Juan José Urráburu
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Scholastic philosopher, born at Ceanuri, Biscay, 23 May, 1844; died at Burgos, 13 August, 1904. He entered the Society of Jesus on 3 May, 1860, at Loyola (Guipûzcoa). He was professor of rhetoric, and after having finished his own studies he taught philosophy in the Jesuit house of studies, and later theology at Poyanne, France. In the Scholastic revival promoted by Leo XII, Urráburu was called to Rome (1878) to teach philosophy in the Gregorian University. He remained there nine years and on his return was made rector of the College of Valladolid (1887-90); of the Colegio Maximo, Oña (1891-97); and of the seminary of Salamanca (1898-1902). His principal work is entitled "Institutiones philosophiæ quas Romæ in Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana tradiderat . . .", Valladolid: I, Logica, 1890; II, Ontologia, 1891; III, Cosmologia, 1892; IV, Psychologiæ part 1, op. 1894; V, Psychologiæ part 2, 1896; VI, Psychologiæ part 2 (continuation), 1898; VII Theodiceæ vol. I, 1899; VIII, Theodiceæ vol. II, 1900. Other works are: "Compendium philosophiæ scholasticæ . . .", 5 vols., Madrid 1902-1904; "El verdadero puesto de la filosofía entre las demás ciencias", articles published in "Razón y Fe", I, 57, 137 (1901); "El principio vital y el materialismo ante la ciencia ya la filosofía", ibid., VIII 313 (1904); IX, 180, 325 (1904); X, 219 (1904); XI, 54 (1905); posthumous: "La mente de la Compañia acerca de las doctrinas escolásticas que se refieren á la constitución de los cuerpos. Pláctia familiar" (Oña, printed privately). Two chapters (Disputat., XI) of "Psychologia fusior", translated into Spanish by Antonio Madariaga, were published at Madrid, 1901, with the title "Principios fundamentales de antropologia". The value of Urráburu's philosophical work is fully attested by the favour with which it was received and the care with which it was examined by the most competent critics. The influence of his teaching has been notable, especially among the members of his order; the "Institutiones" has been constantly consulted by professors and students (new edition, "Logica", 1908); the "Compendium" is the textbook used at present in the Jesuit scholasticates of Spain and other countries. Father Carlos Delmas published an exhaustive appreciation in the "Etudes bibliograph.", March, 1893, in "Etudes", LXXXVIII, 123. Father José Epsí contributed a serious study, "Un neuvo libro de filosofía escolástica" in "Razon y Fe", IV, 51. To these articles may be added Nadal's notice, "La psicologia del P. Urráburu" in "Razón y Fe", XIV, 314. Urráburu's work, a lasting monument to the School in general, and particularly to that of Francisco Suárez, is solid, learned, uncompromising towards error, moderate in expression, and well-balanced by common sense.
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