'God has a plan for us': Christian singer shares the most powerful pro-life message you'll ever hear!
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Christian recording artist, Matthew West has released a powerful pro-life song to encourage pregnant women "not to close the book on their unborn babies' lives."
Catholic Online (https://www.catholic.org)
1/20/2016 (9 years ago)
Published in Music
Keywords: Pro-Life, Pregnancy, Pregnant, abortion, Matthew West, Untold, Faith, love
LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - West found inspiration for his song titled, "Untold," from those who work every day to save the lives of the unborn.
"I found myself reflecting on these incredible organizations and so many other ministries who are truly unsung heroes in giving a voice to ALL of God's children," expressed West on his website dedicated to the song.
"God placed this song on my heart and I pray it will serve to honor and inspire ministries, churches, organizations, and individuals who courageously share hope and life-affirming options to all those in need, along with forgiveness and compassion for those who seek it."
The lyrics of "Untold" read:
I am God's miracle in the working.
Proof that all things can work for the good.
I'm fingers and toes,
And heaven already knows,
The name you pick out to me, already belongs to me.
West often encourages others to share their powerful stories of hardship and faith with him. Some of the stories West heard about abortion were displayed on his song's website for the world to read.
"It started with a long awaited positive pregnancy test - JOY! But that joy quickly faded at the very first ultrasound that revealed my baby's life and my own were in serious danger," expressed a woman named Stacey on West's site. "How do you choose between your baby's life and your own, when everyone is telling you that you have to make that choice?"
Stacey experienced something most mothers pray they never have to go through and she survived. Following her first ultrasound, doctors sent her to see maternal fetal medicine after something unusual was found in the ultrasound. Stacey had one healthy baby, alongside a molar pregnancy.
A molar pregnancy is when a fertilized egg's placenta develops into a mass of cysts. In normal circumstances a mother has a Dilation and curettage (D&C) to end the molar pregnancy. A D&C is a procedure where the cervix is dilated and the uterine lining is scraped out.
However, Stacey's case was not normal, since she also had a healthy baby in her uterus.
Abortion was recommended as Stacey's only option, but terminating her pregnancy to save her own life was not an option to her.
"Every single doctor's visit included a replay of the pain-staking conversation about all of the complications and risks of my baby not surviving, but also potentially losing my own life to the danger growing inside me."
At one point during Stacey's pregnancy, a lab test result came back showing she was in immediate danger and she needed a D&C right away.
"The doctor drew the same labs for a second time and, miraculously, my values went down substantially enough to make the D&C no longer necessary," explained Stacey, noting that her mom's prayer warriors were fighting back. "Prayers answered. Choosing life was still my choice."
Stacey made it to 24 weeks and 5 days before she chose to give birth to her daughter. "I wasn't sure what the outcome would be and I just prayed over and over 'God save me, God save my baby!'"
Elise Eliana was born at 1 lb. 9 oz and spent 5 months in the NICU. She overcame every single health concern presented to her. Stacey's molar pregnancy spread to her lungs, but she did not give up. She underwent chemo treatments and is alive today with her beautiful daughter.
"God has a plan for us; every life is sacred," expressed Stacey.
With his song, "Untold," West hopes to inspire and encourage other women to make the same choice that Stacey did. Even in the hardest and most unimaginable times, God has a plan for every life.
Matthew West - UNTOLD from Matthew West on Vimeo.
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