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The Psalter of Jesus

There is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved. (ACTS, iv. 12).

This Psalter is divided into three parts; each part consisting of five Petitions, and each Petition prefaced by a tenfold repetition of the sacred Name of Jesus. As it is not to be run over in a hasty manner, but performed with the utmost reverence and recollection the whole may be said without interruption; or, each part, at three distinct periods of time, according to the leisure which persons may find, after discharging the indispensable duties of their several states and conditions of life.


"At the Name of Jesus let every knee bend, both in heaven, on earth, and under the earth; and let every tongue acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father." (Phil. ii.)

The First Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) Thou God of compassion, have mercy on me, and forgive the many and great offences I have committed in Thy sight. Many have been the follies of my life, and great are the miseries I have deserved for my ingratitude. Have mercy on me, dear Jesus, for I am weak; heal me, O Lord, for I am unable to help myself. Deliver me from an inordinate affection for any of Thy creatures, which may divert my eyes from incessantly looking up to Thee. For the love of Thee, grant me henceforth the grace to hate sin, and, out of a just esteem of Thee, to despise all worldly vanities.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Second Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) help me to overcome all temptations to sin, and the malice of my ghostly enemy. Help me to spend my time in virtuous actions, and in such labours as are acceptable to Thee. Enable me to resist and repel every inordinate motion of sloth, gluttony, and sensuality. Render my heart enamoured of virtue, and inflamed with desires of Thy glorious presence. Help me to merit and preserve a good name by a peaceable and pious life, to Thy honour, o Jesus! to my own comfort, and the edification of others.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Third Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times), grant me effectual strength of soul and body, to please Thee in the performance of such virtuous actions, as may bring me to Thine everlasting joy and felicity. Grant me, O merciful Saviour, a firm purpose to amend my life, and to make atonement for the years past; those years, alas! which I have lavished, to Thy displeasure, in vain or wicked thoughts, evil words, deeds, and habits. Make my heart obedient to Thy will, and ready, for Thy love, to perform all the works of mercy. Grant me the gifts of the Holy Ghost, which through a virtuous life, and devout frequenting of Thy Most Holy Sacrament, may at length lead me to Thy heavenly kingdom.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Fourth Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) comfort me, and grant me grace to fix in Thee my chief joy and only felicity; inspire me with heavenly meditations, spiritual sweetness, and fervent desires of Thy glory; ravish my soul with the contemplation of heaven, where I hope to dwell everlastingly with Thee. Bring Thine unspeakable goodness to my frequent recollection, and let me always with gratitude, remember Thy gifts; but when Thou bringest the multitude of the sins whereby I have so ungratefully offended Thee, to sad remembrance, comfort me with the assurance of pardon; and by the spirit of true penance, purging away my guilt, prepare me for the possession of Thy heavenly kingdom.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Fifth Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) make me constant in faith, hope, and charity. Grant me perseverance in virtue, and a resolution never to offend Thee. May the memory of Thy Passion, and of those bitter pains Thou didst suffer for my sake, fortify my patience, and refresh my soul under every tribulation and adversity. Render me a strenuous professor of the Catholic faith, and a diligent frequenter of my religious duties. Let me not be blinded by the delights of a deceitful world, nor my fortitude shaken by internal frauds or carnal temptations. My heart has for ever fixed its repose in Thee, and resolved to contemn all things for Thine eternal reward.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Lord Jesus Christ, for our sakes, became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross (PHIL., ii).

Hear these petitions, O most merciful Saviour, and grant me the grace frequently to repeat and consider them, that they may as so many easy steps, whereby my soul serve may ascend to Thy knowledge and love, and to a diligent performance of my duty to Thee and my neighbour, through the whole course of my life. Amen.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
I Believe In God


Begin as before, saying, "At the Name of Jesus let every knee bend, both in heaven, on earth, and under the earth; and let every tongue acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father." (Phil. ii.)

