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Two Angels in one day - Angel Stories

By: Trina Moore

Location: Jacksonville Arkansas USA

In 1996, I gave my life to Christ. That very same day, I needed a place to live and money to deposit there. Didn't have any idea who or how it was going to happen.

Was attending Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. I'm originally from a very small town in Arkansas, not a big city girl, especially in 1996.

The time I was very young, immature, and spiritually ignorant about angels, or spirits or anything of that supernatural stuff. But, I loved Jesus that day I surrendered to Him, and I believed that I was going to have a roof over my head, and the deposit money to do it.

Well, left home that day, was living with a guy but had to move out due to spiritual reasons(we weren't married). He financed all bills, I was not working(college student), and no savings or nothing. But, God assured me He would supply all my needs if I would just trust Him, leave that man, move out of that house, and go forth with my new life in Christ.

Big faith is all I have to say that was required to obey God in this manner, but I somehow had it, and didn't question the steps to take, but willingly obeyed, and left that house for class.

When I arrived on campus, it was speech 101, every single thing was completely normal. Attended the class, was walking out, when all of a sudden this "person" tapped me on my shoulder.

I turned around, puzzled, because had never seen her in my speech class before, but being the friendly person that I am, I said, "May I help you?

She looked at me, her eyes were piercingly blue and very abnormally bright looking, and she calmly said to me the 8 words that I'll never forget as long as I live..."Are you looking for a place to stay!"

I was floored. Who was she? How did she know I was basically looking for a new location to live? Why did she say this? How did she know? I mean several questions ran through my mind.Amazed, I answered saying, "Yes....I am".

In a very matter-of-fact kind of term, she said, "Well, this is what you do. Go to that building over there, on a table in the lobby will be a book, pick up that book, go to page 177, and on page 177 there will be a lady, her name is Mrs. Hettleman, and she is waiting for you to rent her house out to you."

I was looking in the direction of that building, but with my ears, I was listening to the instructions very intently as to ensure I missed none of it.

When to my surprise, I turned around to thank the "lady", and she was gone. I looked in all four directions, for several hundred feet, and no sign of the lady. No back of her, no hair blowing in the wind, no running away, she had just vanished as she was finished with her mission.

At the time, I honestly didn't think she was supernatural, because I was toooo immature, spiritually ignorant, and non-aware of supernatural things occurring in people's lives, but looking back I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this lady, this mystery lady I had never seen in my speech class before, was definitely, without a doubt, an angel of direction to point me in the place where God wanted me to begin my fresh start with Him.

How do I know that? #1, Mrs. Hettleman(the landlady) was waiting on me, so much so, when I called her, she was like "Hey Baby" in a very nurturing kind of voice as soon as she picked up.

I asked her was she waiting on me, she said, "I sure was. I knew you would be calling".

I was by that point, truly freaked out, excuse me if freaked out offends some, but there were no other words to describe it, except freaked out, because these weird encounters that I never knew existed were happening so suddenly in my personal life, and I had not one explanation for them.

My mind didn't know how to process it all, and it truly was kind of scary, but at the same time, not so scary that I was running from it all, but instead running to it all.

God has truly, from one encounter(Divine) encounter taken care of me for 10 years now, and the journey has been such an awesome one. Amen.

I had a second angelic encounter that happened the night of this one above.

About 12 hours later, I was coming from an engineering team meeting, my major at Morgan State University was electrical engineering, but on my way home from this meeting, I was broke, with an empty gas tank.

The gentleman I was living with, before I moved out, always made sure all my material needs were taking care of, but now that he was no longer in my life, replaced by my new man, Jesus Christ, my gas tank was empty.

My ability to supply any of my needs was completely impossible, for not one iota of my life was favorable to successful, abundant living. It was completely the opposite.

But, on the way home, with the empty gas tank, I sputtered to the interstate, praying the whole way. "Lord, you promised to take care of me if I moved out, and right now, I need gas, "badder" than anything else. Will you please help me? Without gas, how can I attend college? Without gas, how can I get around? I have no one else, Lord, but You here in Baltimore with me. All my family lives down south, and I really hate to contact my mom, dad, or anyone in my family to help me financially, so Lord, I need you to really do something."

At that time, my car just DROVE into a gas station(for gas). I really don't remember doing it, it was really like it did it on its own, but when I got there by the pump, I was like, "Lord, why did you have me come here? I ain't got no money."

Then, a thought entered my mind, "Look between your seats."

I did, and to my surprise, I found one dollar and thirty five cents in change. Change. Nickels, dimes, and pennies. I was like so excited. It was like I had won the lottery or something.

Then, I proceeded to get out the car, only putting one foot out, and all of a sudden I saw a tall man, dressed in dark clothing, approach my vehicle.

I was driving a yellow Geo Storm at that time. I was a tad bit concerned why he was coming to my vehicle, but I really tried to overlook him. When all of a sudden, this man came between the two pumps on my side, and he was standing right smack at the driver's door on my vehicle.

I got out the vehicle, stood up, didn't know why I was doing it, but it was like something made me do it, and looked him in his eyes.

