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Saints A to Z: R


Showing 1 - 268 of 268
Bl. Rabanus Maurus Bl. Rabanus Maurus St. Rachilidis St. Racho St. Radbod of Utrecht St. Radegund St. Radegunde St. Rafael Arnaiz Baron Bl. Rafaela Ybarra de Villalongo Bl. Rafael Chylinski St. Rafael Guizar Valencia St. Rainbold St. Rais St. Ralph Bl. Ralph Ashley Bl. Ralph Corby St. Ralph Crockett Bl. Ralph Milner St. Rambert St. Ramirus and Companions St. Ranulphus St. Raphael St. Raphael Kalinowski St. Rastanus St. Rasyphus and Ravennus St. Raulus St. Raymond Li-Ts'Uan Bl. Raymond Lull Bl. Raymond Lull St. Raymond Nonnatus St. Raymond of Barbastro Bl. Raymond of Capua St. Raymond of Fitero St. Raymond of Toulouse St. Raymond of Pennafort Bl. Raynald de Bar St. Raynald of Nocera Bl. Raynald of Ravenna St. Raynerius St. Raynerius St. Raynerius St. Raynerius of Spalatro St. Reatrius St. Recumbens St. Recumbus St. Redemptus St. Regimbald St. Regina St. Regina Bl. Regina Protmann St. Regiola St. Regulus St. Regulus St. Regulus St. Regulus St. Regulus St. Reineldis St. Reinold St. Relindis of Maaseik St. Remaclus St. Rembert St. Remedius St. Remigius St. Remigius St. Remigius St. Remigius Isore St. Renatus Bl. Renee ailleau Girault Bl. Renee Bourgeais Juret Bl. Renee Grillard Bl. Renee Marie Feillatreau Bl. Renee Martin Bl. Renee Regault Papin Bl. Renee Seichet Dacy Bl. Renee Valin Bl. Rene Lego St. Renovatus St. Renus St. Reparata St. Respectatus St. Restituta St. Restituta St. Restituta of Sora St. Restituta with Saturninus St. Restitutus St. Restitutus St. Restitutus St. Restitutus St. Reverianus St. Revocatus St. Rhais St. Rhediw St. Rheticus St. Rhian St. Rhipsime St. Rhuddlad St. Ribert St. Ribert St. Richard Bls. Richard Hill, John Hogg, and Richard Holiday Bl. Richard Kirkman Bl. Richard Whiting Bl. Richard Bere Bl. Richard Featherstone St. Richard Gwyn Bl. Richard Herst St. Richardis Bl. Richard Kirkman Bl. Richard Langhorne Bl. Richard Langley Bl. Richard Leigh St. Richard Martin Bl. Richard Newport St. Richard of Andria St. Richard of Chichester Bl. Richard of St. Ann St. Richard of Vaucelles St. Riccardo Pampuri St. Richard Reynolds Bl. Richard Rolle de Hampole Bl. Richard Thirkeld Bl. Richard Whiting St. Richard of Wyche St. Richrudis St. Rigobert St. Rigobert (Robert) St. Rigoberto St. Rioch St. Riquier St. Rita St. Rita Amada de Jesus St. Rita of Cascia St. Ritbert St. Rixius Varus
Bl. Rizzerio St. Roa (Aroa) Bl. Robert Sutton Bl. Robert Anderton St. Robert Bellarmine Bl. Robert Dalby Bl. Robert Johnson St. Robert Lawrence Bl. Robert Morton St. Robert of Newminster Bl. Robert Bruges St. Robert of Bury St. Robert of Chaise Dieu St. Robert of Frassinoro St. Robert of Molesmes St. Robert of Newmister St. Robert of Syracuse Bl. Robert Salt St. Robert Southwell Bl. Robert Sutton Bl. Robert Watkinson Bl. Robert Widmerpool Bl. Robert Wilcox St. Robustian St. Roch St. Roderic St. Roderic and Salomon St. Rodingus St. Rodus St. Rogata St. Rogatian St. Rogatianus St. Rogatus St. Rogatus St. Rogellus St. Roger Bl. Roger Filcock Bl. Roger of Ellant Bl. Roger of Todi Bl. Roger James Bl. Roger of Todi Bl. Roland de'Medici St. Romana St. Romana St. Roman Adame Rosales Bl. Roman Lysko Bl. Romanus St. Romanus St. Romanus and Barula St. Romanus Aybara St. Romanus of Condat St. Romanus of Le Mans St. Romanus of Nepi St. Romanus of Rouen St. Romanus of Subiaco St. Romanus Ostiarius St. Romanus the Melodist St. Romaric St. Romlua St. Romuald St. Romulus St. Romulus St. Romulus of Genoa St. Romulus St. Romulus and Companions St. Romulus and Conindrus St. Romulus and Secundus St. Ronald St. Ronan St. Roque Gonzalez de Santa Cruz St. Rosa Kim St. Rosalia Bl. Rosalie Rendu Bl. Rosalie du Verdier de la Soriniere St. Rose Venerini Bl. Rose Chretien St. Rose of Lima St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Bl. Rose Quenion St. Rose Tchao St. Rose Tch'Enn-Kai-Tsie St. Rose Wang-Hoei St. Rosula St. Roys St. Ruadan St. Ruak St. Rubra St. Rudesind Bl. Rudolf Acquaviva Bl. Rudolf Aquaviva St. Rudolph of Gubbio St. Ruellinus St. Ruffinus St. Rufillus St. Rufina St. Rufina St. Rufinus St. Rufinus St. Rufinus St. Rufinus St. Rufinus of Assisi St. Rufinus St. Rufinus and Martia St. Rufinus and Rufinian St. Rufinus and Secundus St. Rufinus, Silvanus, and Victalicus St. Rufus St. Rufus (Roux) St. Rufus of Avignon St. Rufus and Carpophorus St. Rufus and Companions St. Rufus and Zosimus St. Rufus of Metz St. Rufus of Rome St. Rumold St. Rumon St. Rumwald St. Rupert Bl. Rupert Meyer St. Rupert of Salzberg St. Ruppus St. Rusticianus St. Rusticula St. Rusticus St. Rusticus St. Rusticus of Narbonne St. Rusticus St. Rustilus St. Rutila, Claudia, and Auriga St. Rutilius St. Rutilius and Companions St. Rutilius and Fusculus St. Rutinus St. Rutinus

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