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Send Deacon Keith Your Prayer Requests

Praying Hands The Lord be with you! This is Deacon Keith, and I am asking for your prayer requests - especially during the difficult times each of us is facing.

Please click the link below to submit your prayer requests.

Why am I asking you?

Because we must unleash the most powerful force in the world - PRAYER. Let me explain in more detail.

Before calling the Apostles, Jesus spent the entire night in prayer. (Luke 6:12) In His Sacred humanity, Jesus shows us the pattern for our life.

Because you - like me - see the importance of our Catholic faith, YOU can participate in our mission to spread the Gospel to all nations.

Here is how you can: I am inviting you to be a "first responder" by sending your prayer request to me, thereby joining our worldwide movement of praying for one another.

Here is all you need to do: Click the link below and tell me what you'd like me to pray for you.

May God bless you,

Deacon Keith Fournier
Chaplain of YCVF and Dean of Catholic Online School
Deacon Keith Fournier

Let Us Pray

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters.
Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

  1. Dear Lord - Please help our family to accept and understand all the family drama going on. Please help us to keep our faith and let go of all the hurt and pain. Community of Saints please watch over my dear child and his family. Community of Saints please warch over my husband and me to heal our wounded hearts. All in your name I pray. Amen

    Kate Ann, 1/15/2019
  2. Tuesday January 15th, Praise Report and Persistent, Persevering Daily Prayer Request to The Heavenly Father, My Lord JESUS CHRIST THE KING, ST. PEREGRINE, St. Jude, Our Lady of Lourdes, Sacred Heart of Jesus and All Ye Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints
    Please Lord accept my dialogue with You, please hear my cries and take heed . Thank You Lord Jesus.

    Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, ST. PEREGRINE, St Jude, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, please undo the snarls of knots in my life. Please heal my stomach ailments and the discomforts. I beg You Lord Jesus my God. ALL YE HOLY ANGELS AND SAINTS I implore your aid, grace, discernment, and providence into my soul and for my intentions listed here in my petitions for myself, Son Christopher, mother Margaret , siblings, friends, all my relatives and loved ones, who this daily Novena is intended for and for the whole world. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for hearing me in advance.
    Blessed Holy Mother Mary with your intercession and that of All The Holy Angels and Saints The Merciful God answered all my prayer requests. He delivered my soul from death and honored me with all my needs. Thank You Lord. Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, Praise His Holy Name.
    Praise Your Glorious Name. Thank You Lord God Almighty. Amen
    Holy Spirit, my Advocate please descend upon me and fill my Heart with the power of God, so Your Spirit will flame the fire 🔥 in me and The Almighty God will hear my cries and render me His Salvation and Healing mercies. I need Your Healing Hands on me right now. Thank You Holy Spirit 🙏
    Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, Blessed St. Joseph, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, ST. PEREGRINE, St. Jude, ST. ANNE, Blessed St. Padre Pio, All you Holy Angels and Saints. l invoke your names to please intercede on my behalf for the Almighty God to forgive my sins, to have mercy and pity on me and to please accept my unceasingly Thanks and Praises, For God to please hear my prayers and continue coming to my aid. I need you desperately God. I Knocked, l asked and sought your HELP Jesus. I trusted and believed in Your WORD that by your Stripes l am healed and You O God HEALED me. YOU CURED MY CANCER. Almighty God You had pity and mercy on me just like You did for Hezekiah. Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing my cries. I adore Thee my Lord. l love Thee my God. l praise You Jesus.
    All I want to say to You God every moment and every second of my life is THANK YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, LORD JESUS CHRIST for bringing me through the surgery and CURING ME OF THE CANCER and for healing my mother from all her illnesses and delivering her from death. For giving her eyesight back after her eye surgery. Praise God. Thank You God. Please Lord Jesus, continue to heal her with your Precious Blood from your wound and water from your side for by your Stripes we are healed. Please God heal the high pressure in her eyes so she will be able to see again. Please God do not fail her. Please God forgive her sins and deliver her soul from the devil’s grip, the enemy, the evil spirit and from death of her soul. Please God, in your mercy grant her your healing mercies, strength and good health for unto You she daily lament. Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing my cries and healing her eyes again. Amen. Alleluia
    Thank You God for heeding my sighs and moaning. For listening to my supplications and driving away all my fears and anxieties. For answering all my Prayers and delivering me from the snares of the devil, my enemies, for fighting my spiritual battles for me and allowing me to defeat my enemies and delivering me from death.
    Glory and Praises be unto Thee Lord God Almighty. How can l thank Thee Lord Jesus. I will call upon Thy Holy Name to Glorify Thee. I exalt Thy Blessed Holy Name, I will testify to the whole world for what you have done for me. I am striving to do your Holy Will in your glory. I extol you and testify your wonderful deed to ALL. l shout your Mighty Name to the world and testify to them how Good you have been to me. Thank you Sacred Heart of Jesus. Praise the Lord O my soul. Thank you Holy Mother Mary, Thank you Blesseds St. Joseph, ST. PEREGRINE, St Anthony, St Jude, St Anne, St Bernadette, St Benedict, St Faustina , St Catherine, St Teressa, St Maria Goretti, St. Margaret, St Thomas, St. Francis, St. Padre Pio, St Michael the Archangel, St Gabriel, St Raphael, St Rita and St. Lucy and All you Holy Angels and Saints for interceding on my behalf to the Almighty God. Please continue to pray and intercede on my behalf for God’s strength; for God’s corporal and spiritual healing mercies and blessings. Please God help me to retain my nutrition so l can gain some weight back. I beg you Lord Jesus and l thank You Lord for gaining some back and also allowing me to receive all benefits due to me. Glory be Thine. Praises be unto Thee. Please God grant me your protection from the devil and please pour your amazing Grace upon me, on my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters, all my loved, all those who have ask for my prayers and on all mankind. Thank You Lord God Almighty.
    Blessed Angels and Saints please do not leave God’s side until He hears your prayers on my behalf. Thank you Jesus Christ.
    Please God bless my son Christopher with a God fearing spouse of Your choice, a virtuous woman of Your choice and please God help, protect, defend, guide and guard him in all his ways. HOLY MOTHER MARY, ST. JUDE, ST MONICA , ST ANNE please plead for me to the Almighty God with all my petitions. I thank You Lord Jesus CHRIST THE KING for your protection every day of his life. Please God deliver him from the devil, and protect and guide him with his job and finances. Please God give him wisdom like King Solomon . Please God keep his heart close to Yours and keep him safe under your loving wings. Please Jesus direct him to your ways and lead him to the path that you have laid for him to do your work for your Glory. Please God protect him from diseases, sickness,spiritual warfares, disasters and calamities. Please God bless him with good health , longevity and your Graces. I Thank You, l praise You Lord Jesus Christ for his life and all that you have done and still doing for him. Praise Your Holy Name.🙏
    Lord Jesus please forgive our sins, fill us with your Holy Spirit, encircle us with your Holy Ghost Fire, wash us with your Precious Blood from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet. Heal me with your Stripes, safeguard, strengthen, guide and protect me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters and all my loved ones from all evil and satan, the devil, the enemy who is prowling around us to ruin our souls. Please God keep me safe from diseases, calamities, my enemies, satan attack and spiritual warfares. Please God bring my devided family together, closer to each other and bind us with Love, Peace and Unity.
    Let your Superhuman St. Michael the Archangel and all your Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints safeguard, protect and defend us from the enemy the devil, satan the evil spirit. Let the devil and his followers dinah, fall into the bottom of the infernal abyss, of their own fiery, miry pit trap that they have dug for us and please God let them RISE NO MORE.
    Please God Bless me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters; PM, D, F, M, JB, E,YO, N,E,J, all my loved ones and friends with good health and longevity. Please God grant us a piece of your Kingdom. Thank You Lord Jesus.
    Lord l entrust into your loving care all the clergys, Pope; Francis and Benedict, all the Cardinals, Bishops, Fathers, Deacons, priests, nuns, friars, the Franciscan, Marian, Claretian brothers, monks, all your Holy Catholic and Apostolic churches, EWTN and their members, all prayer warriors, the sick, my mother Margaret, the dying, the forgotten, the marginalized, the destitute, the barren, expectant mothers, unborn babies, children, parents, the old and elderly, the young, the poor, the orphan, the widow and the widower, vulnerable, the prisoners, the innocent, the persecuted ones for your sake, aethiest, agnostics, all hardened souls, the lonely, blind, mute, deaf, crippled and the maimed, the homeless, addicted, abused, the refugees and the migrants, unemployed, the weary travelers, those in mourning and all this earth’s exiles who are calling on you with our needs and worries that are placed into your loving hands and care,
    Please Lord have pity and mercy on us and please love us and grant our needs according to Your Will. Please grant us Peace in our hearts . Thank You Lord God Almighty.
    Lord please be in our midst on this earth and where there is war, disaster and calamities, grant us your Peace, protection, grace, deliverance and mercy. Have pity on me please Lord Jesus Christ. Sanctify my soul for in Thee do l take refuge and wait. In your WORD l trust, believe, depend and wait. Your Word that shall never pass. Please Lord Fortify my Charity and increase my Faith. Please God, do not allow my enemies the devil to defeat or shame and laugh at me. Please Jesus defend me from the malicious enemy. In your Sacred Wounds please hide me. O Good Jesus hear me. Lord please listen to the prayers and the needs of all those who are calling upon your Holy Name, including this your poor servant; me Edith and in your mercy, please Lord God hear and answer our question prayers according to Thy Will. Please do not look upon my sins or the sins of my parents, child, Siblings, family or forefathers but in your mercy please Lord forgive us our faults and hear my cries. Thank You Lord Jesus.
    Please Lord Bless and guide me at all times and please do not leave my side as l strive to do your Holy Will. Please God direct my paths to your Ways so as to Serve You. Please God the World needs You. Your children are crying for you.
    Lord Almighty God, Eternal Father, in your mercy, please bestow your perfect peace, light and eternal rest upon all your faithfully departed souls including my father Joseph-Benjamin, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, friends, all my loved ones and all the clergys. Please Lord grant them a piece of your Kingdom with your Holy Angels and Saints in Heaven.
    Thank you Lord Jesus for listening to me, a poor sinner. Praises be unto Thee. Thy will be done PRAISE THE LORD O MY SOUL AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME. PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME JESUS. Amen
    Thank You Lord Jesus Christ. I give You the Glory and Praises. I exalt and magnify Your name.
    Please forgive my sins and hear my cries. Please have pity and mercy on me and grant my heart desires according to Your Will.
    Please heal my stomach discomforts, guide, guard, defend and protect me. Please deliver me from the malicious enemy, from satan attack, from diseases, sickness, disasters, calamities, woes, fears and anxieties. Please hide me within Your Sacred wounds. Please Lord bless me with normal results on all my lab tests, cat scans and mammogram. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ in advance for answering my petitions.
    Please Lord Bless me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, siblings, family, friends and this earth ‘s exiles.
    Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Praise Your Holy name. Let the whole world Adore the Lord God Almighty. Amen

