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Micah - Chapter 2

1 Disaster for those who plot evil, who lie in bed planning mischief! No sooner is it dawn than they do it, since they have the power to do so.

2 Seizing the fields that they covet, they take over houses as well, owner and house they seize alike, the man himself as well as his inheritance.

3 So Yahweh says this: Look, I am now plotting a disaster for this breed from which you will not extricate your necks; you will not hold your heads up then, for the times will be disastrous indeed.

4 That day they will make a satire on you, they will strike up a dirge and say, 'We have been stripped of everything; my people's land has been divided up, no one else can restore it to them, our fields have been awarded to our despoiler.'

5 Because of this, you will have no one to measure out a share in Yahweh's community.

6 'Do not drivel,' they drivel, 'do not drivel like this! Disgrace will not overtake us!

7 'Can the House of Jacob be accursed? Has Yahweh grown short-tempered? Is that his way of going to work? His prophecies can only be favourable for his people Israel!'

8 But you are the ones who play the enemy to my people. From the inoffensive man you snatch his cloak, on those who feel safe you inflict the damage of war.

9 My people's women you evict from the homes they love, and deprive the children of my glory for ever,

10 saying, 'Up and off with you! You can't stay here!' For a worthless thing you exact an extortionate pledge.

11 If a man of the spirit came and invented this lie, 'I prophesy wine and liquor for you,' he would be the prophet for a people like this.

12 I shall assemble the whole of Jacob, I shall gather the remnant of Israel, I shall gather them together like sheep in an enclosure. And like a flock within their fold, they will bleat far away from anyone,

13 their leader will break out first, then all break out through the gate and escape, with their king leading the way and with Yahweh at their head.

Book of Micah Chapters

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