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The New Herods in FACE of it all

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This week (August 29) The Catholic Church celebrates for one particular saint -- John the Baptist -- the day of his birth as well as the day of his eternal birth, the horrific yet glorious death undertaken under the self-assumed yet cowardly Herod Antipas, who incidentally mockingly requested a later command performance miracle from the Son of God Himself, which he did not get. Herod was put on the spot after a bravura of pride and lustful display, for he reveled in his unlawful wife Herodias' daughter's dance that drove the inebriated tyrant monarch to lavish even up to half of the kingdom for whatever she wished. Herodias, seething at John the Baptist who told it like it was to their faces (Herod's unlawful marriage to his brother Philip's wife, the same Herodias), now had her chance to slaughter the imprisoned Baptizer. Enough of this illuminator of wicked conscience, of her and Herod, let's eliminate this nuisance. Let's not forget the silence of the invited guests in the face of this murder.

Herod Antipas is known for beheading John the Baptist.

Herod Antipas is known for beheading John the Baptist.


By Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA, PhD
9/1/2023 (1 year ago)

Published in Marriage & Family

Keywords: Pro-Life, Wilde, Herod, children, abortion

Two thousand years later, In the courtroom of Washington DC, Lauren Handy, was hauled off to jail for violating the FACE act and of conspiracy against "rights." The defendant, far from violently abusing anyone came to an abortion but rather in illuminating consciences of the violence that takes place in every single abortion performed at Planned Parenthood and elsewhere such as abortionist Caesare Santangelo's facility where Lauren and other pro-life witnesses "trespassed" in October 2020, Herod-like "justice" played out in that DC court, in the persecutive atmosphere of the Biden Department of Justice, towards the unborn and those standing up for them How criminalized? FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinical Entrance) has been preponderantly used against pro-life people witnessing and more rarely blocking entrances not to verified clinics, but to killing centers such as the above.

Herod rendered himself, he thought, above the law, both in the unlawful marriage and in the collusion of Herodias' seething scorn for John the Baptist's pricking her conscience. She would have his head instead. God's law of adultery as well as murder mattered little in such a tyrannical climate. Today God's real Law has gone awry in the likes of FACE, which ironically can be used, it is claimed, to defend legitimate life-SAVING passage of man or woman to a true life-saving health facility, as opposed to abortion killing facilities. However that is not the situation, generally adjoined to protesting the killing inside the abortion chambers, which the media and the courts do cartwheels to hush up, by, for example, disallowing the "necessity" clause in defense of life. The baby's of course, and even at times, the mother, in late term dilation and cutterage dissections. No John the Baptist talk allowed./div>

And so everything is reduced to the "right" of one to define who lives and who doesn't, at least in the case of the unborn, or n modern Herodian legal think terms: pro-choice Which leads to murder. These defendants humbly reminded the court that the violence does not take place on the outside of these killing centers. Neither John nor babies get a trial by jury before they are dispatched. It is inside these covert and deliberately media-covered over centers where the violence takes place. It is a violence that slaughters human beings and is lauded in courts as a "right" supposedly in some constitution somewhere. Roe's "penumbra", that imaginative design of former SCOTUS Justices to freeze a legal jello that hardened over 50 years, substituting God's law to not kill and evaporating "unalienable rights ... LIFE, liberty, pursuit of happiness" from America.

The present over-arching umbrella of the Bidenized Department of Justice wants to harden it further as did FACE. But the post-Roe, Dobbs decision puts legal codicils and imaginary "penumbras" back in the hands of the people, not just the court of no appeal, nor just the States. The question is whether the people rise to the occasion that arises for us or will we remain silent in the face (FACE) of Herod's disastrous cowardice and self-immunity from God's Law today. The answer plays out before the FACE of God in the final stretch forever. But even before that it can return us to God's protection where Zachary, in his ability to speak again, heralds his new-born John with profound hope: - and you my child .. shall be called the prophet of the Most High.. to give his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins." (Luke 1: 76-77). God bless these heroic witnesses to knowledge of saving and God's mercy on new Sprouts of humanity as well as their moms.

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