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Saints A to Z: B


Showing 1 - 346 of 346
St. Baamin St. Babylas St. Badilo St. Badulfus St. Baglan St. Bagne St. Baithin St. Balbina St. Balda St. Baldegundis St. Balderic Bl. Baldji Oghlou Ohannes St. Baldomerus St. Baldred St. Baldwin St. Baldwin St. Balin Bl. Balthasar de Torres St. Balther St. Bandaridus St. Baradates St. Barbara St. Barbara Cho Chung-i St. Barbara Ch'oe Yong-i St. Barbara Han Agi St. Barbara Kim St. Barbara Ko Suni St. Barbara Kwon Hui St. Barbara Ts'Oei-Lien-Cheu St. Barbara Yi Chong-hui St. Barbasymas St. Barbatian St. Barbatus of Benevento St. Bardo St. Barhadbesciabas St. Baricus St. Barlaam St. Barlaam St. Barlaam St. Barnabas St. Barnard St. Barrfoin St. Barrog St. Barsabas St. Barsabas St. Barsanuphius St. Barsimaeus St. Bartholomea Capitanjo Bl. Bartholomew of Braga St. Bartholomew Bl. Bartholomew of Cervere St. Bartholomew Alvarez St. Bartholomew Buonpedoni St. Bartholomew Chong Munho Bl. Bartholomew Gutierrez Bl. Bartholomew Laurel Bl. Bartholomew Longo Bl. Bartholomew Mary Dal Monte Bl. Bartholomew Monfiore St. Bartholomew of Farne St. Bartholomew of Rossano Bl. Bartholomew Sheki Bl. Bartholomew Shikiemon Bl. Bartlomiej Osypiuk Bl. Bartolo (Bartholomew) of San Gimignano St. Barypsabas St. Basicicus of Kemet (Egypt) St. Basil St. Basil St. Basil St. Basil and Companions St. Basileus St. Basileus and Companions St. Basil the Great St. Basilides St. Basilides St. Basilides and Companions St. Basilides and Companions St. Basiliscus St. Basilissa St. Basilissa St. Basilissa St. Basilla St. Basilla St. Basil of Ancyra St. Basil the Younger St. Basinus St. Basolus St. Bassa and Companions St. Bassian St. Bassus St. Bassus and Companions St. Bastamonus (Bastammonius) St. Bastmus St. Basura St. Bathildis St. Bathus and Companions St. Baudacarius St. Baudacarius St. Baudelius St. Baudolino St. Bavo St. Bean St. Beatrice da Silva Meneses St. Beatrix da Silva St. Beatus of Lungern St. Beatus St. Beatus of Vendome St. Beauch (Bagug) St. Bebnuda (Paphnutius) St. Becan St. Becan Venerable Bede St. Bega St. Begga St. Belina St. Bellinus St. Benedetto Menni St. Benedict Benedict I Benedict X Bl. Benedict X Benedict XII St. Benedict II Benedict III Benedict IV Benedict V Benedict VI Benedict VII Benedict VIII St. Benedict Benedict IX St. Benedicta St. Benedicta St. Benedicta St. Benedicta Cambiagio Frassinello St. Benedicta Hyon Kyongnyon St. Benedict and Companions St. Benedict Biscop St. Benedict the Black St. Benedict Crispus St. Benedict Joseph Labré St. Benedict of Nursia St. Benedict of Aniane St. Benedict of Cagliari St. Benedict of Campania St. Benedict of Macerac St. Benedict of Sebaste St. Benedict of Szkalka St. Benedict Revelli St. Benedict the Moor St. Benezet St. Benignus St. Benignus St. Benignus St. Benignus St. Benignus St. Benignus St. Benilde St. Benilde Romancon St. Benildis St. Benito de Jesus St. Benjamin St. Benjamin the Great of Nitra Bl. Benjamin Julian St. Benno Bl. Benno Bl. Benvenuto of Gubbio St. Benvenutus Scotivoli St. Beoadh St. Beoadh St. Beoc St. Beocca
St. Berach St. Berarius St. Bercharius St. Bercthun St. Beregisius St. Berencardus Bl. Berka Zdislava St. Berlinda St. Bernadette St. Bernadette Soubirous St. Bernard St. Bernard of Clairvaux St. Bernard degli Uberti St. Bernard Due Bl. Bernardina Maria Jablonska St. Bernardine of Siena St. Bernardino Realino St. Bernard of Montjoux St. Bernard of Arce St. Bernard of Bagnorea St. Bernard of Calvo St. Bernard of Carinola St. Bernard of Valdeiglesias Bl. Bernardo Maria Silvestrelli St. Bernard Valeara Bl. Bernhard Lichtenberg St. Berno of Cluny St. Bernward of Hildesheim St. Beronicus St. Bertha St. Bertha of Kent St. Bertha of Val d'Or St. Bertha of Artois St. Berthaldus St. Berthane St. Bertharius St. Berthoald St. Berthold St. Berthold St. Bertilia St. Bertilia St. Bertilla Boscardin St. Bertin St. Bertinus St. Bertoara St. Bertrand St. Bertrand St. Bertrand St. Bertrand of Comminges St. Bertuin St. Bertulf of Bobbio St. Beshada (Abshadius, Psote) St. Besinta St. Bessarian St. Bessarion St. Bessarion the Great, Thaumaturgies St. Bessis St. Besuss St. Betharius St. Bettelin St. Betto St. Beuno St. Beyoka (Bejoka) St. Bhai Anub St. Bibiana St. Bichier St. Bicor Bidshimi St. Bieuzy Bifamon St. Bikabes (Bicabus) St. Bilfrid St. Bilhild St. Birillus St. Birinus St. Birrstan Bl. Vincent Bossilkov Bls. Thomas Hunt and Thomas Sprott St. Bladus St. Blaesilla St. Blaise St. Blaithmaic St. Blandina Bl. Blandina Marten St. Blane St. Blath St. Blidulf St. Blinlivet St. Blitharius St. Blitmund St. Boadin St. Bobinus St. Bobo St. Boccon, Presbyter St. Bodagisil St. Bodfan St. Bodo St. Boetharius St. Boethian St. Bogumilus Bl. Bogumilus St. Bolcan Bl. Boleslava Lament St. Bonaventure St. Bonaventure of Miako St. Bond St. Bonfilius St. Boniface I Boniface II St. Boniface Boniface III St. Boniface IV Boniface V Boniface VI St. Boniface Boniface VII Boniface VIII Boniface IX St. Boniface Curitan St. Boniface of Mainz St. Boniface of Lausanne St. Bonifacia Rodriguez y Castro St. Bonitus St. Bonitus Bl. Bonne d'Armagnac St. Bononius St. Bosa of York St. Boswell St. Botuid St. Botulph St. Brandan St. Brannock St. Branwallader St. Braulio St. Breaca St. Bregwin St. Brendan St. Brendan of Birr St. Bretannion Bl. Brian Lacey St. Briarch St. Briavel St. Brice St. Brictus St. Brigid of Ireland St. Bridget of Sweden St. Brieuc St. Brigid St. Brigid Bl. Brigida of Jesus St. Brigid of Ireland St. Brithwald St. Brithwald St. Brito St. Britwin St. Brocard St. Brogan St. Bron St. Bronach Bl. Brother Scubilionis St. Bruno St. Bruno St. Bruno of Segni St. Bruno Seronkuma St. Brychan St. Brynach St. Brynoth St. Budoc St. Buonfiglio Monaldo St. Burchard St. Buriana St. Burkard St. Byblig

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