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1 Corinthians - Chapter 5

1 It is widely reported that there is sexual immorality among you, immorality of a kind that is not found even among gentiles: that one of you is living with his stepmother.

2 And you so filled with your own self-importance! It would have been better if you had been grieving bitterly, so that the man who has done this thing were turned out of the community.

3 For my part, however distant I am physically, I am present in spirit and have already condemned the man who behaved in this way, just as though I were present in person.

4 When you have gathered together in the name of our Lord Jesus, with the presence of my spirit, and in the power of our Lord Jesus,

5 hand such a man over to Satan, to be destroyed as far as natural life is concerned, so that on the Day of the Lord his spirit may be saved.

6 Your self-satisfaction is ill founded. Do you not realise that only a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?

7 Throw out the old yeast so that you can be the fresh dough, unleavened as you are. For our Passover has been sacrificed, that is, Christ;

8 let us keep the feast, then, with none of the old yeast and no leavening of evil and wickedness, but only the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

9 In my letter, I wrote to you that you should have nothing to do with people living immoral lives.

10 I was not including everybody in this present world who is sexually immoral, or everybody who is greedy, or dishonest or worships false gods -- that would mean you would have to cut yourselves off completely from the world.

11 In fact what I meant was that you were not to have anything to do with anyone going by the name of brother who is sexually immoral, or is greedy, or worships false gods, or is a slanderer or a drunkard or dishonest; never even have a meal with anybody of that kind.

12 It is no concern of mine to judge outsiders. It is for you to judge those who are inside, is it not?

13 But outsiders are for God to judge. You must banish this evil-doer from among you.

Book of 1 Corinthians Chapters

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