    Edith, 1/15/2019
  3. Please pray that I find love and happiness. Please pray that I am able to complete my online college problem and tackle any obstacles. Please pray for my rehomed dog is comfortable and transitions well and behaves well and has peace in her heart.

    MICHELLE, 1/15/2019
  4. Let us pray

    Lord Jesus Christ bless me with good health and fertility . I ask if God is in favour with my request to bless me with true love , marriage ,bring me closer to a full life ,if it is in your mercy , my God bless me with a career and a wife of your choice. Terminate my lonely life and allow me to resurect to a higher level of understanding of your devine will ,.my God . I am only human . Bless me in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

    Lord hear us


    Johan, 1/15/2019
  1. Please pray for Mona, who has cancer.

    Diane, 1/15/2019
  2. O God I ask you for healing for both me and my mother. Please help my mother each day with her daily tasks. Bless my parents and protect them always. Amen.

    Kathy, 1/15/2019
  3. Let us pray

    We servants of the Lord , stand united as one with Jesus Christ our saviour , we ask God to protect us from the hunters trap , those who form evil plans against us , Catholics .We ask Lord save us and protect us from the hunters trap , dont let us be caught in the world of false teachin and liars. Spare us from conspiricy and coruption , guide us to what is pure from the soul , no evil from our minds and only good deeds from our labour. In the name of Jesu Christ we ask bless us .

    Lord hear us


    Johan, 1/15/2019
  4. Please help me in praying for the recovery of my dear Aunt Cynthia who is in the hospital now fighting cancer.

    Michael, 1/15/2019
  5. For my wife to regain her speech and recover from her stroke. For the relationship between our family. For marriage. For our grandsons Brandon and Brooks illness. For our children their families.

    Joe, 1/15/2019
  6. Let us pray

    Lord Jesus Christ we stand together in your presence , we give praise to God for all the good we recieve from his loving nature . We ask for the growth and development of our faith combined witj our religious practices to co excist as Catholic comunity worldwide . For the purpose of honouring God through Christ our Lord , we ask for a blessing.


    Johan, 1/15/2019
  7. That 2019 is a happy year for Kayla in her personal life. That God will answer our heartfelt prayer.

