Saints A to Z: L
Showing 1 - 301 of 301
St. Lactali
Bl. Ladislaus Batthyany-Strattmann
St. Laetantius
St. Laetus
St. Laetus
St. Lamalisse
St. Lambert & Valerius
St. Lambert of Lyon
St. Lambert of Maastricht
St. Lambert of Saragossa
St. Landeilnus
St. Landericus
St. Landericus
St. Landoald
St. Landrada
St. Landry (Landericus)
St. Landulf of Yariglia
St. Lang-Yang-Cheu
St. Lantfrid
St. Lasar
St. Laserian
St. Laszlo
St. Latinus
St. Laura
St. Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena
St. Laura
Bl. Laura Vicuna
St. Laurence
Bl. Laurent Batard
Bl. Laurentia Herasymiv
St. Laurentinus
St. Laurianus
St. Laurus
St. Lauto
St. Lawdog
St. Lawrence O'Toole
St. Lawrence Huong Van Nguyen
Bl. Lawrence Nerucci and Companions
St. Lawrence of Brindisi
St. Lawrence Giustiniani
St. Lawrence Han Ihyong
Bl. Lawrence Humphrey
St. Lawrence Huong
St. Lawrence Imbert
Bl. Lawrence Jamada
St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr
Bl. Lawrence Nerucci
St. Lawrence of Canterbury
St. Lawrence of Novara
St. Lawrence of Siponto
St. Lawrence O'Toole
Bl. Lawrence PeMan
Bl. Lawrence Richardson
Bl. Lawrence Rokuyemon
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
Bl. Lawrence Shizu
Bl. Lawrence Wang
Bl. Lazaro of Kyoto
St. Lazarus
St. Lazarus of Bethany
St. Lazarus Zographos
St. Lea
St. Leander of Seville
St. Lebuin
St. Leger
St. Lelia
St. Leo
St. Leo & Juliana
St. Leobald
St. Leobard
St. Leobinus
St. Leocadia
St. Leocrita
St. Leodegarius
St. Leo the Great
St. Leo Ignazio Mangin
Leo II
Leo IV
Leo IX
St. Leo Karasuma
Bl. Leo Kombiogi
St. Leo Luke
St. Leomdas and Companions
Bl. Leo Nakanishi
St. Leonard
St. Leonard Kimura
St. Leonard Muraildo
Bl. Leonardo PĂ©rez Larios
St. Leonard of Noblac
St. Leonard of Port Maurice
St. Leonard of Reresby
St. Leonard Vandoeuvre
St. Leonard Wegel
St. Leonianus
St. Leonides of Alexandria
Bl. Leonid Feodorov
St. Leonitus
St. Leontius
St. Leontius
St. Leontius
St. Leontius of Fréjus
St. Leontius
St. Leontius
St. Leontius of Caesarea
St. Leontius the Elder
St. Leontius the Younger
St. Leo of Catania
St. Leo of Lucca
St. Leo of Melun
St. Leo of Nonantula
St. Leo of Rouen
St. Leo of Sens
St. Leo of Troyes
St. Leopardinus
St. Leopardus
St. Leopold
St. Leopold Mandic
Bl. Leopold of Gaiche
St. Leo Satsuma
St. Leo & Paregorius
Bl. Leo Suchiemon
St. Leo Tanaka
St. Leothade
Leo V
Leo VI
St. Leovigild and Christopher
St. Leucius of Alexandria
St. Leucius of Brindisi
St. Leudomer
St. Leus
St. Leutfridus
St. Levan
St. Lewina
St. Lezin
St. Liafdag
St. Libentius
St. Liberalis of Treviso
St. Liberalis
St. Liberata
St. Liberata
Bl. Liberato Weiss
St. Liberatus
St. Liberatus
St. Liberatus and Family
Bl. Liberatus of Lauro
