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Saints A to Z: A


Showing 1 - 350 of 894
St. Aaron St. Abadios St. Abadir St. Abadiu St. Abaidas St. Abakerazum St. Abakuh St. Aba Mina St. Abamon (Apa Pamun) St. Abanoub St. Aba Salamah, (Frumentius) St. Abba Capito St. Abba Isa St. Abba Julian St. Abban St. Abban St. Abban of Murnevin St. Abbo St. Abbo St. Abdas of Susa St. Abdas St. Abdiesus St. Abdon St. Abel St. Abercius Marcellus St. Aberoh (Aburom, Arianus) St. Abhor (Amba Hor) St. Abibas St. Abibas St. Abibus St. Abidianus St. Abigail St. Abilius St. Abilius St. Abilus St. Abra St. Abraham St. Abraham St. Abraham St. Abraham St. Abrahamites Monks St. Abraham Kidunaja St. Abraham of Carrhae St. Abraham of Kratia St. Abraham of Rostov St. Abraham of Smolensk St. Abraham the Poor St. Abraham the Poor St. Abran St. Abreha and Atzbeha (Aizan and Sazana) St. Absadah St. Absadi St. Abudimus St. Abuna (Frumentius) St. Frumentius of Ethiopia St. Abundius St. Abundius St. Abundius St. Abundius St. Aburom St. Acacius St. Acacius St. Acacius St. Acca St. Accidia St. Acculus St. Aceolus St. Acepsimas St. Acepsimas St. Acepsius St. Acestes St. Acha the Confessor St. Acharius St. Achatius St. Achillas St. Achillas St. Achillas St. Achillas St. Achillas St. Achillas of Alexandria Sts. Nereus & Achilleus St. Achilleus St. Achilleus Kewanuka St. Acirianus St. Acisclus St. Acius St. Acllinus St. Acrates (Aragawi) St. Acyndinus St. Ada St. Ada St. Adalar St. Adalard of Corbie St. Adalbald of Ostrevant St. Adalbero Bl. Adalbero St. Adalbert St. Adalbert of Magdeburg St. Adalbert of Prague St. Adalgis St. Adalgis St. Adalgott St. Adalsindis St. Adalsindis St. Adam St. Adamnan St. Adamnan of Coldingham St. Adauctus St. Adaucus St. Addal St. Adela St. Adela St. Adela St. Adelaide St. Adelaide St. Adelaide of Bellich St. Adelard St. Adele St. Adelelmus St. Adelina Bl. Adeline St. Adeloga St. Adelphius St. Adelphius the 'Confessor.' St. Adelphus St. Adelphus St. Adeodatus St. Adeodatus II St. Aderald St. Adheritus St. Adjutor St. Adjutor St. Adolf of Osnabruck Bl. Adolph Kolping Sts. Adolphus and John St. Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa St. Ado of Vienne St. Adrian Bl. Adrian Adrian II St. Adrian III Adrian IV Adrian V St. Adrian St. Adrian St. Adrian St. Adrian, Abbot Bl. Adrian Fortescue St. Adrian III Adrianus St. Adrian Van Hilvarenbeek St. Adrio St. Adulf Sts. Adulph and John St. Adventor St. Aedesius St. Aedesius St. Aedh MacBricc St. Aelred of Rievaulx St. Aemilianus (Emilian) St. Aengus St. Aetherius St. Afan St. Afra St. Afra St. Africanus St. Africus St. Agabius St. Agabus St. Aganus St. Agape St. Agape St. Agapitus St. Agapitus St. Agapius
St. Agapius St. Agapius St. Agatha St. Agatha Kwon Chin-i St. Agatha St. Agatha Chon Kyonghyob St. Agatha Kim St. Agatha Lin St. Agathangelo Noury St. Agathangelus St. Agatha Yi St. Agatha Yi Kannan St. Agatha Yi Kyong-i St. Agatha Yi Sosa St. Agatho St. Agatho St. Agathoclia St. Agathon St. Agathopus St. Agathus St. Ageranus St. Agericus St. Agia St. Agia St. Agilbert St. Agilberta St. Agileus St. Agilulfus St. Agilus Bl. Agnello of Pisa St. Agnellus St. Agnellus of Pisa St. Agnes St. Agnes of Assisi St. Agnes of Bohemia St. Agnes De Bl. Agnes de Jesus Galand St. Agnes Kim Hyoju St. Agnes of Assisi St. Agnes of Bohemia St. Agnes of Montepulciano St. Agnes of Poitiers St. Agnes of Rome Bl. Agnes Takea Bl. Agnes Tsao-Kou Ying St. Agobard St. Agofredus St. Agostina Petrantoni St. Agostino Roscelli St. Agrecius St. Agricola St. Agricola St. Agricolus St. Agrippina St. Agrippinus St. Agustin Caloca Cortes St. AIban of Mainz St. Aibert St. Aichardus St. Aidan St. Aidan of Lindisfarne St. Aidan of Ferns St. Aidric St. Aigulf St. Aigulf St. Ailbhe St. Aileran St. Aimo St. Aizan and Sazana (Abreha and Atzbeha) St. Ajuture Bl. Alan de la Roche Bl. Alan de Solminihac St. Alban St. Alban Bartholomew Roe St. Alban of Britain St. Alberic of Utrecht St. Alberic of Citeaux St. Alberic Crescitelli Bl. Albert of Bergamo Bl. Albert of Clatina St. Albert Chmielowski St. Albert the Great St. Albertinus St. Albert of Jerusalem St. Albert of Magdeburg Bl. Alberto Marvelli Bl. Albert of Bergamo St. Albert of Cashel St. Albert of Como St. Albert of Gambron St. Albert of Genoa St. Albert of Jerusalem St. Albert of Louvain St. Albert of Montecorvino St. Albert of Trapani St. Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga St. Albina St. Albinus St. Albinus St. Alburga St. Alcmund Bl. Alcuin St. Aldate St. Aldebrandus St. Aldegunais St. Aldemar St. Aldericus St. Aldhelm St. Aldo St. Aleaunie St. Alena St. Alexander of Jerusalem St. ALEXANDER St. Alexander St. Alexander I St. Alexander St. Alexander Alexander II St. Alexander St. Alexander St. Alexander Alexander III St. Alexander St. Alexander St. Alexander Alexander IV St. Alexander St. Alexander St. Alexander St. Alexander St. Alexander Akimetes St. Alexander the Bishop St. Alexander Briant Sts. Alexander, Heraclins, and Companions St. Alexander St. Alexander St. Alexander of Gaza St. Alexander of Kemet St. Alexander St. Alexander Nevski St. Alexander of Alexandria St. Alexander of Comana St. Alexander of Constantinople Bl. Alexander of Lugo Bl. Alexander Rawlins St. Alexander Sauli St. Alexander the Soldier St. Alexander St. Alexander St. Alexander St. Alexander St. Alexandra and Companions St. Alexandra St. Alexandra of Alexandria Bl. Alexandrina Maria da Costa St. Alexis St. Alexis Falconieri Bl. Alexius Nakamura St. Alex U Seyong St. Aleydis St. Alfanus St. Alfonso Maria Fusco St. Alfreda Bl. Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster St. Alfred the Great St. Alfrick St. Alfwold St. Alice St. Alipius Bl. Alix Le Clercq St. Alkeld St. Allerius St. Allucio St. Almachius St. Almedha

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