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The Passion of the Emperors

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By Michael Rizzio

Emperors, tens of thousands of them, male and female He made them. Loving, caring, sacrificing everything and all for one absolute purpose, to fulfill their innate responsibility to their fulfill their multiply.

My wife and I were alone in Tinseltown, the multiplex theater in Corpus Christi at 7:30 last night, and that was a first.

It seemed that God was about something very personal and Providential, for it was Jen's birthday and we were still pleasantly stuffed from an extra-large (on-the-house) tiramisu from Johnny Carino's, i.e., we were primed for the event.

I really wasn't expecting a documentary for I had convinced myself that "March of the Penguins" would be a "Look Who's Talking" type comedy, only based on a natural theme.

Boy, was I wrong...and thank God I was!

This Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Creation (Intelligent Design) epic brought tears to our eyes, a meeting of our hearts and a healing, for we still experience the latent pain from two recent pregnancies that failed.

As gracefully passionate as the trumpeter swan, as noble as the turkey and as community conscious as the Harris Hawk, the Emperor rules the frozen southlands with dignity and honor. We humans beings who dispose of our young so readily and opt for the creature comforts of a passing world might benefit from a daily slice of this humble penguin pie. Their "cross" is huge.

One hundred and sixty-seven critics have cast their vote

160 - absolutely for 6 - relatively against 1 - against

Sadly, the one nay critic's words caught my eye. He writes for the Village Voice, an openly gay paper out of Greenwich Village and offers the following perspective:

"The Central Park Zoo is cheaper, you can walk away from the penguins after 10 minutes, and it has snow monkeys and beer."

I guess this politically incorrect treatment, a look in the mirror, was just too painful.


Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity TX, US
Michael Rizzio - Lay Missionary, 361 563-2602



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