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Daily Reading for Friday, August 4th, 2023

Daily Reading for Friday August 4, 2023

Reading 1, Ezekiel 3:17-21
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Reading 1, Ezekiel 3:17-21

17 'Son of man, I have appointed you as watchman for the House of Israel. When you hear a word from my mouth, warn them from me.

18 If I say to someone wicked, "You will die," and you do not warn this person; if you do not speak to warn someone wicked to renounce evil and so save his life, it is the wicked person who will die for the guilt, but I shall hold you responsible for that death.

19 If, however, you do warn someone wicked who then fails to renounce wickedness and evil ways, the wicked person will die for the guilt, but you yourself will have saved your life.

20 When someone upright renounces uprightness to do evil and I set a trap for him, it is he who will die; since you failed to warn him, he will die for his guilt, and the uprightness he practised will no longer be remembered; but I shall hold you responsible for his death.

21 If, however, you warn someone upright not to sin and this person does not sin, such a one will live, thanks to your warning, and you too will have saved your life.'

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