    Teri, 1/15/2019
  8. I pray for the intentions of Jason Allen Alexander regarding the clones of Holy Mother in chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation.

    Anonymous, 1/15/2019
  9. Dears,
    Please Prayer that Our GOD FATHER Through Our JESUS CHRIST FATHER Protected to Pop Sb, Bishops, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Evangelists, Pastors, Elders, Management, Security, All Christians Their Needs,Jobs,Education,Health,Home,Marriages, My Mother, Chachu, Sisters & Nazli's Health, Wife, Brothers in Law, Daim, Alisha, Angel, Anna, Anaya, Adan, Maham, Yashab, Ibrahim, Dua, Emanuel,Aayat, Brothers,
    Friends, Me,My Job,Section Its Records,Accounts,Audit,Misc.Receipts,Office Management,Lesco Wapda, All Department Where Christian Are Doing Jobs, Our Home Its Registry,Setting & Gold Jewelary, Pakistan its Government,Security Forces, All Poeple of the World and Israel...
    Thanks and Best Regards.......

    Alex, 1/15/2019
  10. Please my God help my family and especially help my daughter that suffers from depression, be there por her please.

    Sonia, 1/14/2019
  11. Monday January 14th, Praise Report and Persistent, Persevering Daily Prayer Request to The Heavenly Father, My Lord JESUS CHRIST THE KING, ST. PEREGRINE, St. Jude, Our Lady of Lourdes, Sacred Heart of Jesus and All Ye Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints
    Please Lord accept my dialogue with You, please hear my cries and take heed . Thank You Lord Jesus.

    Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, ST. PEREGRINE, St Jude, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, please undo the snarls of knots in my life. Please heal my stomach ailments and the discomforts. I beg You Lord Jesus my God. ALL YE HOLY ANGELS AND SAINTS I implore your aid, grace, discernment, and providence into my soul and for my intentions listed here in my petitions for myself, Son Christopher, mother Margaret , siblings, friends, all my relatives and loved ones, who this daily Novena is intended for and for the whole world. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for hearing me in advance.
    Blessed Holy Mother Mary with your intercession and that of All The Holy Angels and Saints The Merciful God answered all my prayer requests. He delivered my soul from death and honored me with all my needs. Thank You Lord. Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, Praise His Holy Name.
    Praise Your Glorious Name. Thank You Lord God Almighty. Amen
    Holy Spirit, my Advocate please descend upon me and fill my Heart with the power of God, so Your Spirit will flame the fire 🔥 in me and The Almighty God will hear my cries and render me His Salvation and Healing mercies. I need Your Healing Hands on me right now. Thank You Holy Spirit 🙏
    Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, Blessed St. Joseph, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, ST. PEREGRINE, St. Jude, ST. ANNE, Blessed St. Padre Pio, All you Holy Angels and Saints. l invoke your names to please intercede on my behalf for the Almighty God to forgive my sins, to have mercy and pity on me and to please accept my unceasingly Thanks and Praises, For God to please hear my prayers and continue coming to my aid. I need you desperately God. I Knocked, l asked and sought your HELP Jesus. I trusted and believed in Your WORD that by your Stripes l am healed and You O God HEALED me. YOU CURED MY CANCER. Almighty God You had pity and mercy on me just like You did for Hezekiah. Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing my cries. I adore Thee my Lord. l love Thee my God. l praise You Jesus.
    All I want to say to You God every moment and every second of my life is THANK YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, LORD JESUS CHRIST for bringing me through the surgery and CURING ME OF THE CANCER and for healing my mother from all her illnesses and delivering her from death. For giving her eyesight back after her eye surgery. Praise God. Thank You God. Please Lord Jesus, continue to heal her with your Precious Blood from your wound and water from your side for by your Stripes we are healed. Please God heal the high pressure in her eyes so she will be able to see again. Please God do not fail her. Please God forgive her sins and deliver her soul from the devil’s grip, the enemy, the evil spirit and from death of her soul. Please God, in your mercy grant her your healing mercies, strength and good health for unto You she daily lament. Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing my cries and healing her eyes again. Amen. Alleluia
    Thank You God for heeding my sighs and moaning. For listening to my supplications and driving away all my fears and anxieties. For answering all my Prayers and delivering me from the snares of the devil, my enemies, for fighting my spiritual battles for me and allowing me to defeat my enemies and delivering me from death.
    Glory and Praises be unto Thee Lord God Almighty. How can l thank Thee Lord Jesus. I will call upon Thy Holy Name to Glorify Thee. I exalt Thy Blessed Holy Name, I will testify to the whole world for what you have done for me. I am striving to do your Holy Will in your glory. I extol you and testify your wonderful deed to ALL. l shout your Mighty Name to the world and testify to them how Good you have been to me. Thank you Sacred Heart of Jesus. Praise the Lord O my soul. Thank you Holy Mother Mary, Thank you Blesseds St. Joseph, ST. PEREGRINE, St Anthony, St Jude, St Anne, St Bernadette, St Benedict, St Faustina , St Catherine, St Teressa, St Maria Goretti, St. Margaret, St Thomas, St. Francis, St. Padre Pio, St Michael the Archangel, St Gabriel, St Raphael, St Rita and St. Lucy and All you Holy Angels and Saints for interceding on my behalf to the Almighty God. Please continue to pray and intercede on my behalf for God’s strength; for God’s corporal and spiritual healing mercies and blessings. Please God help me to retain my nutrition so l can gain some weight back. I beg you Lord Jesus and l thank You Lord for gaining some back and also allowing me to receive all benefits due to me. Glory be Thine. Praises be unto Thee. Please God grant me your protection from the devil and please pour your amazing Grace upon me, on my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters, all my loved, all those who have ask for my prayers and on all mankind. Thank You Lord God Almighty.
    Blessed Angels and Saints please do not leave God’s side until He hears your prayers on my behalf. Thank you Jesus Christ.
    Please God bless my son Christopher with a God fearing spouse of Your choice, a virtuous woman of Your choice and please God help, protect, defend, guide and guard him in all his ways. HOLY MOTHER MARY, ST. JUDE, ST MONICA , ST ANNE please plead for me to the Almighty God with all my petitions. I thank You Lord Jesus CHRIST THE KING for your protection every day of his life. Please God deliver him from the devil, and protect and guide him with his job and finances. Please God give him wisdom like King Solomon . Please God keep his heart close to Yours and keep him safe under your loving wings. Please Jesus direct him to your ways and lead him to the path that you have laid for him to do your work for your Glory. Please God protect him from diseases, sickness,spiritual warfares, disasters and calamities. Please God bless him with good health , longevity and your Graces. I Thank You, l praise You Lord Jesus Christ for his life and all that you have done and still doing for him. Praise Your Holy Name.🙏
    Lord Jesus please forgive our sins, fill us with your Holy Spirit, encircle us with your Holy Ghost Fire, wash us with your Precious Blood from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet. Heal me with your Stripes, safeguard, strengthen, guide and protect me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters and all my loved ones from all evil and satan, the devil, the enemy who is prowling around us to ruin our souls. Please God keep me safe from diseases, calamities, my enemies, satan attack and spiritual warfares. Please God bring my devided family together, closer to each other and bind us with Love, Peace and Unity.
    Let your Superhuman St. Michael the Archangel and all your Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints safeguard, protect and defend us from the enemy the devil, satan the evil spirit. Let the devil and his followers dinah, fall into the bottom of the infernal abyss, of their own fiery, miry pit trap that they have dug for us and please God let them RISE NO MORE.
    Please God Bless me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters; PM, D, F, M, JB, E,YO, N,E,J, all my loved ones and friends with good health and longevity. Please God grant us a piece of your Kingdom. Thank You Lord Jesus.
    Lord l entrust into your loving care all the clergys, Pope; Francis and Benedict, all the Cardinals, Bishops, Fathers, Deacons, priests, nuns, friars, the Franciscan, Marian, Claretian brothers, monks, all your Holy Catholic and Apostolic churches, EWTN and their members, all prayer warriors, the sick, my mother Margaret, the dying, the forgotten, the marginalized, the destitute, the barren, expectant mothers, unborn babies, children, parents, the old and elderly, the young, the poor, the orphan, the widow and the widower, vulnerable, the prisoners, the innocent, the persecuted ones for your sake, aethiest, agnostics, all hardened souls, the lonely, blind, mute, deaf, crippled and the maimed, the homeless, addicted, abused, the refugees and the migrants, unemployed, the weary travelers, those in mourning and all this earth’s exiles who are calling on you with our needs and worries that are placed into your loving hands and care,
    Please Lord have pity and mercy on us and please love us and grant our needs according to Your Will. Please grant us Peace. Thank You Lord God Almighty.
    Lord please be in our midst on this earth and where there is war, disaster and calamities, grant us your Peace, protection, grace, deliverance and mercy. Have pity on me please Lord Jesus Christ. Sanctify my soul for in Thee do l take refuge and wait. In your WORD l trust, believe, depend and wait. Your Word that shall never pass. Please Lord Fortify my Charity and increase my Faith. Please God, do not allow my enemies the devil to defeat or shame and laugh at me. Please Jesus defend me from the malicious enemy. In your Sacred Wounds please hide me. O Good Jesus hear me. Lord please listen to the prayers and the needs of all those who are calling upon your Holy Name, including this your poor servant; me Edith and in your mercy, please Lord God hear and answer my prayers according to Thy Will. Please do not look upon my sins or the sins of my parents, child, Siblings, family or forefathers but in your mercy please Lord forgive us our faults and hear my cries. Thank You Lord Jesus.
    Please Lord Bless and guide me at all times and please do not leave my side as l strive to do your Holy Will. Please God direct my paths to your Ways so as to Serve You. Please God the World needs You. Your children are crying for you.
    Lord Almighty God, Eternal Father, in your mercy, please bestow your perfect peace, light and eternal rest upon all your faithfully departed souls including my father Joseph-Benjamin, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, friends, all my loved ones and all the clergys. Please Lord grant them a piece of your Kingdom with your Holy Angels and Saints in Heaven.
    Thank you Lord Jesus for listening to me, a poor sinner. Praises be unto Thee. Thy will be done PRAISE THE LORD O MY SOUL AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME. PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME JESUS. Amen
    Thank You Lord Jesus Christ. I give You the Glory and Praises. I exalt and magnify Your name.
    Please forgive my sins and hear my cries. Please have pity and mercy on me and grant my heart desires according to Your Will.
    Please heal my stomach discomforts, guide, guard, defend and protect me. Please deliver me from the malicious enemy, from satan attack, from diseases, sickness, disasters, calamities, woes, fears and anxieties. Please hide me within Your Sacred wounds. Please Lord bless me with normal results on all my lab tests, cat scans and mammogram. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ in advance for answering my petitions.
    Please Lord Bless me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, siblings, family, friends and this earth ‘s exiles.
    Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Praise Your Holy name. Let the whole world Adore the Lord God Almighty. Amen

