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Extended Saint Biographies: A

Saints with newly extended biographies.

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Saint Saint
St. Aaron
St. Abadios
St. Abadir
St. Abadiu
St. Abaidas
St. Abakuh
St. Abanoub
St. Abban
6th century
St. Abban
7th century
St. Abbo
11th century
St. Abdas of Susa
11th century
St. Abdas
5th century
St. Abdon
3rd century
St. Abibus
4th century
St. Abigail
6th century
St. Abilius
1st century
St. Abra
4th century
St. Abraham of Rostov
11th century
St. Abran
6th century
St. Absadah
6th century
St. Absadi
6th century
St. Abudimus
4th Century
St. Abundius
5th century
St. Abundius
6th century
St. Acacius
6th century
St. Acacius
5th century
St. Acca
8th century
St. Acepsimas
4th century
St. Achillas
4th century
St. Acisclus
4th Century
St. Acyndinus
4th century
St. Ada
7th Century
St. Adalgott
12th century
St. Adalsindis
7th century
St. Adam
13th century
St. Adamnan
8th century
St. Addal
2nd century
St. Adela
8th century
St. Adelaide
10th century
St. Adelelmus
12th century
St. Adelina
12th century
St. Adeodatus
7th century
St. Adeodatus II
7th century
St. Adheritus
2nd Century
St. Adjutor
12th century
Bl. Adolph Kolping
19th century
St. Ado of Vienne
9th century
St. Adrian
4th century
Adrian II
9th century
St. Adrian III
9th century
Adrian IV
12th century
Adrian V
13th century
Bl. Adrian Fortescue
16th century
St. Adrian III
9th century
St. Adulf
7th century
St. Adventor
3rd century
St. Aedesius
4th century
St. Aedesius
4th century
St. Aedh MacBricc
6th century
St. Aengus
9th century
St. Afan
6th Century
St. Afra
4th century
St. Africus
7th Century
St. Agabus
1st Century
St. Agape
4th century
St. Agapius
4th century
St. Agatha
3rd century
St. Agatha Kim
3rd century
St. Agatha Lin
19th century
St. Agathangelus
4th century
St. Agatho
7th century
St. Agathoclia
7th century
St. Agilbert
7th century
Bl. Agnello of Pisa
7th century
St. Agnellus of Pisa
13th century
St. Agnes
4th century
St. Agnes of Assisi
13th century
St. Agnes of Bohemia
13th century
St. Agnes of Assisi
13th century
St. Agnes of Bohemia
13th century
St. Agnes of Rome
4th century
St. Agobard
9th century
St. Agofredus
8th century
St. Agrippina
3rd century
St. AIban of Mainz
5th century
St. Aibert
12th century
St. Aidan
7th century
St. Aidan of Ferns
7th century
St. Ailbhe
6th century
St. Aileran
7th century
St. Aimo
12th century
Bl. Alan de la Roche
15th century
St. Alban
17th century
St. Alban of Britain
17th century
St. Albert the Great
13th century
Bl. Alberto Marvelli
20th century
St. Albert of Genoa
13th century
St. Albert of Louvain
12th century
St. Albert of Trapani
14th century
St. Albinus
6th century
St. Alburga
9th century
St. Aldate
6th century
St. Aldebrandus
13th century
St. Aldegunais
7th century
St. Aldhelm
8th century
St. Aleaunie
12th century
St. Alena
7th century
St. Alexander I
2nd century
St. Alexander
2nd century
St. Alexander
2nd century
Alexander II
11th century
Alexander III
12th century
Alexander IV
13th century
St. Alexander Briant
16th century
St. Alexander
3rd Century
St. Alexander Nevski
13th century
St. Alexander Sauli
16th century
St. Alexander
St. Alexis
20th century
St. Alexis Falconieri
14th century
St. Alex U Seyong
19th century
St. Alfanus
11th century
St. Alfwold
11th century
St. Alice
13th century
St. Alkeld
10th Century
St. Allucio
12th century
St. Almachius
5th century
St. Almedha
6th Century
St. Almus
13th century
St. Alnoth
8th century
St. Alodia
9th century
St. Alonso Rodriguez
17th century
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
16th century
St. Alphaeus
1st Century
St. Alphege
10th century
St. Alphege
11th century
St. Alphius
3rd century
St. Alphonsa
20th century
St. Altfrid
9th century
St. Altinus
1st or 4th century
Bl. Alvarez of Corova
15th century
St. Amabilis
5th century
St. Amadour
