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The Good News Among the Bad

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In times of darkness, we sometimes forget the light.

In times like these, we ask: is there any good news among all the bad? 

Jesus loves all children, and takes them home by the hand.

Jesus loves all children, and takes them home by the hand.


By Marshall Connolly (Catholic Online)
5/26/2022 (2 years ago)

Published in Marriage & Family

Keywords: Jesus, God, problem, evil, darkness, good news, Gospel

LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) - As a Catholic and a catechist, I am aware that times like these are hard. Many see the darkness, and lose sight of the light. They have questions. Good, valid questions. "Why did God allow this to happen?" It's moments like these when the devil reaps his harvest. For the weary, it's too easy to lose hope. But please remember! There's good news among the bad. Even in the worst of circumstances, let us remember, the trough cannot overcome the wave. 

Let's talk about this. 

In our age of mass communication, a sick phenomenon rules. In the media they say, "If it bleeds, it leads." Scholars have a more pointed name for it, they call it "disaster pornography." Like the name suggests, the gratuitous nature of the content ensnares people. It's hard to look away and to resist. People begin to fixate and ruminate on the pain and suffering, on the disaster. The media loves these events, they mean lots of clicks and views. That means they make a lot of money. So, they rehash each disaster. Their reporters chase the tears, the wreckage, the blood. And unwary folks tune in and watch. They become addicted. After so much, they lose hope. They lose faith. They become vulnerable. 

This is how the devil works. The greater evil isn't the violence or the disaster. It's the quiet harvest that happens in the background. It's the viewer who can't handle the pain anymore and loses their faith in God. Victims of a tragedy may be dozens, even hundreds. But the victims of the devil among the bystanders can be multitudes. 

This is easy to see. Ask any person who lost their faith. Time and again, they will point out in anger some event, some evil or suffering that occurred. It's the devil's sharpest scythe. 

First, let us be clear. Tragedies happen, and there is no way to assuage the grief that comes of them. There are no reasonable words or deeds to make it better. The pain of the grief fades, but nothing more. The injury is permanent. 

But when this happens, we must guard against the devil. The devil whispers in our ears. "God allowed this." Anger follows. Then we turn from the only one who can save us, doubling the tragedy. 

God wants to save every person who lives. Can we not see this? 

Imagine a person on a ship who leans too far over the railing and falls into the sea. A good captain will stop the ship, throw a life preserver into the water, dispatch a lifeboat, and call the Coast Guard to come with a helicopter. 

God has done likewise! 

He gave us creation, His law, His Holy Word, and the prophets. He raised Israel, and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus gave us the Gospel and Sacred Tradition. He established the Church, sent the Apostles, and gives us grace in the Sacraments. He forgives our sins, and answers our prayers. He dispatches guardian angels to watch over us, and more. You cannot question God's sincere desire to save us. 

So, we know God has a plan to save all, especially children.  We know He saves their souls. In heaven, Jesus wipes away their tears. There is no more suffering, but joy. And in God's time, reunion. 

This is the promise of our faith. 

Remember, Jesus is God. And God cannot lie, make a mistake, or deceive. God has kept every promise made, and continues to the end of time, and beyond. 

We may weep for the tragedy, but let us not lose faith in the promises of God, the only promises that are unbreakable. 

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