    Edith, 1/14/2019
  1. My Catholic brothers and sisters please pray with me that my prayers can come true that I can live a life filled with happiness joy and freedom right now I live a life of misery and wish for the Lord's help that I can be happy again forgive my sins and Grant me your blessings and miracles amen

    Greg, 1/14/2019
  2. Please pray for healing and protection for Christine, Elizabeth A., Elizabeth W., and Anastasia S. and remove all obstacles for doing God's will.

    Ellie, 1/14/2019
  3. Please pray for a student that passed away and his family that they may be comforted and find some peace in this difficult time.

    Also please pray for my coworker who needs to find comfort in his heart and learn how to deal with death as he isolates himself from everyone.

    God bless as he still continues to look for better job opportunities to provide for his family. I pray this career fair he goes to is positive and works out for him by giving him a sign. I pray the job he has been waiting for calls before this to outweigh his doubts. Give him some good news Father!

    God bless my daughter in helping her adjust so well to this new daycare she is attending. Thank you for sending Asma to me!


    Andrea, 1/14/2019
  4. My lifes a mess help me let go of the pain from his cheating renew our love trust I

    pray for a miracle that his heart can be changed n we can
    continue our journey to marriage let his family accept me let me continue to meet my

    target n placements 2 clear all debts help my son Chris to study for his final exams

    his entire future depends on it help me on my weight loss journey and give me the

    strength to exercise and control my diet and not loose him as m fat restore my self


    karen, 1/14/2019
  5. Please pray that my husband will get a job soon.

    Ida, 1/14/2019
  6. I need prayer for protection for my son from his fathers family. They have harassed me for a year and a half. My sons father harassed me for 5 years when I broke away from him than he passed away. Now these people are harassing my father me and my son. Calling cops on us, something was not right with my son when he left with uncle Tony a week ago. Christmas Day my son and his cuz Laia Hall, Rhonda Young’s daughter we’re picked up by the uncle Tony. Laia had ripped tights she looked scared. But I thought she was tired. Now I’m having dreams about this family and my son that he’s being abused, weather sexually or physically idk but it is one of the two. I need the Lords help. This family has something not right with them I am praying for them. I need prayer for forgiveness and to love them. I brought the grandmother a Bible she said she don’t read. Please Lord help me and my son.

