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Saints A to Z: T


Showing 1 - 350 of 398
St. Tabitha St. Tacceus St. Tacla (Tecla) St. Tacla Hawaryat St. Talacrian St. Talida St. Talida St. Tanca St. Tanco St. Tarasius St. Tarbula St. Tarsicia St. Tarsicius St. Tarsilla St. Tarskius Bl. Tarsykia Matskiv St. Tassach St. Tathal St. Tatiana St. Tatiana of Rome St. Tation St. Tatusbaya St. Tatwine St. Taurinus St. Tchang-Hoai-Lou St. Teath St. Teilo St. Telemachus St. Telesphorus St. Telga St. Ten Disciples of Athenogenes St. Tenenan Bl. Teodomiro Joaquin St. Teodorico Balat Bl. Teodor Romza St. Terence St. Terence St. Terence St. Terence of Metz St. Terentian St. Terentius St. Teresa Kim Im-i St. Teresa of Avila Bl. Teresa Bracco St. Teresa de los Andes St. Teresa Eustochio Verzeri Bl. Teresa Fantou Bl. Teresa Grillo Chavez St. Teresa Kinn-Tsie St. Teresa Margaret Redi Bl. Teresa Maria of the Cross Manetti St. Teresa of Calcutta St. Teresa of Jesus Jornet Ibars St. Teresa of Portugal St. Teresa Tchang-Hene-Cheu St. Teresa Yi Mae-im St. Ternan St. Ternatius St. Tertullian St. Tertullinus St. Tetricus St. Tetricus St. Tetta Bl. Thaddeus Maccarthy Bl. Thaddeus Lieu St. Thais St. Thais (Taisia) St. Thais of Kemet St. Thalassius & Limuneus St. Thalelaeus St. Thalelaeus St. Thalelaeus St. Thamel & Companions St. Tharacus St. Tharsicius St. Thasius Cyprianus Sts. Thea & Valentina St. Thecla Bl. Thecla Nangashi St. Thecla of Kitzingen St. Thelica St. Themistoeles St. Thenas? (The(o)nas?) St. Theneva St. Theobald of Provins Bl. Theobald St. Theobald of Marly St. Theobald of Vienne St. Theoctista St. Theoctista St. Theoctiste of Lesbos St. Theoctistus St. Theodard of Maastricht St. Theodard St. Theodemir St. Theodichildis St. Theodocianus of Alexandria St. Theodora St. Theodora St. Theodora St. Theodora & Didymus St. Theodora St. Theodora St. Theodora of Alexandria St. Theodore St. Theodore, and Leontius St. Theodore and 40 Others St. Theodore, and Leontius St. Theodore, the Sanctified St. Theodore St. Theodore St. Theodore St. Theodore of Chotep St. Theodore of Emesa Theodore I Theodore II St. Theodore of Bologna St. Theodore of Cyrene St. Theodore of Egypt St. Theodore of Studites St. Theodore of Sykeon St. Theodore of Tabenna St. Theodore of Tarsus St. Theodore and Pausilippus St. Theodore of Pavia St. Theodore of Pelusium St. Theodore, Philippa, and Companions St. Theodore Stratelates St. Theodore and Theophanes St. Theodore the Sacrist St. Theodoret of Antioch St. Theodore Trichinas St. Theodore Tyro St. Theodoric St. Theodoric St. Theodoric St. Theodoric of Emden St. Theodoric of Orleans St. Theodosia St. Theodosia of Constantinople St. Theodosia & Companions St. Theodosius St. Theodosius St. Theodosius St. Theodosius St. Theodosius of Antioch St. Theodosius Pechersky St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch St. Theodota St. Theodota St. Theodota St. Theodota St. Theodotion St. Theodotus of Ancyra St. Theodotus St. Theodotus St. Theodotus St. Theodotus, Rufina, and Ammia St. Theodoxia (Eudoxia) St. Theodulas St. Theodulphus St. Theodulus St. Theodulus St. Theodulus St. Theodulus St. Theodulus St. Theofrid St. Theofrid (Chaffre) of Orange St. Theofrid St. Theogenes St. Theohilus St. Theon St. Theonas St. Theonas, "Column of the Church" St. Theonas
