or harmony | family happiness or harmony Dymphna, Ksenya Blazhennaya |
family life | family life Infant Jesus of Prague |
farriers, horseshoe makers | farriers, horseshoe makers Eligius (Eloi), John the Baptist |
fear of insects | fear of insects Gratus of Aosta |
fear of mice or rats | fear of mice or rats Gertrude of Nivelles |
fear of night | fear of night Giles |
fear of snakes | fear of snakes Patrick |
fear of the Lord | fear of the Lord Holy Spirit |
fear of wasps | fear of wasps Friard |
fencing | fencing Michael the Archangel |
ferrymen | ferrymen Julian the Hospitaller |
fiddlers, fiddle players | fiddlers, fiddle players Julian the Hospitaller |
file makers | file makers Theodosius the Cenobriarch |
final perseverance | final perseverance Alphonsus de Liguori |
financial officers | financial officers Matthew the Apostle |
fireworks and fireworks manufacturers | fireworks and fireworks manufacturers Barbara |
fish | fish Neot |
fish dealers, fishmongers | fish dealers, fishmongers Andrew, Apostle, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, Magnus, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
fistula | fistula Fiacre |
flour merchants | flour merchants Honorius of Amiens |
foot problems; feet problems | foot problems; feet problems Peter the Apostle, Servatus |
for good weather | for good weather Agricola of Avignon, Clare of Assisi, Medard of Noyon |
for rain | for rain Agricola of Avignon, Eulalia, Heribert of Cologne, Isidore the Farmer, Julian of Cuenca, Odo, Theodore of Sykeon |
foreign missions | foreign missions Francis Xavier, Infant Jesus of Prague, Peter Claver, Therese of Lisieux |
forgotten people | forgotten people Jeanne de Chantal |
fortifications | fortifications Barbara |
fortitude | fortitude Holy Spirit |
founders | founders Barbara |
freedom | freedom Infant Jesus of Prague |
friendships | friendships John the Apostle |
fruit dealers | fruit dealers Christopher |
fugitives | fugitives Bridgid of Ireland |
fullers | fullers Anastasius the Fuller, Christopher, James the Lesser, Apostle |
furriers | furriers Hubert of Liege, James the Greater |
gall stones | gall stones Benedict, Drogo, Florentius of Strasburg, Liberius |
gambling addicts; compulsive gambling; uncontrolled gambling | gambling addicts; compulsive gambling; uncontrolled gambling Bernardine of Siena |
geese; goose | geese; goose Gall, Martin of Tours |
geometricians | geometricians Thomas, Apostle |
gilders | gilders Clare of Assisi, Eligius (Eloi) |
glandular disorders | glandular disorders Cadoc of Llancarvan |
glove makers | glove makers Crispin and Crispinian, Gummarus, Mary Magdalene |
goitres | goitres Blaise |
good finances | good finances Infant Jesus of Prague |
grandfathers | grandfathers Joachim |
grandmothers | grandmothers Anne |
grandparents | grandparents Anne, Joachim |
greeting card manufacturers | greeting card manufacturers Valentine |
grooms, bridegrooms | grooms, bridegrooms Louis IX, Nicholas of Myra |
guardian angels | guardian angels Raphael the Archangel |
guardians | guardians Gummarus, Joseph of Palestine |
guards | guards Matthew the Apostle |
haberdashers | haberdashers Louis IX, Michael the Archangel |
hangovers | hangovers Bibiana |
happy meetings | happy meetings Raphael the Archangel |
harness makers | harness makers Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, Eligius (Eloi) |
harvesters | harvesters Peter the Apostle |
harvests | harvests Anthony of Padua, Florian, Jodocus, Medard of Noyon, Walburga |
hatmakers, hatters, milliners | hatmakers, hatters, milliners Barbara, Clement I, James the Lesser, Apostle, Michael the Archangel, Severus of Avranches |
haymakers | haymakers Gervase, Protase |
head injuries | head injuries John Licci |
healers | healers Bridgid of Ireland |
health | health Infant Jesus of Prague |
heart patients | heart patients John of God |
hermits, recluses | hermits, recluses Anthony the Abbott, Giles |
hernia | hernia Alban of Mainz, Cosmas and Damian, Drogo, Gummarus |
herpes | herpes George |
hogs, pigs, swine | hogs, pigs, swine Anthony the Abbott |
holy death | holy death Andrew Avellino, Christopher, Joseph, Michael the Archangel, Ursula |
