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Do these paintings show ancient aliens visited Earth? What does the Church say?

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The church has informally addressed this question.

The evidence is mounting that we are not alone in the universe and that we may have been, and could still be, regularly visited by intelligent, extraterrestrial beings. If this is true, then what implication does this have for the Catholic faith? 

NASA has been asked to take a look at some notable petroglyphs in India.

NASA has been asked to take a look at some notable petroglyphs in India.


By Marshall Connolly (Catholic Online)
Catholic Online (
2/15/2018 (6 years ago)

Published in Technology

Keywords: India, aliens, NASA, Catholic Church

LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) - The latest sensational news is that NASA has been asked to take a peek at a series of 10,000-year-old petroglyphs in India. The art, which has barely faded in 10,000 years, appears to show alien visitors from another world. 

It could also be showing ancient deities, or mythological figures, people dressed in costume or any number of other possibilities. It looks like aliens, but then, it just might not be.

NASA has not said if they will be sending someone to take a look, but it's unlikely. 

So what?

The topic of aliens visiting Earth is gaining traction because the body of evidence is growing. Perhaps the most compelling evidence was gathered in 2004 by the Department of Defense. Videos, as well as the results of an investigation by the Pentagon, reveal that the U.S. Navy experienced an encounter with something bizarre over the course of several weeks. The reports clearly explain that a fleet of ships, stationed off San Diego, California, while preparing for a routine deployment, tracked a series of fast-moving objects on radar. As soon as aircraft joined the fleet, pilots were dispatched to investigate the mysterious radar contacts. What they recorded appears to be a UFO, described as a flying "tic-tac" candy, with unusual properties. 

No skeptic has been able to convincingly refute the claim, but reasonably they have asked for more evidence before passing judgment. 

That evidence may be coming as the Department of Defense is expected to release more records and more video evidence later this year. No date has been specified. 

If aliens exist, then what does that mean for alien conspiracy theorists who attribute a multitude of ancient events to them? Some say the pyramids were built by aliens, or for them, or were at least built with knowledge acquired from them. The Nazca lines in Peru, as well as ancient structures, paintings, and more all around the world, suggest the presence of aliens. 

However, each of these stories, no matter how interesting, could be wrong. Humans likely built the pyramids themselves, and today we have a good idea of how. No aliens are required. 

What does the Church say about this? 

The Catholic Church has no official position, but several unofficial comments have been made to suggest it would not disrupt the faith. We cannot put creative limits on God, and if God wishes to fill the universe with life, created in His image or not, for whatever purpose He desires, we cannot object. The existence of aliens does not diminish our special place as the children of God, or our purpose, which is to become saints and to live eternally in communion with God. 

Wouldn't it be incredible to see that even the most advanced race of alien beings also believed and worshipped the same God as we? It's entirely plausible. 

Director of the Vatican Observatory, Jesuit brother Guy Consolmagno summed it up nicely when he was quoted by Aletia"I think we recognize that if they're from Alpha Centauri or from the next galaxy over, they're still God's creation. It's all God's creation! If we ever find intelligent life, we'll have an interesting dialogue about the nature of the incarnation."

Aletia added these notable quotes"Similarly, former director of the Observatory Father Jose Gabriel Funes wrote in L'Osservatore Romano, "I think there isn't (a contradiction). Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures over the earth, so there could be other beings, even intelligent (beings), created by God. This is not in contradiction with our faith, because we cannot establish limits to God's creative freedom. To say it with St. Francis, if we can consider some earthly creatures as 'brothers' or 'sisters,' why could we not speak of a 'brother alien'? He would also belong to the creation."
Pope Francis even commented on the possibility during a homily in 2014, saying, "If tomorrow, for example, an expedition of Martians arrives and some of them come to us ... and if one of them says: 'Me, I want to be baptized!', what would happen? ... Who are we to close doors?"
Aliens may exist. They may exist and be visiting Earth, and we may all see them in our lifetime. Or, we may find they exist but are far away. Or, they might not exist at all. None of it matters where the faith is concerned. Still, it is exciting to contemplate and to wonder. 

You decide.

You decide.

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