The Sixth Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) enlighten me with spiritual wisdom, whereby I may arrive at a knowledge of Thy goodness, and of everything which is most acceptable to Thee. Grant me a perfect apprehension of my only good, and a discretion to regulate my life accordingly. Grant me wisely to proceed from virtue to virtue, till at length I enjoy a clear sight of Thy glory. Permit me not, dear Lord, to return to the sins of which I accused myself at the tribunal of Confession. Let others be edified by my pious example, and my enemies softened by my good counsel.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Seventh Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) grant me grace inwardly to fear Thee, and to avoid every occasion whatsoever of offending Thee. Let the threats of the torments prepared for sinners, the dread of the loss of Thy love, and of Thy heavenly inheritance, always keep me in awe. Suffer me not to slumber in sin, but rather rouse me to repentance, lest through Thine anger I may be overtaken by the sentence of eternal wrath and endless damnation. Let the powerful intercession of Thy Blessed Mother and of all Thy Saints, but above all Thine own merits and mercy, serve as a rampart between my poor soul and Thine avenging justice. Enable me, O my God! to work out my salvation wtih fear and trembling, and the apprehension of Thy sacred judgments. Make me a more humble and diligent suitor to the throne of Thy mercy.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Eight Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) grant me the grace truly to love Thee, for Thine infinite goodness and those excessive bounties I have received, or shall ever hope to receive from Thee. Let the recollection of Thy benignity and patience conquer the malice and wretched propensity of my perverse nature. May the consideration of the many deliverances, frequent calls, and continual help I have received from Thee during the course of my life, make me blush at my ingratitude. Ah, what dost Thou require of me for all Thy mercies, but to love Thee! And why dost Thou require it? Because Thou art my only good! - Thou art, my dear Lord: The sole object of my life; and I will diligently keep Thy commandments, because I truly love Thee.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Ninth Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) grant me the grace always to remember my latter end, and the account I must give after death; that my soul may be always well disposed, and ready to depart out of this life, in Thy grace and favour. At that important hour, by the powerful intercession of Thy Blessed Mother, the glorious assistance of St. Michael, and my good Angel, rescue my poor soul, O Lord, from the snares of the enemy of my salvation. Remember, then, Thy mercy, O dear Jesus! and hide not Thy face from me on account of my offences. Secure me against the terrors of that awful time, by causing me now to die daily to all earthly things, and to have my conversation continually in heaven. Let the remembrancee of Thy death teach me to set a just value on life; and the memory of Thy Resurrection encourage me to descend cheerfully to the grace.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Tenth Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) send me my purgatory in this life, and thus prevent me from being tormented in the cleansing fire, which awaits those souls who have not been sufficiently purified in this world. Vouchsafe to grant me those merciful crosses and afflictions which Thou seest necessary for weaning my affections from things here below. Suffer not my heart to find any repose but in sighing after Thee, since no one can see Thee, who loves anything which is not for Thy sake. Too bitter alas! will be the anguish of the soul that desires to be untied to Thee, and whose union to Thee is retarded by the heavy chains of sin. Keep me, then, O my Saviour, continually mortified in this world, that being purified throughly with the fire of Thy love, I may pass hence to the immediate possession of Thee in everlasting glory.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...


Begin as before, saying, "At the Name of Jesus let every knee bend, both in heaven, on earth, and under the earth; and let every tongue acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father." (Phil. ii.)