homeless people, hoboes, tramps | homeless people, hoboes, tramps Benedict Joseph Labre, Edwin, Elizabeth of Hungary, Lufthild, Margaret of Cortona |
homemakers, housewives, housekeepers | homemakers, housewives, housekeepers Anne, Martha, Monica, Zita |
horned animals | horned animals Guy of Anderlecht |
horse men, riders, equestrians | horse men, riders, equestrians Anne, George, James the Greater, Martin of Tours |
hosiers | hosiers Fiacre |
hospital administrators | hospital administrators Basil the Great, Frances Xavier Cabrini |
hospital public relations | hospital public relations Paul, Apostle |
hospital workers | hospital workers Camillus de Lellis, John of God, Jude Thaddeus, Vincent Ferrer |
hospitality, hospitallers | hospitality, hospitallers Julian the Hospitaller, Meinrad |
house hunters or sellers | house hunters or sellers Joseph |
human race, people | human race, people Mary, Mother of God |
in-law problems | in-law problems Adelaide, Elizabeth of Hungary, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Godelieve, Jeanne de Chantal, Jeanne Marie de Maille, Ludmila, Pulcheria |
incest victims | incest victims Dymphna, Laurent (Lawrence) |
infantrymen | infantrymen Maurice |
innocence | innocence Hallvard |
inquisitors | inquisitors Peter of Verona |
insect bites | insect bites Mark the Apostle, Narcissus |
inter-racial justice, race relations, racial harmony | inter-racial justice, race relations, racial harmony Martin de Porres, Peter Claver |
interior souls | interior souls Joseph |
invoked in time of war | invoked in time of war Elizabeth of Portugal |
ions, Chinese | ions, Chinese Joseph |
iron mongers, hardware, hardware stores | iron mongers, hardware, hardware stores Sebastian |
jaundice | jaundice Odilo |
job seekers, unemployed people | job seekers, unemployed people Cajetan |
jockeys | jockeys Eligius (Eloi) |
judges | judges Ivo of Kermartin, John of Capistrano, Nicholas of Myra |
jugglers | jugglers Julian the Hospitaller |
jurists; jurors | jurists; jurors Catherine of Alexandria, Ivo of Kermartin, John of Capistrano |
kidnap victims | kidnap victims Arthelais, Dagobert II |
kidney stones; gravel | kidney stones; gravel Alban of Mainz |
kings | kings Casimir of Poland, Dagobert II, Edwin, Henry II, Louis IX, Olaf II |
knee diseases or trouble | knee diseases or trouble Roch |
knife grinders, knife sharpeners | knife grinders, knife sharpeners Catherine of Alexandria |
knights | knights George, James the Greater, Julian the Hospitaller, Michael the Archangel |
knowledge | knowledge Holy Spirit |
lamp makers | lamp makers Our Lady of Loreto |
last sacraments | last sacraments Stanislaus Kostka |
laundry workers, laundresses, washerwomen | laundry workers, laundresses, washerwomen Clare of Assisi, Lawrence |
lawsuits | lawsuits Agia |
lawsuits lost unjustly | lawsuits lost unjustly Nicholas of Myra |
lay brothers | lay brothers Gerard Majella |
lay people, laity | lay people, laity Frances of Rome, Paul, Apostle |
lead workers | lead workers Sebastian |
lectors | lectors Bede the Venerable, Pollio, Sabas |
leg disease or trouble | leg disease or trouble Servatus |
liberal arts | liberal arts Catherine of Bologna |
linguists | linguists Gotteschalk |
lions | lions Mark the Apostle |
lithographers | lithographers John the Apostle |
liturgy | liturgy Joseph Mary Tomasi |
livestock | livestock Isidore the Farmer |
locksmiths | locksmiths Dunstan, Eligius (Eloi), Leonard of Noblac, Peter the Apostle |
longevity, long life | longevity, long life Peter the Apostle |
loss of milk by nursing mothers | loss of milk by nursing mothers Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch |
loss of parents, mother, father | loss of parents, mother, father Dymphna, Gemma Galgani, Germaine Cousin, Jeanne Marie de Maille, Laura Vicuna, Louise de Marillac, Margaret of Cortona, Margaret Mary Alacoque, Marguerite Bourgeous, Maria Goretti |
lost keys, against losing keys | lost keys, against losing keys Zita |
lost vocations | lost vocations Gotteschalk |
lumbago | lumbago Lawrence |
lungs; chest; respiratory problems | lungs; chest; respiratory problems Bernardine of Siena |
machinists | machinists Hubert of Liege |
mail Anthony of Padua |
market carriers | market carriers Christopher |
married couples | married couples Joseph |
