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Year of Faith

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Whoever Does the Will of my Father in Heaven is My Brother and Sister and Mother Watch

Image of Mary and the child Jesus from the Passion of the Christ

"Who is my mother and who are my brothers?" Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the ... continue reading

Feast of St. James. Can you Drink the Chalice I am Going to Drink?

Image of The tradition tells us that after the Resurrection, James preached the Gospel in Spain. To this day, the pilgrimage path which bears his name is effecting conversion in the lives of many. He returned to Palestine in 44 AD and drank that chalice. He was the first Apostle to be martyred by order of the tyrant Herod Agrippa. The word martyr means witness. In both his life and his death, James was such a witness.

The mother of the sons of Zebedee approached Jesus with her sons and did him homage, wishing to ask him for something. He said to her, ... continue reading

Reflection on the Catholic Catechism: Searching for God in the World Watch

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In The Book of Wisdom, we read, "Foolish by nature were all who were in ignorance of God, and who from the good things seen did not succeed ... continue reading

Fr. Roger J. Landry: Remember, Jesus Is Still In the Boat

Image of The apostles were anxious in the boat because they were paying more attention to the waves and to the winds around them than to the presence of Jesus with in the boat. The same thing happens with us. We need to focus more on Christ than on our problems. This is the mark of a life of faith. Jesus turns to us in the midst of whatever hardship we are experiencing and says,

The problems that often confront the Church do not flow from the fact that has been asleep, but that we have been asleep. It's not that ... continue reading

TUESDAY HOMILY: Passing Over with Christ to a New Familial Reality Watch

Image of Jesus wants to lead us from an Egypt on old ways of looking at things to a new promised land. In the new family he has come to found by leading us through the sea of baptism, Jesus says that the constitutive element is faith. The bonds of faith flowing from the water of baptism is supposed to be thicker than any human blood

In this Year of Faith, Christ is leading us on a journey toward defining ourselves in relationship to him by how we attentively seek God's ... continue reading

Lectio Divina: Learning to Pray the Word and Fall in Love with the Living Word Watch

Image of Lectio Divina: Learning to Pray the Word and Fall in Love with the Living Word

The Bible is an invitation into an encounter with the living God for every Christian. Its words are not a formula to obtain success in ... continue reading

MONDAY HOMILY: Mary Magdalene, Meeting the Risen Lord Watch

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Mary Magdalene's personal encounter with the Jesus fortifies her, removes her doubt, and equips her to give witness to the Resurrection: "I ... continue reading

They Conspired Against Him: Confronting Pride Through Prayer Watch

Image of We can move from being men and women walking in the freedom of the truth which comes through living faith to becoming ones who had once believed in Him all too easily. All it takes is succumbing to sinful pride. We become spiritually blinded, lose our freedom and fail to recognize the Lord in our own lives. In fact, we can end up

As I reflected on the Gospel I was made mindful again of my proclivity to such fickle behavior. Without the grace of God, I can ... continue reading

SUNDAY HOMILY: The Happy Priest - The Importance of Contemplative Prayer Watch

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Contemplative prayer is essential for the times that we live in so that the gift of faith may be re-ignited and burn ever so ... continue reading

Dealing With Our Own Inner Pharisee

Image of Painting, Christ Before the High Priest. Gerrit van Honthorst (1590-1656)
I thought to myself,

We are invited to begin, and begin again, and again - every day - with fresh new grace.  Perhaps that is one of the lessons we ... continue reading

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