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Advent & Christmas News

Advent Reflection - Day 23 - The Fourth Monday of Advent Watch

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Advent Reflection - Day 23 The Fourth Monday of Advent Some families wait until this time to put up their Christmas trees. The reason ... continue reading

Redeemer in the Womb: Jesus was an Embryonic Person

Image of The Platytera

Tomorrow we commemorate the Nativity of the Lord. Let us always remember the incredible truth revealed in the Mystery which we celebrate, ... continue reading

Learning from Elijah in the Advent Season of Life Watch

Image of Elijah under the broom tree- The question we can ask ourselves today is whether we are responding to that invitation.   Then, we should quiet ourselves and listen - for the voice of the Lord, under the broom tree, in the whisper of the wind, where He still speaks.

I spend a lot of time under the broom tree as I grow older. I see it as a holy place, a place of invitation, in the unfolding loving ... continue reading

Advent Reflection - Day 26 - The Fourth Thursday of Advent Watch

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Advent Reflection - Day 26 - The Fourth Thursday of Advent Today is the last Sunday before Christmas! We light the fourth and final candle ... continue reading

Proclaim 'good news of great joy'!

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The commercialism of Christmas can easily tempt us to become spiritually sidetracked. A barrage of commercials tries to sell the illusion ... continue reading

And so we wait

Image of Advent offers us a wonderful opportunity to learn how to wait patiently, prayerfully and trustingly on the Lord.

Waiting is a natural part of life. But it's often hard to wait. And in our modern world which pampers us in so many ways with instant ... continue reading

Jesus asks: will you share your loaves and fishes?

Image of When we present the Lord with our loaves and fishes, He multiplies them and feeds the multitude.

All talents, all gifts of the earth, belong to God. We are given these things to equip us to work in the Lord's vineyard. The question is, ... continue reading

Pope Francis' Message to Young People this Advent Season: 'Don't lose hope'

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Pope Francis told young adults and teens participating in a Christmas songwriting contest to hold onto the hope, beauty, and love present ... continue reading

Full of Grace: We Learn to Live a Life of Yes from Mary Watch

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What came about in bodily form in Mary, the fullness of the godhead shining through Christ in the Blessed Virgin, takes place in a ... continue reading

Advent: Dominus humilitate adveniet: The Lord Will Come by Humility

Image of To become humble is in reality to die to self. It is to become as a little child in abandonment to God, trusting completely in his goodness, power and divine providence. It is to give ourselves over unconditionally and without qualification to Christ. It is the humble who pray thus:

God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw ... continue reading

More Advent & Christmas

Advent & Christmas 2023

Begins Sunday December 3, 2023

Ends on Sunday December 24, 2023

"And the angel answered her, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God.'"
Luke 1:35

Christ the King

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Image of Christ the King

Advent 2023 starts on Sunday December 3, 2023

Advent starts four Sundays before Christmas every year.

Image of Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary[holy day of obligation]

Advent 2023 ends on Sunday December 24, 2023

Advent ends on Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas, every year.

Image of ChristmasBirth of Our Lord Jesus[holy day of obligation]

Image of The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God[holy day of obligation]


Saturday January 6, 2023

Image of Epiphany

Advent Reflections

Reflection for every day of Advent

Image of Advent Reflections

Advent Calendar

Every day of Advent

Image of Advent Calendar

Advent Candle

24 Days of December

Image of Advent Candle

Advent Wreath

Each Sunday of Advent

Image of Advent Wreath

Advent & Christmas Classes

14 Free Classes - Mobile Friendly

Image of Advent & Christmas Classes

Advent & Christmas PDFs

FREE - Printable - Catholic

Image of Advent & Christmas PDFs

Christmas Gifts

Free Shipping $70+

Image of Christmas Gifts

Nativity Scene

Holy Family

Image of Nativity Scene

St. Nicholas

December 6th

Image of St. Nicholas

Advent? What is it all about

What is Advent? The word Advent derives from the Latin word meaning coming. The Lord is coming. We may reflect that every year at this time we celebrate his coming... continue reading

The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story To become the mother of the Savior, Mary "was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to such a role." The angel Gabriel at the moment of... continue reading

Advent Daily Readings

Daily Scripture Readings for Advent The weeks of Advent remind us to set aside some of the hectic business of the holiday season, and to quietly reflect on the promise of the baby... continue reading

More Advent & Christmas

Feast of the Epiphany - A Sunday Letter by Deacon Keith Fournier

Image of Photo credit: Michael Payne

My friends, brothers, and sisters in the Lord,On Sunday January 7, 2024 in the United States and many other Nations, we celebrate the Feast ... continue reading

The Deacon Saint Stephen the Proto-Martyr is a Model for all Christians

Image of Photo credit: Grant Whitty

In the Catholic Church, Christmas is celebrated for eight days (Octave, from the Latin Octava) and opens up into a wonderful liturgical ... continue reading

Love is Born on Christmas Morn, and the World is Born Anew Watch

Image of Image by Vickie McCarty from Pixabay

The Gospel passages proclaimed at the Vigil and the Midnight Mass of Christmas root the Nativity of the Lord, in the family history and ... continue reading

5 Ways to keep Jesus in your Christmas celebrations this year

Image of How will you keep Christ in Christmas this year?

Christmas is a magical time of year when decorations line the streets, children are suddenly behaving and the Post Office struggles to keep ... continue reading

Advent Reflection - Day 22- The Fourth Sunday of Advent Watch

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Advent Reflection - Day 22 - The Fourth Sunday of Advent  This is the last day of this year's Advent preparations. Tonight, we greet the ... continue reading

Advent Reflection - Day 21 - The Third Saturday of Advent Watch

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Advent Reflection - Day 21 - The Third Saturday of Advent Within Mary's womb, our Savior stirs. The moment is near! The Holy Family turns ... continue reading

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