martyrs, murdered as confessors of the faith or for moral integrity | martyrs, murdered as confessors of the faith or for moral integrity Afra, Agatha, Agostina Pietrantoni, Alodia, Barbara, Cecilia, Dymphna, Felicity, Flora of Cordoba, Joan of Arc |
mathematicians | mathematicians Barbara, Hubert of Liege |
mechanics | mechanics Catherine of Alexandria |
medical record librarians | medical record librarians Raymond of Pennafort |
medical social workers | medical social workers John Regis |
mental health professionals, caregivers, psychiatrists, therapists | mental health professionals, caregivers, psychiatrists, therapists Dymphna |
metal collectors, precious metal collectors | metal collectors, precious metal collectors Eligius (Eloi) |
migraine; against migraines; migraine sufferers | migraine; against migraines; migraine sufferers Gereon, Severus of Avranches, Ubald Baldassini |
military engineers | military engineers Barbara |
misfortune | misfortune Agricola of Avignon |
missionaries | missionaries Francis Xavier, Therese of Lisieux |
missionary bishops | missionary bishops Paul, Apostle |
money managers | money managers Matthew the Apostle |
monks | monks Anthony the Abbott, Benedict |
motherhood | motherhood Gerard Majella |
mountain travellers | mountain travellers Petronilla |
mulattoes, bi-racial or multi-racial people | mulattoes, bi-racial or multi-racial people Martin de Porres |
murderers | murderers Caedwalla, Julian the Hospitaller, Nicholas of Myra, Vladimir |
musical instrument makers | musical instrument makers Cecilia |
mute people, muteness, dumbness | mute people, muteness, dumbness Drogo |
mystics, mystical theology | mystics, mystical theology John of the Cross |
nail makers | nail makers Cloud |
native rights | native rights Turibius of Mogroveio |
native traditions | native traditions Alonso Rodriguez |
natural disasters | natural disasters Agatha |
natural sciences | natural sciences Albertus Magnus |
navigators | navigators Erasmus (Elmo), Expeditus, Francis Xavier, Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Francis of Paola |
needle makers | needle makers Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
net makers | net makers Peter the Apostle |
neuralgia | neuralgia Ubald Baldassini |
newlyweds | newlyweds Nicholas of Myra |
news dealers | news dealers Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin |
novices of the Oblates of Saint Joseph | novices of the Oblates of Saint Joseph John Berchmans |
nuns | nuns Blessed Virgin Mary, Bridgid of Ireland, Gertrude the Great, Scholastica |
nursing services | nursing services Catherine of Siena, Elizabeth of Hungary |
oaths | oaths Pancras |
obsession | obsession Raphael the Archangel |
obstetricians | obstetricians Raymond Nonnatus |
oil refiners | oil refiners Honorius of Amiens |
old-clothes dealers | old-clothes dealers Anne |
open sores | open sores Peregrine Laziosi |
opposition of Church authorities | opposition of Church authorities Elizabeth Ann Seton, Joan of Arc, Teresa of Avila |
oppressed people | oppressed people Anthony of Padua |
papal delegates | papal delegates John XXIII |
papermakers | papermakers John the Apostle |
paralysis, paralysed people | paralysis, paralysed people Osmund |
parents of large families | parents of large families Adalbald of Ostrevant, Adelaide, Clotilde, Dagobert II, Dorothy of Montau, Edwin, Ferdinand III of Castile, Ivetta of Huy, Leonidas, Leopold |
parents separated from children | parents separated from children Jeanne de Chantal |
parish clerks | parish clerks Nicholas of Myra |
parks; park services | parks; park services John Gualbert |
pastry chefs | pastry chefs Honorius of Amiens, Macarius the Younger |
pavement workers | pavement workers Vincent Ferrer |
peace; invoked as peacemaker | peace; invoked as peacemaker Barnabas, Elizabeth of Portugal, Francis of Paola, Infant Jesus of Prague |
peasant girls, young country girls, girls who live in rural areas | peasant girls, young country girls, girls who live in rural areas Germaine Cousin |
peasants | peasants Lucy of Syracuse, Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch, Notburga |
pencil makers | pencil makers Thomas Aquinas |
penitent sinners | penitent sinners Mary Magdalene |
