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Three words to a deeper faith
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Three words that will bring you closer to God, three words that very well could change your life. We all wish for a deeper relationship with God, we all want that personal relationship with Jesus. But in truth how do we achieve this? What do we need and where do we start?
Connection, this is the first step, we must make a connection to God, and we must work at this connection and remove anything that may be in our way. Much like a outlet and a plug, if the connection is not solid, free of corrosion the electricity will not flow freely, it will be weekend and the light not as strong. A clean connection will allow the flow of electricity to fully eliminate the bulb, filling the space with a bright white light. The same can be said for your connection with God, if you have corrosion in your life, how can the energy (God) flow freely to you? Sure you will get some, but you will not get the full effects.
So the first part of the three step plan is to clean your connection, to clean your life. It's time to remove any corrosion (obstacles) in your life that will prevent you from connecting to God. I am a firm believer in list making, so make a list of obstacles, be honest, and list anything you may think is an obstacle. It can be TV or smoking or friends and family members. The list should contain anything you feel may block or obstruct your connection to God. Once you have the list, now it's time to sit in a quiet place and pray for guidance, asking the Holy Spirit to help you discern the list, to help you clear the path to God. Ask God to help you clarify your list, removing or adding to it as needed. This process may take time, most likely will take time, be calm and allow the Spirit of God to work through you. Every so often repeat this little exercise, make sure your connection is corrosion free, the results will be well worth the effort.
Collaboration, the second step in the process, well in truth all three steps work together, but we will look at them as three separate steps. Collaboration, teamwork, that's what it's all about. Ask any high powered business person and they will tell you that you have to collaborate; you must work as a team to achieve the dream. Look it up on the net and you will find hundreds of seminars on the topic and books beyond your imagination. With all the effort being spent on this topic, there must be something to it all. And there is, God did not create us to just sit and allow things, events, to happen to us. God created us to collaborate with each other, and, wait for it...... WITH HIM!
Yes God can do it all on his own, in truth he really don't need us, nor our help. But God, in his wisdom, knows that if we humans have to work for it, we will appreciate it more, it will have meaning to us. How often have you told this to children "If I just give it to you, and you don't work for it, you will not take care of it, you will not appreciate it". Well if that is true for a toy or the latest electronic gadget than how much more true is it for what God wants for us?
God created us to be collaborators with him, his Son and the Holy Spirit. God does not force us in to anything, God allows us to choose, but in choosing He also needs us, or rather wants us, to work with him, to carry our cross too be a partner in the process.
As the example above shows, we need God to help us discern, but as this example tells us, God wants us to help. We must be active in the process. Too many people say, "I'll leave it to God", well that's fine, but if you want a response you must also actively work with God, you must collaborate with him.
The third part of the plan is Co-creating, we are called to co-create our salvation. Jesus commands this, and we, if we wish to achieve the goal of heaven, must obey this command. God creates all life, but God also call so to be co-creators along with him. We are told to "Go forth and multiply". The act of "multiplying" is the act of co-creation. God surly could do this on his own, but rather than doing that, he has granted us, mere humans, the privilege of co-creating with him.
God, in his wisdom does nothing just for the sake of nothingness. He knows what he is doing. All we have to do is allow him to do it. And to follow his directions. God wants us to work with him, to collaborate and co-create; God wants that connection to be strong and free of corrosion. But God will not do it for us, we must choose to work at it, and we must choose to allow God to work with us.
God will not interfere where he is not welcomed, He will always be ready to help, but we must want it, we must be willing to work for it and with him on it. God understands our human nature; God understands that if we work for it, if we suffer for it, if we break our backs to get, we, as simple beings, will appreciate it.
Co-creation is essential to the process of connecting to and collaborating with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is the process of making new, whether it's a new self or a new life. Co-creation is the greatest gift God has given the human race, in the act of co-creation we get to be, in a very tiny way, like God. We get to feel, in a very subdued way, how God must feel. Co-creation allows us to work hand in hand with the creator of all things, great and small. Think about it, when you co-create with the creator of all, you are, for that small moment, connected to all times, you are connected to the alpha ns omega. You are part of salvation history for that one single moment of co-creation. What an awe inspiring thought, and what a glorious gift from God.
Three words, three persons in the whole trinity, but one... We, a fallen race, can collaborate with, connect with and co-create with the mystery that is, we can be one with the one who is "I AM". We are invited to participate in the creation of God's universe.
What a powerful idea...
STATIC Solutions, LLC
Paul Sposite - owner, 734 748-3771
Called by God, Freedom, Life, Love, education, faith, friendship, prayer, self-help | co-create, collaboration, connection, corrosion, deeper faith, dream, effort, faith, free will, God, Holy trinity,
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