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Suffragan diocese of Marianna, in Brazil, created by the Consistorial Decree of 29 September, 1907, separating it from the Diocese of Goyaz, and placing under its jurisdiction the part of Minas Geraes known as Triangulo Mineiro and the following parishes which formerly belonged to the Diocese of Diamantina : Urcuia or Burity, Capim Branco or Rio Preto, Paracatú, Alegres, Santa Rita de Patos, Capã Redondo, and São Romão. The diocese is bounded: on the north by the Urucuia River; east, the São Francisco River; south, the Marcella and Canastra mountain ranges and the Rio Grande; west, the Paranahyba and Jacaré rivers, and the Geral mountain range. The Catholic population numbered 200,000 souls in 1911. Rt. Rev. Eduardo Duarte Silva, the first and present bishop, was born at Florianopolis, 27 Jan., 1852; studied in the Pio-Latino College of Rome ; was ordained priest, 19 Dec., 1874; chaplain of the Florianopolis hospital and canon of the imperial chapel ; elected Bishop of Goyaz, 23 Jan., 1891, and consecrated on 8 Feb., 1891; preconized Bishop of Uberaba, 19 Dec., 1908. The following religious orders are in the diocese : Dominicans, Recollects, Lazarists, Dominican nuns, Franciscan Missionary nuns of Egypt. There are 45 churches. The Catholic educational institutions are: the Gymnasio Diocesano, a school of secondary instruction with the privileges of a federal college, directed by the Marist Brothers; and the Collegio de Nossa Senhora das Dôres, for girls, under the Dominican nuns. The principal Catholic charitable associations are: the Sociedade de S. Vicente de Paula; the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericordia; and the Associação das Damas de Caridade. The official organ of the diocese is the "Correio Catholico" (Uberaba).
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