penitent women | penitent women Afra, Margaret of Cortona, Mary Magdalene |
people in needd of grace | people in needd of grace Teresa of Avila |
people rejected by religious orders | people rejected by religious orders Benedict Joseph Labre, Clare, Henry II, Jeanne de Lestonnac |
people ridiculed for their piety | people ridiculed for their piety Agostina Pietrantoni, Alodia, Angela of Foligno, Bernadette of Lourdes, Catherine of Genoa, Catherine of Siena, Elizabeth of Hungary |
pewterers | pewterers Fiacre |
photographers | photographers Veronica |
piety | piety Holy Spirit |
pin makers | pin makers Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
pioneers | pioneers Joseph |
playing card manufacturers | playing card manufacturers Balthasar |
plumbers | plumbers Vincent Ferrer |
poisonous snakes | poisonous snakes Paul, Apostle |
polio | polio Margaret Mary Alacoque |
political prisoners | political prisoners Maximillian Kolbe |
politicians | politicians Thomas More |
poor people, paupers | poor people, paupers Anthony of Padua, Ferdinand III of Castile, Giles, Lawrence, Martin de Porres, Nicholas of Myra |
pork butchers and processors | pork butchers and processors Transfiguration of Our Lord |
porters | porters Christopher, Leonard of Noblac, Theobald Roggeri |
potters | potters Catherine of Alexandria, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Sebastian |
poultry raisers, chicken farmers | poultry raisers, chicken farmers Bridgid of Ireland |
precision instrument makers | precision instrument makers Hubert of Liege |
princes | princes Boris, Casimir of Poland, Gotteschalk |
princesses | princesses Adelaide, Dymphna |
printing presses | printing presses Bridgid of Ireland |
prisoners of war, pow's | prisoners of war, pow's Leonard of Noblac |
prisoners, imprisonment, captives, imprisoned people | prisoners, imprisonment, captives, imprisoned people Adelaide, Barbara, Dismas, Ferdinand III of Castile, Joan of Arc, Joseph Cafasso, Leonard of Noblac, Mark the Evangelist, Nicholas of Myra, Vincent de Paul |
prisons | prisons Joseph Cafasso |
pro-life movement | pro-life movement Gerard Majella, Maximillian Kolbe |
prolonged suffering | prolonged suffering Lydwina of Schiedam |
protection against rats | protection against rats Gertrude of Nivelles, Martin de Porres, Servatus |
protection of lambs | protection of lambs John the Baptist |
province of Burgenland | province of Burgenland Martin of Tours |
province of Carinthia | province of Carinthia Joseph |
province of Lower Austria | province of Lower Austria Leopold III |
province of Salzburg, Austria | province of Salzburg, Austria Rupert |
province of Styria, Austria | province of Styria, Austria Joseph |
province of Tyrol, Austria | province of Tyrol, Austria Joseph |
province of Upper Austria | province of Upper Austria Leopold III |
province of Vorarlberg, Austria | province of Vorarlberg, Austria Gebhard |
purse makers | purse makers Brieuc |
quartermasters | quartermasters Martin of Tours |
queens | queens Clotilde, Elizabeth of Portugal, Matilda |
rabies, hydrophobia, mad dogs | rabies, hydrophobia, mad dogs Dominic of Silos, Guy of Anderlecht, Hubert of Liege |
racquet makers | racquet makers Sebastian |
rams | rams Giles |
rape victims | rape victims Agatha, Agnes of Rome, Dymphna |
reformed alcoholics | reformed alcoholics Martin of Tours, Matthias |
reformed prostitutes | reformed prostitutes Margaret of Cortona, Mary Magdalene |
reformed thieves | reformed thieves Dismas |
reformers | reformers Basil the Great |
refugees | refugees Alban |
religious, people in religious orders | religious, people in religious orders Benedict, Teresa of Avila |
restauranteurs | restauranteurs Lawrence, Nicholas |
restoration of religious freedom in Russia | restoration of religious freedom in Russia Therese of Lisieux |
rheumatoid sufferers; rheumatism, arthritis | rheumatoid sufferers; rheumatism, arthritis Coloman, James the Greater, Killian, Servatus, Totnan |
ribbon makers | ribbon makers Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin |
road builders | road builders Sebastian of Aparicio |
rope makers; rope braiders | rope makers; rope braiders Paul, Apostle |
runaways | runaways Alodia, Dymphna, Eulalia |
running water | running water John Nepomucene |
