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Extended Saint Biographies: G

Saints with newly extended biographies.

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Saint Saint
St. Gabinus
3rd century
St. Gabriel Lalement
17th century
St. Gaetano Catanoso
20th century
St. Gaetano Errico
19th century
St. Gaius
3rd century
St. Gaius Francis
16th century
Bl. Gaius of Korea
17th century
St. Gelasius I
5th century
St. Galation
3rd century
St. Galdinus
12th century
St. Gall
7th century
St. Galla
6th century
St. Gallgo
6th century
St. Gallicanus
6th century
St. Gamaliel
1st century
St. Gangulphus
8th century
St. Garbhan
7th century
St. Gaspar
19th century
St. Gaspar Bertoni
19th century
St. Gaucherius
12th century
St. Gelasius
10th century
St. Gelasius I
5th century
Gelasius II
12th century
St. Gemellus
4th century
St. Geminian
4th century
St. Genesius
4th century
St. Genevieve
6th century
St. George
4th century
Bl. George Gervase
17th century
Bl. George Haydock
16th century
Bl. George Matulaitis
20th century
St. George Napper
17th century
St. George Preca
20th century
St. Gerald
12th century
St. Gerard de Lunel
13th century
St. Gerard Majella
18th century
St. Gerard of Brogne
10th century
St. Gerard Sagredo
11th century
St. Gerbold
7th century
St. Gerebald
9th century
St. Gereon
4th century
St. Gerland
12th century
St. Germaine Cousin
17th century
St. Germana Cousin
17th century
St. Germerius
6th century
St. Gertrude
14th century
St. Gervase
7th century
St. Getulius
2nd century
Bl. Giacomo Alberione
20th century
St. Gibrian
6th century
St. Gildard
6th century
St. Giles, Abbot
8th century
St. Giles of Assisi
13th century
St. Giovanni Piamarta
20th century
St. Giulia Salzano
20th century
St. Giuseppe Marello
19th century
St. Gladys
6th century
St. Glastian
9th century
St. Glodesind
7th century
St. Gluvias
6th century
St. Glyceria
2nd century
St. Goban
6th or 7th century
St. Gobnata
6th century
St. Gobrain
8th century
St. Godebertha
8th century
St. Goeric of Metz
7th century
St. Gonsalo Garcia
16th century
St. Gonzaga Gonza
19th century
St. Goran
6th century
St. Gorgonia
4th century
St. Goswin
12th century
St. Gotteschalk
11th century
St. Govan
6th century
St. Gratus
5th century
St. Gredifael
7th century
St. Gregorio Grassi
20th century
Gregory XI
14th century
Gregory XII
15th century
St. Gregory II
8th century
Gregory IV
9th century
Gregory V
10th century
Gregory VI
11th century
St. Gregory VII
11th century
Gregory VIII
12th century
Gregory IX
13th century
St. Gregory Barbarigo
17th century
St. Gregory of Narek
11th century
St. Gregory Palamas
14th century
St. Grimbald
10th century
St. Grimoaldus
12th century
St. Grwst
7th century
St. Guasacht
4th century
St. Gudula
8th century
St. Gudwal
6th century
St. Guenhael
6th century
Bl. Guillermo Courtet
17th century
St. Gumesindus
9th century
St. Gummarus
8th century
St. Gundebert
7th century
Bl. Gundechar II
11th century
St. Gundenis
3rd century
St. Guthlac
8th century
St. Guy of Anderlecht
11th century
St. Guy of Pomposa
11th century
St. Gwen
5th century
St. Gwynllyw
6th century

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