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My mom came to see her grandson for the first time - Angel Stories

By: Dawn Gudat

Location: Garfield Heights Ohio USA

In October 2001 I found out I was pregnant with my 5th child. It was my mom's 10th grandchild. She was so excited when we told her the news. She said 10 was a lucky number. She passed away on December 12,2001 just 3 days before my birthday. What a way to celebrate your birthday at a funeral home. But I was determined to spend my birthday with my mom. On June 17,2002 our 4th. son Chad Daniel was born. It was a very bitter sweet moment.She was determined to be in the delivery room. Everybody told me she was but not in the sense I wanted her to be.I really wished she could see him. Not sure of my beliefs of life after death. I knew what I was tought but a little part of me always wondered. Later that night when all the visitors and my husband left the hospital the nurse brought Chad in to get some mommy baby alone time. She put his little crib between my bed and the window. The nurse later came in to take him to the nursery so I could get some rest. I told her to leave him with me so we could spend his first night in the world mommy and not strangers.I just needed him with me. I fell asleep for about an hour as his little clear crib was next to my bed. I jumped up quickly as having the feeling of somebody standing over my baby.As I looked over to check on him and saw he was sound asleep and nobody was in the room I looked at the window to find my mom the most BEAUTIFUL Angel I have ever seen. Okay the only Angel I have ever seen but either way the most BEAUTIFUL. She was floating in the air with her pink dress that she was layed out in. She was just floating outside the window coming down to get a glimpse of wahat would be her last grandchild. I guess nobody not even JESUS was going to keep her from checking out the newest Angel in our lives. Her wings were the most beautiful,biggest,whitest,fluffiest things I have ever could have imagined. They were well deserved by her. She really earned them. Anyway I could not believe ehat I was seeing. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief or to think maybe I was dreaming as a tear fell down her cheek she just winked at me blew me a kiss as to say good job kiddo and she slowly flew up. Leaving nothing but her little pink painted toenails wiggling on the way up. My mom was ALWAYS barefoot. That was my one request when making funeral arrangements that she was not going to spend eternity with shoes that she hated even though she owned 500 pairs. We even laughed my brother made the comment she was brought into this world a pollack and would leave a hillbilly. I have a touch lamp that I bought and whenever my mom is talked about which is daily the lamp turns on by itself. The kids get excited because they feel it is her energy around us that makes it turn on and they won't let you turn it off til bedtime. They say goodnight Granny visit us tomorrow. We Love You.

Angel Stories

Some may never see with earthly eyes these heavenly beings or know that they exist. Many are unaware of the numerous ways they have protected and guided us. We would like to share with you the stories of people who take pleasure in expressing how real angels are.

Angel Stories

Showing 301 - 323 of 323
  1. Guardian Angel, by B. Baptiste
  2. My Grandmother's Grave, by Michelle Brylowska
  3. My mom came to see her grandson for the first time, by Dawn Gudat
  4. Joan of arc, by Meagan Kaminski
  5. Two Angels in one day, by Trina Moore
  6. Dreams, by Michelle Vargas
  7. I believe, by Samantha Wynkoop
  8. Autistic Son, by Anonymous
  9. Ignatius, by Theresa Smaroff
  10. God's Will, by Jennifer Martin
  1. Grandfather as an angel, by Kathleen Liner
  2. Homeless Angel, by Angela Ohanian
  3. An Angel in my Kitchen, by Joycelyn Smith
  4. Angels are Everywhere, by Jaci Tron
  5. Four Wheel Drive Angels, by John Haas
  6. Angels in the Train Station, by C. E.
  7. Someone has saved me!, by Mary Leeneth Lauron
  8. Angel Couple, by Randy Rodriguez
  9. Not my time, by FIONA MALONEY
  10. Missing Grandfather, by Christina Song
  11. One night, by Christian Elizalde
  12. Police Officer's Partner, by Alfredo Lopez
  13. An Angel's Message of Warning, by Joan Fowler

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