St. Theonas of Egypt St. Theonestus St. Theonius St. Theopemptus and Theonas St. Theophanes St. Theophanes and Companions St. Theophane Venard St. Theophila St. Theophilus of Antioch St. Theophilus St. Theophilus St. Theophilus St. Theophilus St. Theophilus St. Theophilus St. Theophilus of Alexandria St. Theophilus & Helladius St. Theophilus of Corte St. Theophilus the Lawyer St. Theophilus the Penitent St. Theophylact of Nicomedia St. Theopista St. Theorigitha (Tortgyth) St. Theotimus St. Theotimus (Theitimus) St. Theotimus St. Theotimus & Basilian St. Theotonius St. Theoychus St. Thephane Venard St. Theresa Coudere Bl. Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger St. Therese of Lisieux St. Thespesius of Cappadocia St. Thethmar St. Theusetas Bl. Thiemo St. Thiento & Companions St. Thimous St. Thomais St. Thomais St. Thomas St. Thomas Bl. Thomas Atkinson Bl. Thomas Corsini Bls. Thomas Palaser, John Norton, and John Talbot Bl. Thomas Percy Bl. Thomas Abel Bl. Thomas Akafuji Bl. Thomas Alfield St. Thomas Aquinas St. Thomas Becket Bl. Thomas Bosgrave Bl. Thomas Cottam St. Thomas Danki St. Thomas De & Companions St. Thomas Dien St. Thomas Du Bl. Thomas Felton Bl. Thomas Ford St. Thomas Garnet Bls. Thomas Green, Thomas Scryven, and Thomas Reding Bl. Thomas Guengoro Bl. Thomas Hemerford Bl. Thomas Hioji Rokuzayemon Nishi Bl. Thomas Holford Bl. Thomas Holland Bl. Thomas Johnson Bl. Thomas Kotenda and Companions Bl. Thomas Koyanangi St. Thomas Kozaki Bl. Thomas Kufioji St. Thomas More St. Thomas of Antioch St. Thomas of Dover St. Thomas of Farfa Abbey St. Thomas of Hereford Bl. Thomas of St. Hyacinth Bl. Thomas of the Holy Rosary Bl. Thomas of Tolentino St. Thomas of Villanueva Bl. Thomas Percy Bl. Thomas Pickering Bl. Thomas Plumtree Bl. Thomas Reynolds St. Thomas Sen-Ki-Kuo Bl. Thomas Sherwood Bl. Thomas Somers St. Thomas Son Chason St. Thomas of Tanphot St. Thomas Thien Tran Bl. Thomas Thwing Bl. Thomas Toan Bl. Thomas Tomaki Bl. Thomas Tsughi Bl. Thomas Tunstal Bl. Thomas Vinyemon Bl. Thomas Warcop Bl. Thomas Welbourne Bl. Thomas Whitbread Bl. Thomas Woodhouse Bl. Thomas Zumarraga St. Thomian St. Thonius St. Thordgith St. Thorfinn St. Thorlac Thorhallsson St. Thraseas St. Thyrsus St. Thyrsus & Projectus St. Thyrsus, Leucius, & Callinicus St. Tiberius St. Tibur St. Tiburtinus St. Tiburtius St. Tiburtius St. Tigernach St. Tigides & Remedius St. Tigridia St. Tigrius St. Tigrius St. Tigrius & Eutropius St. Tikhon of Zadonsk St. Tilbert St. Tillo St. Timolaus & Companions St. Timoleon St. Timon St. Timothy St. Timothy St. Timothy St. Timothy St. Timothy St. Timothy, the lector and wife, Maura St. Timothy St. Timothy St. Timothy St. Timothy & Diogenes St. Timothy & Faustus Sts. Timothy & Martha Bl. Timothy Giaccardo St. Timothy II St. Timothy III Sts. Timothy, Polius & Eutychius Sts. Timothy, Thecla, & Agapius St. Timotheus St. Tipasius (Typasius) St. Tirinus St. Titian of Brescia St. Titian of Oderzo St. Titus St. Titus Bl. Titus Brandsma Bl. Tobias Borras Roman St. Tochmura St. Tola St. Tolosha St. Tomasso da Cori St. Giuseppe Maria Tomasi Bl. Tommaso Maria Fusco Bl. Tommaso Reggio Bl. Torello St. Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo Bl. Toros Oghlou David St. Torpes of Pisa St. Torquatus St. Tranquillinus St. Trason St. Trea St. Tremorus of Brittany St. Tressan St. Triduana St. Trien St. Trillo St. Triphina

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