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Jesus' Mother is our Mother. Love her as Jesus loved her, Honor her as God the Father honored her.

Jesus symbolically gave his Mother Mary to all humanity for her to care and intercede for us spiritually.

God made Mary the Mother of God, bestowing upon her the greatest honor ever given a human being. He placed her in that position of respect and has shown her having a significant role in the overall story of salvation. Read on...


By Vincent Johnson
A Blest Life (
12/17/2013 (1 decade ago)

Published in Christmas / Advent

Keywords: Mary, Mother, Jesus, Christmas, God, love, humanity, intercession, spiriturality, Father, honor, virgin,

MOORESVILLE, N.C. - There are so many that look upon Mary as a minor player in the salvation story. Many of the protestant faiths work hard at diminishing her value, at least in how we Catholics honor her and pray to her.

As usual, it's mostly misunderstanding that precedes these erroneous conclusions such as: Catholics worship Mary. Let's make sure we clear that one up right away. As our Eternal God had honored Mary in selecting her to be the pure vessel which carries the one true and eternal sacrifice; we also should honor her. That means everyone! We place just as much - not any more - emphasis on Mary as God our Father did. Was anyone else selected as the Mother of God? If someone is selected to be the Mother of God, above all others; it has to be the highest honor for all eternity placed on any human being. We all should be honoring her as her Son Jesus did. By the way; who helped Him kick off his ministry? Jesus' Mother Mary prompted Him to perform His first miracle. He did it at her behest. He wasn't going to do it until she, like all good mothers, influenced her son. My own mother was pretty good at that! I'm with Jesus on that one - "If momma's happy, everyone's happy".

I don't know why so many seem to be "afraid" of Mary, what she represents, and/or her example to us all in how we should follow God and Honor Him by saying "yes".  And as far as the "Full of Grace" issue has gotten some attention - I don't know how God could come from anything that wasn't full of grace. It's just spiritual logic that God cannot be brought about through the something that had not been sanctified by him and through him, first. 

And what about when Jesus was dying upon the cross, it was recorded and given special attention in the Bible when he "gave" his Mother over to his beloved, John. Why is this so important? Because He was, in reality, symbolically giving his Mother Mary to all humanity for her to care and intercede for spiritually.

Everything Jesus did has reason and purpose. This small piece of scripture is in the Bible for a reason. I think one of those reasons is to continue, even in death to place some emphasis and importance on Mary. If anything we should follow his lead, and seek it out. So no matter what you've heard from others, seek and find out through the word of God what Mary's role is for us. Seek to love her as Jesus loved her. Honor her, as God the Father honored her. And thank her for saying "yes" and bringing salvation into the world on Christmas!


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