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Don't Miss the Voter Registration Deadline!

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People who are paying attention to the midterm elections know that Election Day is November 6th.


Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life - But an equally important date to remember is Tuesday, October 9th, because that is the deadline in many states for voter registration! For instance, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas have their deadlines on that day, among others.

And we cannot afford to have any citizens miss voting this year! Who can forget that memorable night of Election 2016, and the miracle God worked? Well, every voter who elected President Trump that day needs to come out and vote again, so that we can continue to make progress on the policies that motivated us the first time!

In the Vote for Life seminars Priests for Life has sponsored around the country and online during the past few months, Executive Director Janet Morana gave valuable tips and who can vote, and where they can vote.Anyone who will turn 18 by Nov. 6 " including that day " is eligible to register to vote. You do not have to be 18 to register, as long as you will be by Election Day.

Students who live away at college must figure out where their vote will do the most good. For instance, Florida residents away at schools in other states might want to consider voting by absentee ballot because Florida is historically a key state, and this year could see a Senate seat change hands from one party to the other.

If you have a family member or friend who is homebound, or residing in a nursing home or assisted living facility, do everything you can to get them registered to vote. If they are not computer savvy, you can help them register online.Anyone whose state allows early voting should take advantage of it, Mrs. Morana suggests.

"For one thing, on Election Day, if you have already voted, you will be available to drive friends and neighbors to the polls. Plus you don't know what could happen to prevent you from casting a ballot on Election Day itself. It could be snowing in Wyoming or Florida could be having a hurricane. You could wake up that morning with the flu and miss casting your vote.

At our voting seminars, Mrs. Morana also shared the story of her father, who, after suffering a disabling stroke at an early age, spent the last seven years of his life in a nursing home. He never missed voting and always did it early by absentee ballot. He passed away on Nov. 2, 2001, several days before Election Day. But his vote counted because he voted early by absentee ballot.

Something else to keep in mind is the need to re-register to vote under certain circumstances. Have you moved since the last election! Make sure you are registered in your new district! Has your name changed? If you have not voted in several years, it's possible that your name has been purged from the voting records, so you may need to register again. 
Go to, select your state, and check the regulations. But don't delay!

Finally, one of the tools you can use to register and to help others do so is the National Voter Registration Form.Our faith teaches us that voting is a moral obligation, and therefore, registering to vote is likewise morally necessary.

Let's make a difference in what is the most important midterm election we have faced!

For more information, visit, the election website of Priests for Life.

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