The eyes were the same type of eyes the lady in my speech class had. I really didn't notice it as much with him as the speech lady, but noticing it was there. I couldn't help it, but because he immediately started conversating with me, it took my focus off his eyes, onto listening very intently to what he had to say.

Mind you, now, I'm unaware that God could do things like I'm about to tell you. The church I grew up in all my life, never taught nothing like this. There were no Hollywood or sitcom shows on TV about the supernatural existence of the Lord. I was dumb to these types of things, but after what God had done with the speech lady leading me to the 1st awareness of God's Divine direction and protection and provision, I knew God would do things for those He loved, but I was thinking it would only happen once in a lifetime. I never assumed it could possibly happen to the same person in the same day!!!

To the contrary, God is soooo awesome, He'll do it for as much as we need Him to, if we just trust Him to do it, and not get in our fleshes, limited understanding, and limited provisions.

Anyways, this man...He said to me as we were standing there face to face with each other, "Ma'am, please, please, please, don't think I am a bum. But I need your cash?"

I looked, and said, "Sir, I don't have any money. You are really talking to the wrong lady today. All I have is this little change that I found in my car to place in my gas tank, to get me around from college and back."

He looked at me, seriously but sincerely, "'am, I don't want your money, I need your cash."

I was sooo very confused, but was patient to understand what he meant, so I asked him, "Sir, I am not understanding you."

He said, "See, I was coming home from work, and my car broke down on the highway with a flat tire, but all I have are credit cards, and I went to the gas station across the street to buy a can of Fix-O-Flat, and they won't accept credit cards after a certain hour in this city, so I saw you, and walked across the street to you, hoping that you would let me put whatever amount you were going to put in your tank, on my credit card, and then you just give me your cash afterwards, and we'll call it even."

I thought about it, but didn't make any move, I just stood there, when he said, "How much were you going to put in your tank?"

I said, "All I have is this $1.35 in my hand, and it's all change."

He said, "Ok, good. Then it's a deal." Then, he quit looking at me, went straight to the cashier, gave her his credit card, came back to the pump, started pumping, and passed a dollar and thirty five cents on the pump register.

I was like "Why is this man going past what I have?" At least I thought this in my mind, but didn't say nothing. Concerned, but not that concerned.

Then, he kept pumping, pumping, pumping, and not once paying an ounce of attention to me. You would have thought that it was his car and I was the "intruder", but the other way around.

He was so focused, like he was on a mission, and I thought to myself, was this guy like the speech lady who, too, was on a mission to help me.

As I watched, tears began to roll down my cheeks, because I discovered, God had done it again. He had sent someone to help me, for I asked Him to when I was leaving that engineering meeting sputtering with no gas in my tank and no money in pocket to supply that need.

God sent this man, I was thinking, and I was in awe of God's goodness. Literally, it was too good to be true. Up to that point, no one ever took care of me in such a powerful, spiritual way, and I knew that I knew I was hooked on Jesus for life.

The man filled up my tank, walked over to the cashier, paid on his credit card, came back to me, looked up at me, and the eyes glared greater than they had glared the whole time talking to him, as if God Himself was staring at me, and piercing my soul, and he said, "That'll be a dollar and thirty five."

I was balling with tears of awe and wonder, handed him the money, and he reached out, before taking it from me, he said, "God is good isn't he?" And then walked a few feet, in the complete opposite direction of where his car supposedly was, and vanished in thin air.

This time, I saw it with my own eyes. This man, too, WAS an angel, and I have never been the same since that night, September 16, 1996. Thank you for reading!

Angel Stories

Some may never see with earthly eyes these heavenly beings or know that they exist. Many are unaware of the numerous ways they have protected and guided us. We would like to share with you the stories of people who take pleasure in expressing how real angels are.

Angel Stories

Showing 301 - 323 of 323
  1. Guardian Angel, by B. Baptiste
  2. My Grandmother's Grave, by Michelle Brylowska
  3. My mom came to see her grandson for the first time, by Dawn Gudat
  4. Joan of arc, by Meagan Kaminski
  5. Two Angels in one day, by Trina Moore
  6. Dreams, by Michelle Vargas
  7. I believe, by Samantha Wynkoop
  8. Autistic Son, by Anonymous
  9. Ignatius, by Theresa Smaroff
  10. God's Will, by Jennifer Martin
  1. Grandfather as an angel, by Kathleen Liner
  2. Homeless Angel, by Angela Ohanian
  3. An Angel in my Kitchen, by Joycelyn Smith
  4. Angels are Everywhere, by Jaci Tron
  5. Four Wheel Drive Angels, by John Haas
  6. Angels in the Train Station, by C. E.
  7. Someone has saved me!, by Mary Leeneth Lauron
  8. Angel Couple, by Randy Rodriguez
  9. Not my time, by FIONA MALONEY
  10. Missing Grandfather, by Christina Song
  11. One night, by Christian Elizalde
  12. Police Officer's Partner, by Alfredo Lopez
  13. An Angel's Message of Warning, by Joan Fowler

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