rural communities | rural communities Isidore the Farmer |
sacristans; sextons | sacristans; sextons Guy of Anderlecht |
saddlers, saddlemakers | saddlers, saddlemakers Crispin and Crispinian, Eligius (Eloi), George, Lucy of Syracuse, Paul, Apostle |
salesmen | salesmen Lucy of Syracuse |
salmon | salmon Kentigern |
saltpetre workers | saltpetre workers Barbara |
sawmen, sawyers | sawmen, sawyers Balthasar |
sceond marriages | sceond marriages Adelaide, Matilda |
school principals, schoolmasters | school principals, schoolmasters John Baptist de la Salle |
schools for the poor | schools for the poor Joseph Calasanz |
scribes | scribes Catherine of Alexandria |
scrofulous diseases, struma | scrofulous diseases, struma Mark the Evangelist |
seamstresses | seamstresses Anne |
seasickness | seasickness Erasmus (Elmo) |
secretaries | secretaries Catherine of Alexandria, Genesius of Arles |
seekers of lost articles | seekers of lost articles Anthony of Padua |
separated spouses | separated spouses Gummarus, Nicholas of Myra |
servants who broke their masters' property | servants who broke their masters' property Benedict |
sexual temptation | sexual temptation Angela of Foligno, Catherine of Siena, Margaret of Cortona, Mary of Edessa, Mary of Egypt, Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, Pelagia of Antioch |
sheds; stables; outbuildings | sheds; stables; outbuildings Guy of Anderlecht |
sheep | sheep Drogo |
shepherdesses | shepherdesses Bernadette of Lourdes, Germaine Cousin, Solange |
shermen of Folkestone England | shermen of Folkestone England Rumwold |
ship builders; shipwrights | ship builders; shipwrights Peter the Apostle |
sick animals | sick animals Beuno, Dwynwen, Nicholas of Tolentino |
sick horses | sick horses Eligius (Eloi) |
silence | silence John Nepomucene |
silk workers | silk workers Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Severus of Avranches |
singers; vocalists | singers; vocalists Andrew, Apostle, Cecilia |
single laywomen | single laywomen Agatha, Aloysius Gonzaga, Bibiana, Flora of Cordoba, Margaret of Cortona, Nunilo |
slavery | slavery Peter Claver |
smallpox | smallpox Matthias |
smelters | smelters Barbara, Hubert of Liege |
snake bites | snake bites Hilary of Poitiers, Patrick, Paul, Apostle, Vitus |
soap boilers | soap boilers Florian |
souls in purgatory | souls in purgatory Nicholas of Tolentino, Odilo |
spasms | spasms John the Baptist |
speliologists, spelunkers, potholers, cavers, cave scientists | speliologists, spelunkers, potholers, cavers, cave scientists Benedict |
spiritual directors or leaders | spiritual directors or leaders Charles Borromeo |
spiritual help | spiritual help Vincent de Paul |
spur makers | spur makers Giles |
stablemen | stablemen Anne |
stained glass workers; glass painters | stained glass workers; glass painters Lawrence, Lucy of Syracuse |
stammering children | stammering children Notkar Balbulus |
starch makers | starch makers Charles Borromeo |
step-parents | step-parents Adelaide, Thomas More |
stock brokers | stock brokers Matthew the Apostle |
storks | storks Agricola of Avignon |
storms at sea | storms at sea Mochelloc |
students of theology | students of theology Albertus Magnus |
success | success Servatus |
swans | swans Hugh of Lincoln |
swineherds | swineherds Anthony of Padua, Antony the Abbot |
syphilis | syphilis Fiacre, George |
tanners | tanners Bartholomew the Apostle, Catherine of Alexandria, Crispin and Crispinian |
tapestry workers | tapestry workers Francis of Assisi |
teenagers, teenage children | teenagers, teenage children Aloysius Gonzaga |
telegraphs | telegraphs Clare of Assisi, Gabriel the Archangel |
telephones | telephones Clare of Assisi, Gabriel the Archangel |
television workers | television workers Gabriel the Archangel |
television writers | television writers Clare of Assisi |
tent makers | tent makers Paul, Apostle |
tertiaries | tertiaries Elizabeth of Hungary, Elizabeth of Portugal, Ferdinand III of Castile |
the Internet | the Internet Isidore of Seville |
the O'Neill clan | the O'Neill clan Mura McFeredach |
the recently dead | the recently dead Gertrude of Nivelles |
thieves | thieves Nicholas of Myra |