    Cynthia, 1/14/2019
  7. Please pray for my family members lourd Mary,moses,james and Jarald May Jesus Christ bless us,protect us.

    James Anthony M, 1/14/2019
  8. Please pray that I am hired by the city job. I need it bad and at my age it would present really good job security. Thank you.

    Tom, 1/14/2019
  9. I ask for prayers for the break-up of a relationship with a wonderful man I love because of my drunken/horrible behavior. I am unspeakably remorseful and ask for healing in his heart and forgiveness and re-unification if if is GOD's will. Amen Thank you.

    Kathleen, 1/14/2019
  10. Please pray that my anxieties decrease and I have peace in my heart. Please pray that my rehomed dog is adjusting well and has found her forever home. She decrease her anxiety, comfort her, and allow her to behave in a manner that will allow her new family to be comfortable and happy with her. Please pray for my sons. Please pray that my education endeavors are easy and well. Please pray that I find happiness and peace and love. Please pray for a financial breakthrough and that I find a successful career. Amen

    michelle, 1/14/2019
  11. my uncle stopped breathing

    Sarah, 1/14/2019
  12. Prayers of thanks for all that I have, we have, and don't have. Prayers for faith, love and support. Pray for my family, near and far. Prayers for forgiveness. I ask all of the Angels and Saints to pray for me to the Lord our God. Love Always .

    Amy, 1/14/2019
  13. For my wife to regain her speech and recover from her stroke. For the relationship between our family. For our marriage. For our grandsons Brandon and Brooks illness. For our children and their families.

    Joe, 1/14/2019
  14. O Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for Thy intentions regarding the clones of Holy Mother who is the "woman clothed in the sun" in chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation.

    Anonymous, 1/14/2019
  15. Please pray for my father that he may be ok with his surgery and that he gets healthy. Pray for his salvation and that the Lord will show him Divine Mercy. Lord please bless us and my family and that we may draw closer to you. May your will be done. Mary watch over my father as I place him in your care. St. Faustina I also offer this prayer through you as well. May God’s will be done. JMJ pray for us. Blessings to all who pray for my prayers thank you

    Bg, 1/14/2019
  1. That the painful and embarrassing rash that my daughter developed due to a reaction to a medication heals quickly. To thank God that it wasn't worse.

    Teri, 1/14/2019
  2. That 2019 is wonderful year for Kayla in her personal life. That God answers her heartfelt prayer about her relationship.

    Teri, 1/14/2019
  3. Pray for my job request

    kavitha, 1/14/2019
  4. I humbly request to all my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for my brother who is an addict to help him get out of the habit and set his family on the right path. Pray that he may open his eyes and see reality and face the problems he got himself in with courage with the help of our Lord. Amen.

    Joe, 1/14/2019
  5. I am a 15 yr old boy from India. Please pray for me that:
    1. That I may grow in holiness
    2. Live in strong faith , faith in Jesus and in the
    3. Lord Jesus may wash me with his precious
    blood and fill me with his holy spirit .
    4. That I may do well in my exams
    5. That his presence and will be there in my
    entire life.
    Amen. In Jesus name

    Jonathan, 1/14/2019
  6. I'm Sandra Perez, I recently found out that my boyfriend Erik is cheating on me with his ex-girlfriend. I read through their messages before he deleted them, & I found out that they've been having sex & seeing one another behind my back. In the messages he's always promising that he'll get back together with her if me and him ever break up. I don't want to be with my boyfriend anymore, I'm lacking in courage we've been together a little over 1yr. Pray so we may break up and go our separate ways, I love him but this relationship has become to toxic to remain in...

    Sandra, 1/14/2019
  7. Dears,
    Please Prayer that Our GOD FATHER Through Our JESUS CHRIST FATHER Protected to Pop Sb, Bishops, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Pastors, Evangelists,Elders, Management, Security, All Christians Their Needs,Jobs,Education,Health,Homes,Marriages, My Mother,Chachu,Sisters,Wife,Brothers in Law, Daim,Alisha, Angel, Anna,Anaya, Adan,Maham,Yashab,Aayat, Ibrahim,Dua,Emanuel, Brothers, Friends, Me,My Job,Section Its Records,Accounts,Audit,Missing Misc.Receipts,Office Management,Lesco Wapda, Our Home its Registry,Setting & Gold Jewelary, Pakistan Its Govnerment,Security Forces,All People of the World and Israel...
    Thanks and Best Regards.......

