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What does the Catholic Church say about vaccines? Woman faces jail for refusing to vaccinate child Watch

Image of Vaccinations are a pillar of modern healthcare, but should we be forced to participate?

A woman faces jail time for contempt of court, should she refuse a judge's order to vaccinate her nine-year-old son. Rebecca Bredow is ... continue reading

Obamacare repeal fails again! What happens next? Watch

Image of They ran on a promise to repeal Obamacare and to get something done, but nothing ever changes. Why do people keep electing them?

The latest attempt to repeal Obamacare has failed. The Graham-Cassidy bill failed overnight leaving Obamacare as the law of the land. It is ... continue reading

What is the world's most deadly disease? It might not be what you think Watch

Image of Hepatitis is a killer, and takes more lives than HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. It can be treated cured, but the political will to eradicate the disease is low.

Despite all the attention we give to diseases like HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis, it turns out viral hepatitis kills more people. The ... continue reading

One-in-five working-age American men cannot work because of opioid addiction Watch

Image of Opioids are destroying America's workforce.

A Princeton study reveals that 20 percent of American men have dropped out of the workforce because of opioid use. LOS ANGELES, CA ... continue reading

Americans are FATTER than ever, but here's the ONLY thing you can do to lose weight Watch

Image of Americans are eating more, eating worse, and exercising less.

Americans are fat, and getting fatter according to new research from the CDC. More than 20 percent of Americans in every state are obese, ... continue reading

Turning doctors into dealers: Drug company paid doctors to get their patients addicted to opioids Watch

Image of Insys has been accused of paying doctors to lie and prescribe opioids people don't need.

Arizona is suing a drug company for getting doctors to illegally prescribe powerful opioid painkillers. According to the lawsuit, the ... continue reading

From evil to good, an abortion clinic is converted to care for the uninsured Watch

Image of

Prayer. Sacrifice. Friendship. Charity. Could one Virginia community's work to put basic Gospel tenets into action be a model for the ... continue reading

Religious Liberty Advocate says female genital mutilation is not religious freedom Watch

Image of According to many, female genital mutilation is barbaric practice that serves no practical purpose.

While lawyers defending the practice of female genital mutilation claim that it is protected by religious freedom rights, one leading ... continue reading

Opioids are destroying America, and now we know why Watch

Image of Opioids are the gateway to heroin addiction for four-out-of-five heroin addicts.

A study performed at Harvard reveals the anatomy of America's massive opioid epidemic, and it is every bit as evil and insidious as one can ... continue reading

Stem cells: science prepares to take the first sip from the real fountain of youth Watch

Image of The fountain of youth is within the grasp of science, but so far, only for mice. Human trials come next year.

Doctors are close to discovering a real life fountain of youth that could theoretically enable patients to live forever. Advances in stem ... continue reading

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