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Isaiah - Chapter 34

1 Come near and listen, you nations, pay attention, you peoples. Let the earth and its contents listen, the world and its entire population.

2 For Yahweh is angry with all the nations, enraged with all their hordes. He has vowed them to destruction, handed them over to slaughter.

3 Their dead will be thrown away, the stench will rise from their corpses, the mountains will run with their blood,

4 the entire array of heaven will fall apart. The heavens will be rolled up like a scroll and all their array will fade away, as fade the leaves falling from the vine, as fade those falling from the fig tree.

5 For my sword has drunk deep in the heavens: see how it now falls on Edom, on the people vowed to destruction, to punish them.

6 Yahweh's sword is gorged with blood, it is greasy with fat, with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams. For Yahweh has a sacrifice in Bozrah, a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

7 The wild oxen will fall with them, the bullocks with the bulls; their land will be drenched with blood and their dust will be greasy with fat.

8 For this will be Yahweh's day of vengeance, the year of retribution in Zion's lawsuit.

9 Its streams will turn into pitch, its dust into brimstone, its country will turn into blazing pitch.

10 Never quenched night or day, its smoke rising for ever, it will lie waste age after age, no one will travel through it for ever and ever.

11 It will be the haunt of pelican and hedgehog, the owl and the raven will live there; over it Yahweh will stretch the measuring line of chaos and the plumb-line of emptiness.

12 There will be no more nobles to proclaim the royal authority; there will be an end of all its princes.

13 Brambles will grow in its bastions, nettles and thorn-bushes in its fortresses, it will be the lair of jackals, an enclosure for ostriches.

14 Wild cats will meet hyenas there, satyr will call to satyr, there Lilith too will lurk and find somewhere to rest.

15 The snake will nest and lay eggs there, will hatch and gather its young into the shade; and there the vultures will assemble, each one with its mate.

16 Search in Yahweh's book, and read, not one of these will be missing, not one of them lacking a mate; for thus his mouth has ordained it, and his spirit has brought them together.

17 He has thrown the lot for each, his hand has measured out their share; they will possess it for ever, and live there age after age.

Book of Isaiah Chapters

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