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Should Ted Kennedy receive Holy Communion?

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By Dennis Lynch
Your Catholic Voice Movement

As an Irish-Catholic American, I grew up almost worshiping the Kennedy name. In 1960 John F. Kennedy became the first Catholic in America to occupy the highest elected office in our Nation. I never knew Bobby Kennedy, but respected him for his apparent devotion to his Family ideal. Little did I know that his Family ideal was to gain voter acceptance at the expense of their Catholic Faith. After Bobby, came Ted Kennedy to the Catholic Communion rail. This is why I write to you.

If 1960 was a triumph for Kennedy-type Catholics in America, 1969 became the death of those Kennedy-type Catholics. Mary Jo Kopechne would be celebrating her 63rd birthday if Ted Kennedy and Friends had not breached their vows in the Sacrament of Marriage. But, that is not why Ted Kennedy should no longer received Holy Communion in the Catholic Church. Let me explain.

In the 1970's the Kennedy Family could still count votes. By that time, this culture of death that Our Holy Father speaks so clearly about was just beginning to entangle our Nation. That culture, however, could get out the vote. The Devil is always popular. Supporting the culture of life was not popular. Supporting the unpopular notion of civil rights for preborn children did not get votes. Ted Kennedy sought votes that could keep him in power, not votes that would keep him Catholic.

Fast forward to today. We all know that the Roe v. Wade Decision in 1973 was the Judiciary acting like a Legislature since the Judiciary did not have the votes to ratify this anchor in the culture of death. Ted Kennedy abandoned his Catholic Faith to get those same votes. That abandonment kept Ted Kennedy in power, but not in the grace of our Catholic Faith. Compare Ted Kennedy to our National President of Your Catholic Voice, Ray Flynn.

When former President Clinton followed the Kennedy pattern of votes over Faith by supporting Partial Birth Abortion, Ambassador Flynn, elected to follow his Faith over his votes. Our National President of Your Catholic Voice as a Democrat spoke against a Democratic President to support the lives of almost born innocent children. The National President of Your Catholic Voice Ray Flynn elected his Faith over potential voters. That decision cost Ray Flynn votes, but not his Catholic Faith.

Ted Kennedy has abandoned his Catholic Faith. He has kept alive the deadly practice of killing preborn innocent life. He has kept from the choice of our United States Senate courageous people who seek to be Judges and support the "right to life" enshrined in our Constitution. Ted Kennedy has even kept those who want "school choice" from choosing to have their children attend the very same type of schools his children enjoyed.

I am no expert in who should receive Communion. I only know that in major Catholic events in Boston today, Ted Kennedy is allowed to sit in the front of a Cathedral of Catholics and receive Holy Communion. Our Your Catholic Voice National President Ray Flynn is relegated elsewhere. That is the wrong message to give to Catholics true to the Faith and the New Archbishop of Boston should know this situation.

Daily Mass in my Parish is at 7:00AM. The highlight of my Day is receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at the altar in Holy Communion at this Daily Mass. Whether it is at Daily Mass or not, until Ted Kennedy elects to follow his Faith and not his votes, should he still continue to receive Holy Communion? Should the Archbishop of Boston allow the Ted Kennedys of our Faith to still sit in the front pew and the Ambassador Flynns relegated to the rear? Are you listening Archbishop O'Malley?

If you care, cast your vote by sending $50 to YOUR CATHOLIC VOICE right now so we can ask this question in a major newspaper that Ted Kennedy reads. Ted Kennedy may not respond to the newspaper ad, but at least he and Archbishop O'Malley will know this question is being asked today. Your Catholic Voice has taught me one important lesson. I am not the Irish-Catholic American of the past who almost worship the Kennedys. I am the Catholic American-Irish of today who is very proud of the Flynns.


Your Catholic Voice Movement CA, US
Dennis Lynch - Chief-of-Staff, 661 869-1000



Faithful, Catholic, Ted Kennedy, Communion

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