tile makers | tile makers Fiacre, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Roch |
tilers | tilers Barbara |
tin miners | tin miners Joseph of Arimathea, Piran |
tin smiths; tinsmiths | tin smiths; tinsmiths Joseph of Arimathea |
to have male children | to have male children Felicity |
to obtain lodgings while travelling | to obtain lodgings while travelling Gertrude of Nivelles, Julian the Hospitaller |
tool makers | tool makers Eligius (Eloi) |
torture victims | torture victims Agatha, Alban, Bibiana, Charles Lwanga, Eulalia |
toy makers | toy makers Claude de la Columbiere |
translators | translators Jerome |
transportation, transportation workers | transportation, transportation workers Christopher |
trappers | trappers Bartholomew the Apostle, Eustachius, Hubert of Liege |
travel hostesses | travel hostesses Anthony of Padua |
travelling merchants | travelling merchants Menas |
treaties | treaties Pancras |
treaties between the Popes and Frankish emperors | treaties between the Popes and Frankish emperors Petronilla |
truckers, truck drivers, lorry drivers | truckers, truck drivers, lorry drivers Christopher |
truss makers | truss makers Foillan |
tuberculosis, consumption | tuberculosis, consumption Pantaleon, Therese of Lisieux |
turners | turners Anne, Catherine of Alexandria, Claude de la Columbiere |
unattractive people | unattractive people Drogo, Germaine Cousin |
unborn children | unborn children Gerard Majella, Joseph |
understanding | understanding Holy Spirit |
upholsterers | upholsterers Feast of the Immaculate Conception |
victims of adultery or unfaithfulness | victims of adultery or unfaithfulness Catherine of Genoa, Elizabeth of Portugal, Fabiola |
victims of jealousy | victims of jealousy Elizabeth of Portugal, Hedwig |
vine dressers | vine dressers Urban of Langres |
virgins | virgins Agnes of Rome, Blessed Virgin Mary |
virtue | virtue Hallvard |
wandering musicians, minstrels | wandering musicians, minstrels Julian the Hospitaller |
warehouses | warehouses Barbara |
watchmen | watchmen Peter of Alcantara |
wax melters, wax refiners | wax melters, wax refiners Ambrose of Milan, Bernard of Clairvaux |
wet-nurses | wet-nurses Agatha |
whales | whales Brendan the Navigator |
whiteners | whiteners Bartholomew the Apostle |
whitewashers | whitewashers Coloman, Killian, Totnan |
widowers | widowers Thomas More |
wisdom | wisdom Holy Spirit |
wolves | wolves Edmund of East Anglia |
women | women Margaret (or Marina) of Antioch |
women who wish to become mothers | women who wish to become mothers Andrew, Apostle |
women whose husbands are at war | women whose husbands are at war Daniel of Padua |
women's army corps, WACs | women's army corps, WACs Genevieve (Genofeva), Joan of Arc |
woods, forests, woodlands | woods, forests, woodlands Giles |
wool combers | wool combers Blaise |
wool manufacturers | wool manufacturers Severus of Avranches |
wool weavers | wool weavers Blaise, Severus of Avranches |
work horses; working horses | work horses; working horses Guy of Anderlecht |
wounds | wounds Aldegundis, Rita of Cascia |
writers of catechisms | writers of catechisms Peter Claver |
yachtsmen | yachtsmen Adjutor, Our Lady, Star of the Sea |
zoos | zoos Francis of Assisi |
More on Patron Saints
Recently, the popes have named patron saints but patrons can be chosen by other individuals or groups as well. Patron saints are often chosen today because an interest, talent, or event in their lives overlaps with the special area. Angels can also be named as patron saints. A patron saint can help us when we follow the example of that saint's life and when we ask for that saint's intercessory prayers to God.
For example, Francis of Assisi loved nature and so he is patron of ecologists. Francis de Sales was a writer and so he is patron of journalists and writers. Clare of Assisi was named patron of television because one Christmas when she was too ill to leave her bed she saw and heard Christmas Mass -- even though it was taking place miles away.
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- St. Agnes: Saint of the Day for Tuesday, January 21, 2025
- A Prayer for Friends and Benefactors: Prayer of the Day for Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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