5th century
St. Amalberga
7th century
St. Amand
7th century
St. Amator
5th century
St. Amatus
7th century
St. Ambrose
4th century
St. Amelberga
10th century
St. Ampelus
4th century
St. Amphianus
4th century
St. Ampliatus
1st century
St. Anacletus
1st century
St. Anacletus II
1st century
St. Anastasia
Third Century
St. Anastasia III
4th century
St. Anastasius I
5th century
Anastasius II
5th century
Anastasius III
10th century
Anastasius IV
12th century
St. Anatolia
3rd century
St. Andeolus
3rd century
St. Andre Bessette
20th century
St. Andrew the Apostle
Mid-to late 1st Century
Bl. Andrew of Strumi
11th century
St. Andrew
3rd century
St. Andrew Avellino
17th century
St. Andrew Bobola
17th century
St. Andrew Corsini
14th century
St. Andrew Dung Lac
14th century
St. Andrew Dung Lac
19th century
St. Andrew of Crete
19th century
Bl. Andrew of Phu Yen
17th century
St. Andrew of Trier
3rd century
St. Andrew the Scot
9th century
St. Andrew Tien-K'Ing
20th century
St. Angela Merici
16th century
St. Angela of Foligno
14th century
Bl. Angela Salawa
20th century
St. Angelelmus
9th century
Fra Angelico
15th century
St. Angelo
13th century
St. Angilbert
9th century
St. Angilbert
9th century
St. Angus MacNisse
9th century
St. Anianus
1st century
St. Anianus
5th century
Bl. Anicet Hryciuk
19th century
St. Anicetus
19th century
St. Anna Kim
20th century
St. Anna Pak A-gi
19th century
St. Anna Wang
20th century
Sts. Joachim and Anne
20th century
Bl. Anne Jahouvey
19th century
St. Anne Line
17th century
St. Annemund
7th century
St. Anno
11th century
St. Ansanus
4th century
St. Ansbert
7th century
St. Ansegisus
9th century
St. Anselm
12th century
St. Anselm of Lucca
11th century
St. Anselm of Lucca
11th century
St. Ansfrid
11th century
St. Ansgar
9th century
St. Anskar
9th century
St. Ansovinus
9th century
St. Anstrudis
7th century
St. Ansurius
10th century
St. Anterus
3rd century
St. Anthelm
12th century
St. Anthimus
4th century
St. Anthony the Abbot
18th century
St. Anthony Daniel
17th century
St. Anthony Daveluy
17th century
St. Anthony Kauleas
10th century
St. Anthony Kim Son-u
10th century
Bl. Anthony Middleton
16th century
St. Anthony Nam-Quynh
19th century
Bl. Anthony Neyrot
15th century
St. Anthony of Padua
13th century
St. Anthony Pechersky
11th century
St. Antipas
1st century
Bl. Antonia Mesina
20th century
St. Antoninus
2nd century
St. Antoninus
4th century
Fr. Antonio Vieira
17th century
St. Anysia
4th century
St. Aphraates
4th century
St. Aphrodisius
1st century
St. Apollinaris
1st century
St. Apollonia
3rd century
The Apostles
2nd century
Apostles of Rome
2nd century
St. Apronia
5th or 6th century
St. Aprus
6th century
St. Aquilina
3rd century
St. Aquilinus
3rd century
St. Arbogast
7th century
St. Arcadius
4th century
St. Arcadius
6th century
St. Arcangelo Tadini
20th century
St. Ariadne
2nd century
St. Arigius
7th century
St. Aristides
2nd century
St. Armentarius
5th century
St. Arnold Jansen
20th century
St. Arsenius
10th century
St. Artaldus
13th century
St. Artemas
1st century
St. Artemius
1st century
St. Arthelais
6th century
St. Arwald
7th century
St. Asaph
7th century
St. Ascelina
12th century
St. Asicus
5th century
St. Aspasius
6th century
St. Aspren
1st century
St. Astius
2nd century
St. Athanasius
4th century
St. Athelm
10th century
St. Athenogenes
4th century
St. Attalas
7th century
St. Attilanus
11th century
St. Attracta
6th century
St. Augustine Moi
19th century
St. Augustine of Huy
19th century
St. Augustine Tchao
19th century
St. Augustine Webster
16th century
St. Aurea
11th century
St. Aurea
3rd century
St. Aurelian of Limoges
1st or 3rd century
St. Aurelius
5th century
St. Auspicius
2nd century
St. Austreberta
8th century
St. Austregisilus
7th century
St. Austremonius
4th century
St. Ava
5th century
St. Avitus
6th century

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