    Alex, 1/14/2019
  8. ABBA Father thank you for leading me to many Church’s and different influences but the same bible / doctrine of faith that is totally biblical and evangelical messianic.. please bless the house that I live in and all the guest and our programs and work plus our Sunday commitment to serve and help Think Jesus Project and BarBQ. Bless all those who come to be served and blessed by the love support and Christian atomodphere and good will towards all. Thank you for the snow today and the good good we served and those that went home with something and Jesus Christ / Yeshua. Bless the Church’s and Ministry’s that support and pray for us and those responsible as ministers of God and good Stewart’s.
    I ask you to bless and watch over Amanda D and her husband and family the kids. I hope to be able to be close to them and spend time together. I miss her and her brother also baby sister - watch over Christian A snd Dawn the kids Asa and Ciara the Family. Watch over our 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐲 M and her Decx and husband / other. Lord encourage them have a plan for a productive talented life and great academic skills / smarts / knowledge/ skill/ personality and social ways for all of them. May their lives bring peace and live to each other and their in laws - May they all do well and our friends and close aquantances those that support our sanity sanctity grace and Christian / American and international life styles and the challenges we faced through the years and the difficult ones that severely changed things and effected us. I pray for love and understanding a new song for every Child including my self may parceled be with us and our Higher Power protect us and our friends fans associates people that are strangers and new acquaintances those who have been through a couple of challenges for us any children family siblings and Mother - relatives.
    I have committed my life to Issiah 9:7 many chapters and sequences of Isaiah and the Holy Bible.
    I pray for us to know the seasons times signs and wonders and what is the Lord and what is not of him he is endless our days are nothing compare to a eternity of life resurrection faith and prntecost(s). I pray for us to have pentecost(s) in our lives homes city’s states nations here and abroad.

    Danny, 1/14/2019
  9. Let us pray for those who are struggling with their lifes , that a mirracle will change their lifes.

    Lord hear us .

    Johan, 1/14/2019
  10. I have a new born baby with weight 1 kg.He is in critical condition.please pray for my little son

    nirmala, 1/14/2019
  11. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I beg of you, please pray to our Lord for my beloved Japanese father-in-law. He is in Japan and tomorrow they will remove a tumor from his intestine. I love him very much, and of course, my husband adores his dad (my husband is about to convert to Catholicism). I thank you infinitely. The name of my dear father-in-law is Mamoru Matsuoka. May God repay your invaluable kindness with excellent health for you and all of your loved ones!

    Rosa Maria, 1/13/2019
  12. Lord Jesus Christ please bless me and Grant me your miracles guide me successfully to a life filled with joy happiness and freedom forgive my sins and bless my loved ones help me everyday to be happy while I'm here on Earth guide me quickly to your kingdom when I pass amen

    Greg, 1/13/2019
  13. For God’s fulfillment of all my heart desires, for peace of mind, joy, happiness and protection.

    In Jesus Name, Amen.

    Ikenna, 1/13/2019
  14. Please pray for the healing of my mother, Amparo, who has been diagnosed with cancer. Thank you and may God bless you.

    Amparo, 1/13/2019
  15. That N quickly finds a new job after being laid off without warning. There are four kids and now no health insurance. Also, for my private intention.

    Nn, 1/13/2019
  1. Please pray the Holy Spirit makes me the man my ex wants and needs and works deeply in my ex wife April's heart soul mind and life to turn and seek the restoration of our marriage.

    Tom, 1/13/2019
  2. Please pray my anxiety decreases. Please pray that I find love, peace, and happiness. Please pray that my rehomed dog finds peace, love, and comfort and behaves well. Please pray that my educational endeavors are easy and fast. Please pray for my parents and sons.

    Michelle, 1/13/2019
  3. Please pray for my daughter who needs God's intervention now to save her from evil intentions. In Jesus name we pray.

    e, 1/13/2019
  4. For traveling mercies. Protection while at work

    For wisdom, peace and knowledge.
    For new income streams to help people and family
    For more ideas for work.

    For mercies on my passengers
    For strength to get up early and work.
    To create good habits and rid of bad ones.

    To seek the kingdom first.

    Jerrell, 1/13/2019
  5. Please pray for my fiance and I as we begin preparing for marriage. He is a convert to Catholicism and does not always see eye to eye with the Church's teaching on contraception. Please pray his heart will be opened to other methods such as NFP.

    Courtney, 1/13/2019

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