The Eleventh Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) grant me grace to avoid bad company; or, if I should chance to come in the midst of such, preserve me from being infected with the least temptation to mortal sin, through the merits of Thine uncorrupt conversation among sinners. Art Thou not always present, O Lord? and wilt Thou not take an exact account of all our words and actions, and judge us accordingly? How then dare I converse with liars, slanderers, drunkards, or blasphemers; or with such whose discourse is either vain, quarrelsome, or dissolute. Repress in me, dear Jesus, every inordinate affection to carnal pleasures, and to delights of taste; and strengthen me by Thy grace to avoid such company as would enkindle the flames of those unruly appetites. May Thy power, Thy wisdom, and Thy fatherly compassion defend, direct and chastise me; and cuase me to lead such a life here among men, as may fit me for the conversation of Angels hereafter.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Twelfth Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) grant me the grace to call on Thee for help in all my necessities and frequently to remember Thy death and resurrection. Wilt Thou be deaf to my cries, Who hast laid down Thy life for my ransom? or canst Thou not save me Who didst take it up again for my crown? Call on me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver Thee. Whom have I in heaven but Thee, O my Jesus! from whose blessed mouth issued such sweet words? Thou art my sure rock defence against all my enemies, and my precious assistant in every good work. I will then invoke Thee with confidence in all trials and afflictions, and when Thou hearest me, O Jesus! Thou wilt have mercy on me.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Thirteenth Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) enable me to persevere in a virtuous life, and never to grow weary in Thy service till Thou rewardest me in Thy kingdom. In pious customs, holy duties, and in all honest and necessary employments, continue, O Lord, to strenghten me both in soul and body. My life on earth is nothing but a pilgrimage towards the heavenly Jerusalem, at which he that sits down or turns out of the way can never arrive. May I, O Jesus! always follow Thy blessed example. With how much pain and how little pleasure didst Thou press on to a bitter death, - that being the assured way to a glorious resurrection. Let me frequently meditate on those severe words on Thine: He only that perseveres to the end shall be saved.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Fourteenth Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) grant me grace to fix my mind on Thee, especially while I converse with Thee in time of prayer. Check the wanderings of my fanciful brain, put a stop to the desires of my fickle heart, and suppress the power of my spiritual enemies, who at that time endeavour to withdraw my mind from heavenly thoughts to vain imaginations. Thus shall I joyfully look on Thee as my Deliverer from all evil and thank Thee as my Benefactor, for all the good I have received, or hope to obtain. I shall be convinced that Thou art my chief good, and that all other things were ordained by Thee only as the means of engaging me to fix my affections on Thee alone: that by persevering till death in thy love and service, I might be eternally happy. Let all my thoughts, O beloved of my soul! be absorbed in Thee, that my eyes being shut to all vain and sinful objects may become worthy to behold Thee, face to face, in Thine everlasting glory.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

The Fifteenth Petition

JESUS! (repeated ten times) grant me the grace to order my life with reference to my eternal welfare, sincerely intending and wisely refering all the operations of my soul and body towards obtaining the reward of Thine infinite bliss and eternal felicity. For what use is this world, but a school for the tutoring of souls, created for eternal happiness in the next? And how are they educated but by an anxious desire of enjoying God, their only end? Break my forward spirit, O Jesus! by the reins of humility and obedience. Grant me grace to depart hence with the most sovereign contempt for this world, and with a heart overflowing with joy at the thought of going to Thee. Let the memory of Thy Passion make me cheerfully undergo every temptation or suffering in this state of probation, for love of Thee; whilst my soul, in the meantime, languishes after that life of consummate bliss and immortal glory, which Thou hast prepared for Thy servants in heaven. O Jesus! let me frequently and attentively consider, that whatsoever I may gain, if I lose Thee, all is lost; and that whatever I may lose, if I obtain Thee, all is gained.

Have mercy on all sinners, I beseech Thee, dear Jesus; turn their vices into virtues; and making them sincere lovers of Thee, and observers of Thy law, lead them to bless in everlasting glory. For the sake of Thy glorious Name, and through the merits of Thy bitter Passion, have mercy also on the souls in purgatory. O Blessed Trinity, one eternal God have mercy on me.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...

Printable Catholic Prayer PDFs

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Jesus Christ is truly God, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Son, the Eternal Word, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit always was, is, and always will be. 'In the beginning was the Word' (John 1:1)

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The Psalter of Jesus - FIRST PART "At the Name of Jesus let every ...
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