Are Elites Pushing a Same-Sex Agenda for Population Control?
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Are the global elite pushing a same-sex agenda as part of their plan for population control?

Who knows what is best for you and your family? A group of billionaires think they know better than you.
6/19/2023 (1 year ago)
Published in Marriage & Family
Keywords: Same-sex, agenda, great reset, billionaires, World Economic Forum
It's no secret that the world's wealthiest people enjoy a sense of noblisse oblige. That means they feel obligated to use their wealth and influence to shape the world for the better. The concept is medieval. It makes sense that those who enjoy the most power and influence have some responsibility to those around them. But there are problems with this, especially in the modern world where globalized economic, political, and social systems amplify their power and control.
The obvious problem is that wealthy people take interests in things for which they have little expertise. For example, Bill Gates, who made his fortune in computing, goes so far as to deliver TED Talks on diseases, vaccines, and population control. He's never been to medical school.
Another problem is that these persons also believe they know what is best for the world, and use their power and influence to promote it. For example, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum feels that we should "reset" the world's economic systems to build a sustainable future. Others have called for humanity to stop eating meat and start eating insects. George Soros infamously uses his wealth to promote social agendas. But what gives them the right to decide what is best for you and your family?
We do, when we listen to them and take their advice seriously.
Being wealthy does not confer expertise. Expertise comes from education and a lifetime of experience. However, wealthy people, like Bill Gates, like to cosplay as epidemiologists.
The idea of a rich person using their power and influence to "save the world," isn't new. Books like Ian Fleming's James Bond series and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, feature ultra-wealthy madmen who use their "good intentions" as an excuse to commit mass murder. Although these are fictional accounts, there are plenty of real-world examples of powerful people imposing their will on the world, in the name of virtue. Communist dictators like Lenin, and Stalin come to mind, along with fascists like Mussolini, and Hitler. In fact, these names are synonymous with virtue gone evil.
The problem is so ancient, the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, "The highest virtue is no virtue." In context, that was his way of saying, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." People with good intentions and the power to affect them are the bane of humanity.
In the present case, billionaires and their pet corporations are promoting the same-sex agenda. Just turn on the television in June to see all the same-sex couples engaged in everyday consumption to know which corporations support the same-sex agenda. And have a look at the tide of same-sex content on entertainment outlets. Some powerful people are pushing, because the content requires their permission and funding to air.
There are no smoking gun documents or statements that allow anyone to point directly to an organized, nefarious agenda. And of course not, the global elites are smarter than that. You do not show the axe to the chicken until the last moment after the chicken is in hand. However, that something is cooking is evident by the boiling pot and the smoke in the chimney.
With all the same-sex propaganda bandied about, not to mention the merchandise, the rainbow logos, and the legal changes of the past few decades around the world, it is no error to say something is happening.
The logic behind the agenda is that it fits with the "Great Reset" mentality. Specifically, same-sex couples cannot procreate between themselves, at least not naturally. For this reason, it is sensible to encourage such behavior as a means of reducing the rate of population growth. It's just one plank in a much larger agenda.
It is unclear if this agenda is successful in stemming population growth. The planet's population continues to increase, although in some nations the rising use of abortion, abortifacients, and contraceptives is having an impact. In more affluent nations, birth rates are in decline.
The problem with this agenda is that it is contrary to natural law, not to mention the law of God, who is the designer of nature. This is why the same-sex agenda and its promoters so vehemently attack the Church, and other traditional institutions. It is one of the last, and most important guardians.
This is also why the Church is under attack from within. Not only have thousands infiltrated the clergy to undermine the traditions of chastity, celibacy, and marriage, but they are also discouraging telling the truth to the faithful. It's "too controversial," they warn their priests and deacons. Perhaps they are worried about attendance, or the closely related collection plate. But what is more controversial than eternal damnation? Perhaps a member of the clergy who doesn't believe what God has so clearly said?
Ultimately, people will do what they choose. As the Catechism teaches, one radical possibility of freedom is sin. But to normalize and promote sin, which is scandal, is a tremendous evil. And when the world's powerful elites become the promoters, we as the faithful have a sacred duty to resist.
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