St. Liberatus & Bajulus
St. Liberius of Ravenna
St. Libert
St. Libert
St. Liborius of Le Mans
St. Licerius
St. Licinius
St. Lidanus
St. Liephard
St. Liewellyn & Gwrnerth
St. Ligorius
St. Limbania
St. Linus
St. Lioba
St. Liphardus
St. Liudhard
St. Liutwin
St. Livinus
St. Lleudadd
St. Llibio
St. Loaran
St. Lolanus
St. Loman
St. Lomer
St. Longinus
St. Longinus
St. Longis & Agnofleda
St. Longus
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
Bl. Lorenzo Salvi
St. Lot
St. Lotharius
Bl. Louis Beltran (Bertrand) and Companions
Bl. Louis Baba
Bl. Louis Bertran
St. Louis Bertrand
St. Louis de Montfort
Bl. Louise-Aimee Dean de Luigne
Bl. Louise Bessay de la Voute
St. Louise de Marillac
Bl. Louise Poirier Barre
Bl. Louise Rallier de la Tertiniere Dean de Luigne
Bl. Louise Therese de Montaignac de Chauvance
Bl. Louis Flores
St. Louis Ibachi
St. Louis IX
Bl. Louis Kawara
St. Louis King of France
Bl. Louis Maki
St. Louis Mary Grignion
Bl. Louis Moreau
Bl. Louis Naisen
Bl. Louis Nifaki
St. Louis of Omura
St. Louis of Toulouse
Bl. Louis Sasanda
Bl. Louis Shakichi
Bl. Louis Someyon
Bl. Louis Sotelo
Bl. Louis Tezza
St. Louis von Bruck
St. Louthiem
St. Lua
St. Lucentius
St. Lucerius
St. Luchesio
St. Lucia Kim
St. Lucian
St. Lucian
St. Lucian of Beauvais
St. Lucian of Antioch
St. Lucia Park Huisun
St. Lucidius of Verona
St. Lucidius
St. Lucilla & Companions
St. Lucillian
St. Lucina
Bl. Lucio Martinez Mancebo and Companions
St. Lucius
St. Lucius
St. Lucius
St. Lucius
St. Lucius
St. Lucius
St. Lucius I
Lucius II
Lucius III
St. Lucius of Cyrene
St. Lucretia
St. Lucy
St. Lucy & Geminian
Bl. Lucy
Bl. Lucy Chakichi
Bl. Lucy de Freitas
St. Lucy Filippini
St. Lucy Wang-Tcheng
St. Lucy Wang-Wang-Cheu
St. Ludan
St. Ludger
St. Ludmilla of Bohemia
St. Ludoiph
St. Ludolf of Ratzeburg
St. Ludolph
St. Ludovico of Casoria
St. Ludovico Pavoni
St. Ludovicus Beaulieu
St. Ludwin
Bl. Luigi Talamoni
St. Luigi Orione
Bl. Luigi Quattrocchi
St. Luigi Scrosoppi
Bl. Luigi Variara
St. Luigi Versiglia
Bls. Luis Flores, Pedro de Zuniga, and Companions
St. Luis Batiz Sainz
Bl. Lukasz Bojko
St. Luke
Bl. Luke Belludi
Bl. Luke Alonso Gorda
St. Luke Banabakiutu
St. Luke Hwang Soktu
St. Luke Kiemon
St. Luke Kirby
St. Luke Loan
St. Luke the Younger
St. Lull
St. Lupercus
St. Luperius
St. Lupicinus
St. Lupicinus
St. Lupicinus & Felix
St. Lupus
St. Lupus
St. Lupus of Bayeux
St. Lupus of Chalons
St. Lupus of Lyons
St. Lupus of Sens
St. Lupus of Soissons
St. Lupus of Verona
St. Lutgardis
St. Luthfild
St. Luthgard
St. Luxorius
St. Lybe
St. Lycarion
St. Lycarion
St. Lycarion
St. Lycopolis
St. Lydia Purpuraria
St. Lydwine
St. Lythan
St. Lyutis
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