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The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ: What Does it Mean For Us Right Now? Watch

Image of The Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ: On that Mountain, Jesus revealed before mortal eyes the Transcendent Truth of who He is - and who Peter, James and John - and each one of us - will become in Him. They were invited to exercise their freedom and embrace the path that He had prepared.

The Transfiguration. Does it seem somewhat esoteric or perhaps a bit too theological? On this Feast Day we are invited to consider ... continue reading

TUESDAY HOMILY: Heeding God the Father's Command Watch

Image of The Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ: On this great feast day, we can ask the Lord to transfigure us and our lives so that we may be true antennas of the divine message, receiving God's signals and then re-broadcasting them out to a world that so desperately needs to hear them.

There are only three times that we hear God the Father speak in the New Testament. The first is at Jesus' baptism, when he declares that ... continue reading

MONDAY HOMILY: Giving Everything

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The apostles didn't hold anything in reserve for themselves.   They gave everything to the Lord, as he asked.  There was no ... continue reading

SUNDAY HOMILY: The Happy Priest - Our Journey to Eternity

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Life is like a bus ride.  We move forward with our bags packed, hoping that when the bus stops and the door opens, we will be at the ... continue reading

They Took Offense At Him: Courageous Christians Needed. Are We Willing to Lose Human Respect? Watch

Image of John would not back down concerning the truth about marriage. He faced a ruler who became outraged over that fact and turned the wrath of his worldly power against him. When John became aware that his life was in danger, he could have remained silent. But he knew, as we do, that the truths we proclaim are not just our

This was his first visit to Nazareth, his own hometown, after He began His public ministry. In the ordinariness of His Sacred ... continue reading

Treasures Old and New: Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Watch

Image of Today, we commemorate one of the treasures of the Church, a Bishop and Doctor of the Church, a master of Moral Theology. He lived a long life, dying at the ripe old age of 91. He lived during a time of real decline in the Church, and, as a result, the culture of Europe also declined. He died in the year 1787, near Naples, surrounded by sons in the faith. They were drawn to live radically for Jesus through his holy witness of life, his profound preaching, and his inspired writings on the Christian life. This treasure was St. Alphonsus Liguori, the founder of the Redemptorist community. He is particularly known for his deep love for Mary, the Mother of the Lord.

This image of God pitching his tent and filling it with his glory has been richly reflected upon in the Christian Tradition. It ... continue reading

Radical Discipleship: Sell All for the Kingdom, As St. Ignatius of Loyola Did Watch

Image of Today, we remember the founder of the Company or Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Ignatius of Loyola. He is the patron saint of soldiers and of retreatants. There is a connection. He was a soldier and the Spiritual Exercise which he left us have been used for hundreds of years to help men and women like us encounter Jesus Christ, on retreats, and in our daily lives. The disciplines they promote can help us to grow in holiness of life, no matter what our state in life, and equip us for service in the Army of the King, Jesus Christ.

Ignatius began to reflect at length about the Saints, their lives, their faith and their heroic virtue. He discovered that as he did that, ... continue reading

Growing Together with Christ, the Fruitful Fallen Grain of Wheat

Image of Next, alongside the seeds, there are also weeds. These are those under the sway of the evil one, who live by principles opposed or antithetical to the Gospel, whose evil scandalously causes others to imitate it. Some of these weeds may even be in the Church, since seeds and weeds grow up side by side.

Throughout the globe, Jesus sows good seed, which he defines as children of the kingdom, the true sons and daughters of his Father. Each of ... continue reading

Choosing both Martha and Mary: What is a Supernatural Outlook and How Do We Acquire It? Watch

Image of Jesus with Martha and Mary

What is the "one thing" that Martha lacks?  She does not yet possess that complete love of God, which leads to a loss of supernatural ... continue reading

SUNDAY HOMILY: The Happy Priest - The Awesome Gift of Faith Watch

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Many of our contemporaries do not feel that they need God and therefore, they do not have a firm trust in God.  Independence and ... continue reading

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